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Everything posted by Curt

  1. I disagree. Just because a child is over 21 doesn’t mean that a parent shouldn’t be a part of their adult life or do something to help them. It’s obvious that these young women are not out looking for spontaneous drunk hookups. That’s probably a good thing. I’ve been there and it certainly didn’t teach me anything about being an adult. Don’t get me wrong, a parent shouldn’t absolutely insist on doing something like this, or make their adult kid feel like they can’t go out on their own, but I don’t see this particular example as a destructive thing. I think a parent could definitely raise an independent, capable young adult and also pick them up from from the bar once in a while. Just my opinion.
  2. If the parent doesn’t mind, I don’t see an issue with this. I don’t see that as being an overbearing or smothering parent. That’s just family helping eachother. The daughter should feel lucky to have parents who are willing and able to do that. Definitely cheaper than Uber.
  3. This is the type of in depth evaluation that I returned to SabreSpace for.
  4. Probably because for much of 2020 and 2021 he played like doggy doo. He often looked like a very talented hockey player who didn’t have a clue how he was supposed to be playing out there. I chalk it up to him being 19-20 and the coaching staff giving him terrible direction. Everyone knows how he is supposed to be playing now.
  5. I mean, maybe, but under 10 for him would be a conscious decision on his part to happily “settle” for that as opposed to leveraging his open market value to maximize earnings. It could happen, and it would be awesome, but everyone needs to realize that it’s not really a reasonable expectation.
  6. I was just looking at this. Very high draft pick defensemen (maybe it shouldn’t matter, but it probably does for such a young player) who put up good but not great offensive numbers, such as Ekblad and Heiskanen, signed 8 yr deals off their ELC’s for a cap hit in the 10-10.5% range. I’d expect something like that for Power, which puts him in the area of $8.5. It’s also going to depend in part on what Power does over the next 12 months though. But I also think that $9.75M for Dahlin is wishful thinking. That would be a sweetheart deal. I feel $10.5M+ is a more realistic expectation.
  7. For a 7-8 year deal, I would expect something in the $10-11M range. A realistic argument could possibly be made that he “deserves” to be the highest paid D in the league at $12M, based on the number of RFA years he has left, his age, and his expected play over the next 7-8 years, but I don’t think he will push for that. If he signs a 7-8 year deal for anything under $10M, it’s a huge favor to the organization, and we should love him for it. I think he will sign a 7-8 year deal this offseason. I’m currently projecting it at $11M AAV.
  8. It’s about length of the contract. If Cozens had signed a 2-4 yr bridge he would have been a lot closer to that 80-90th C money. Even still, after a 65+ point season at age 21-22, a 2-4 deal for Cozens still would have probably been in the $5M+ AAV. After this breakout season, he was not going to sign for bottom 6 C money. Also, Cozens is a young improving player, you can’t really expect him to sign a contract for what he was his first two seasons. Especially since he has played WELL above that level this season. These guys, agents and GM’s both, are negotiating contracts based upon what a player is projected to be over the life of the contract, not based directly on what they have done in the past. Also also, just fyi, when Cozens’ contract kicks in next season, Mackinnon will be making $12.6M AAV ($16.5M real salary). Reinhart is on a short contract, which makes a huge difference. Malkin is on a shorter contract with lots of age decline predicted. You can’t just look at short contracts or contracts signed 5 years ago, or 11 years ago in Stall’s case, and compare them directly to a contract that will start in the 2023-24 season. The circumstances of the player/contract make a world of difference in the final $ figure.
  9. Thanks for the concern gentlemen. All is well. I just took a little break. Hope you’ve been well in my absence. @Doohickie, PM me about that double reverse ignore feature!
  10. I’ll basically say the same thing here that I said when Thompson was signed. It’s something of a risk (though I think this is less of a risk) but this is how you end up with bargain contracts in the NHL. If Cozens can consistently be around a 55 point guy, and continue to round out his 200 ft game, then this is a solid value contract. If he can give more offensively, it becomes a great deal. I believe.
  11. Great deal. I love it.
  12. I don’t think there are any more players in the all star game now than in years past.
  13. You must ***** hate SabreSpace. Lol
  14. I’m not understanding your meaning. Are you saying that too many players are selected, or are you saying that they aren’t selecting the correct players?
  15. Extremely happy for Thompson. He definitely deserves it, but this who thing seems like it’s going to be really poorly executed. How many players are going to be in each team?
  16. Jay Boumeester required a defibrillator on the bench a few years ago. He eventually decided to retire as a result of the underlying condition.
  17. They were performing CPR, so his heart likely had stopped. Hopefully they got him stabilized. Me either. Very concerning.
  18. This is terrible. I hope that they got him stabilized and he ends up being ok. My guess would be a heart issue of some kind.
  19. Yeah, I agree with a lot of this. Last season I feel that they did come together as a group and show a lot of solidarity and push back. That has continued and improved this season. The defensive play consistently has definitely improved. I think it was already improving towards the end of last season, but it wasn’t consistent. It’s really taken a step up in the past ~15 games. I agree that Granato and staff deserve a lot of credit. I believe that he is really teaching these guys, improving the details as they progress as a team. And, yeah, Cozens is a revelation.
  20. In what ways is it different? I think it’s pretty close to the same, but I’m legitimately interested in what you think they are doing that’s a lot different..
  21. A big difference between Mittelstadt and basically all of those other guys you listed is that they actually produced most or all of their offense at 5 on 5. Only a couple of them have any PP usage at all and most of them have double Mittelstadt’s ES production.
  22. Just realized how bad the storm is in western NY. Stay safe everyone.
  23. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! Enjoy yourselves and time with loved ones.
  24. My theory would be that it’s because the Sabres generate a lot of their chances off the rush. And shots/chances off the rush have a higher shooting percentage.
  25. NHL front office analytics teams do not use the simple xG statistics that are available publicly. They create more sophisticated and targeted metrics to evaluate players/teams. If anyone is using xG as their singular tool for evaluating players/teams, they are not going to come to very accurate conclusions. It can be useful, but it’s not the ultimate statistical measuring stick.
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