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MODO Hockey

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Everything posted by MODO Hockey

  1. Give the win to Linus boys
  2. I've met you, you know. I KNOW you are handsome!
  3. That is no excuse, that excuse contains all teams and not just Sabres. If Eric was used correct, within a team that was coached correctly, he would have produced well enough. This is all about the coach, i will never bend for any other comment on this.
  4. And what is your take on that? give me your honest opinion. He was traded to make change u know. He has been hot last 4 seasons.
  5. You do that, maybe you would trade for Ralph Kreuger aswell? you sure was on fire when he was hired. Now look at you. No offense, but we just dont agree at any certain point when it comes to trading.
  6. Linus Jack Jeff Taylor Rasmus x 3 Tobias Dylan Henri Jake Colin Edit: And you?
  7. Probably not, he is not even responding to my messages now 😛
  8. He has to be Hasek tonight or we lose.
  9. Now, This might actually give us a chance to steal a point, bruv.
  10. I'm not specifically talking about core players. Key players, it doesnt have to be core players. A core player is Jack Eichle, a key player is Victor Olofsson. That is how i see it anyways.
  11. If your trying to sell a product and your missing key ingrediants its still gonna sell, just not as good as a good product would, eventually. My point is, i strongly believe that a 'perfect fit' as a coach is the only thing that can turn this team around, it's been a decade now without playoffs. Trading players back and forth for this team does not make the trick as for other teams, aslong as we dont find the once again 'perfect fit', that will stay here for more than 2 seasons and progress to be so successful that it eventually mindfu-ck the illusion of that "this team never will win anything" to the degree that people start to believe again. We still gonna keep trading key assets to this team, i'm sure. I just dont think its the way to approach this situation right now.
  12. Like we have last 10 seasons, and how did that work out, not so good yea? I do not agree with you at all. We just see this completly different.
  13. As long as you dont find a coach that is good enough for this team it doesnt matter what players u trade for does it. That is my point. I would not trade key players to this team.
  14. I guess so but that wasnt the point was it. Olofsson has shown to be the best powerplay weapon we've had in a decade, why would you trade that player if you had a team that was performing well?
  15. Olofsson on a team that is working properly is way better.
  16. Dont you think it's taking it to far by Kev saying dat, like he has been a leader of a broken team... Ralph broke him as much as rest of the team.
  17. What u boys saying? I rly dont get it. Over the last 4 seasons Eric has stood for 240 points before joining Sabres, he has ton of experiance and can for sure score atleast 20 goals a season easy if used right. He hasnt even missed a game, he is a pure professional player. We got a 3rd for him, its a steal for sure. I would be very glad if i got him dat cheap as a coach. He was used so wrong by idiot ralph. Never the less, what Kevin said is utterly pathetic and it pisses me off. Instead if beeing honest and saying "Eric staal did his best but was not a perfect fit for Sabres. We wish him the best and thank him for his service" He says dis.. its PATHETIC. Fu kev!
  18. Still people expect immidiate change, i read so many comments on facebook about this and it is utterly insane how stupid people really are. This is a group that has zero confidence, a group of players that accept losses because they are doomed what so ever and there lies the challange, the mental challange. A interim coach wont change that ofc, there is no way that is happening. I just hope they for once hit right looking over past 10 seasons, get lucky and find the right coach for these players. Look at biggest loser as a comparison, a group of people that has totally lost their faith in them self to make a big change and they need expert help to do so, some cant and some will but as a group they usually succeed with the right equipment. Same sh1t with this group of players, they need expert help. It is so so sad that we most likely will lose Jack, with the right coaching staff i still believe he would be the perfect fit for this team. But he obviously dont believe anymore, who does? not a single soul. It's been 10 seasons without playoff, this team need a miracle coach, for me that would be Rickard Gronborg This man is one of few that could possibly turn this mess around. To bad Pegulas didnt go with him instead of this tripple moron Ralph.
  19. Not his fault. Their souls are way to shattered to be restored this quick. I think last 10 games of this season will show.
  20. So be it, Ralph has destroyed this team. 2 years ago we were ready for big change and then they hire Ralph the useless to destroy the team so below rock bottom. Ofc its the players now, Ralph destroyed any confidence there was in this team. And they need a new coach, not someone that has been with them since start that also are broken. Interim coach isnt a good solution, it is a plan c.
  21. Haha. Well, my friend. You know me to well
  22. Some people, some people.. jesus christ. There is actually people that believe that just by fire the coach will make the team start winning again Why is this ? just becuase you realise that you need to lose weight doesnt make you ripped the day after does it. Ofc we needed to fire Ralph, worst coach i've ever watched in my adult life. 100 %. He has literally destroyed this team from top to bottom with his lame practices and crap system. But, This shi_t will take a long time to heal, and they gonna lose alot of more games this season. But there is light in the tunnel, this org somehow need to find a coach that can try and push some confidence into these lost souls and then do his best to maintain it until this season is over, then you do some radical changes from top to bottom and start over, once again. For the 11th time in a row.... It is the only way.
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