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Everything posted by Curt

  1. Regarding Terry’s quotes here: he is expressing his opinion. You could disagree with that opinion. You could call that opinion misguided. However, it’s not an inherently morally reprehensible opinion/comment. It’s nothing like the quote being attributed to him in Trotter’s recent lawsuit.
  2. Just to add another data point (since it seems all we have to go off of here is individual memories), I don’t personally remember TP saying anything that got him in trouble during the height of BLM protests a few years ago. Similar to you, it wouldn’t really surprise me though.
  3. Regarding Peters: Not entirely true, but he is certainly hit and miss. I think when he hears something from someone he knows, he just puts it out there. I don’t think he really cares if he is right.
  4. I have absolutely no doubt that a relegation system could work well. All I’m saying is that I believe there is essentially zero appetite for it from anyone associated with the NHL. Fans, owners, commissioner, no one is going to push for it.
  5. I’m not against the idea, but it 99.9% won’t happen because I don’t think there is any appetite for it. No fan of a team wants to see their team relegated, and no owners are going to vote to approve a system that might see their team relegated.
  6. What is the reason?
  7. Of course it’s true that adding teams would dilute the league. I don’t necessarily think that diluting the league is going to have a terribly negative effect on the product though. It may even have a positive effect in terms of scoring increasing.
  8. @qwksndmonster, I thought it was a pretty clear line of thought. It was really a jest though. I have no idea if you deserve to be sued or not.
  9. What is the truth that you are referring to that Trotter is putting out there? Is it true that someone told him that Terry Pegula said something kinda inappropriate at a dinner party 2 years prior? Ok, MAYBE that’s true, but was the person who told Trotter that being 100% honest and correct about it? We don’t know. I don’t know Terry Pegula personally, but from a far he seems to be a bit of a blathering idiot whose foot fits perfectly in his mouth. He seems to have a knack for speaking in a thoughtless and tone deaf manner. It wouldn’t surprise me if he went to Africa or some ***** back in 2018 and was blathering to everyone for months after about “wow, people complain about stuff over here, they should go try living there…”. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that Terry has hate in his heart for people of another race.
  10. Haha, ok, if you like. From my point of view, a bit larger sample size should be used to evaluate a player. Sure, he sucked in week one, but that doesn’t mean he overall sucks as a player.
  11. Yeah, AI is going to be a wild ride. Whether it is helpful or harmful is really going to depend on its implementation, just like any other technology. Not exactly what I was referring to by postmodernism though. Postmodernism is a philosophy that (in general, I’m no expert) says something to the effect that everyone has their own individual reality, and that the reality and truths accepted by society at large are just social constructs that are used to oppress/control people. At least that’s the general gist of it. It’s generally in favor of breaking down societal norms in favor of greater personal freedom for individuals. I guess the reason that I found the idea so interesting to begin with is that I was aware that some of this “norm breaking” is happening in a real way in our society, but I wasn’t really aware of the philosophical movement behind it. When I started examining it, it was interesting how it fleshed out a lot of the current trends in our society and how they connect to eachother. It was just a bit of an enlightening familiarizing myself with these ideas, and it made some of the things happening in society right now make a little bit more sense. I was wonder if anyone else here had explored, or was interested in exploring, these ideas.
  12. Who are your top-10 QBs? You put Geno Smith, Jared Goff, Kirk Cousins above Allen? If you want to say that he is in the 5-10 range, fine, but it’s tough to put him outside the top-10.
  13. My take away as someone who watched a bunch of football this weekend but isn’t a Bills fan: Yeah, Bills offense stunk and Allen played poorly. But if you watched other teams this weekend, a bunch of offenses looked discombobulated and much worse than expected this week. I’d say it’s mostly a week one issue. Hold the vitriol until after week 2 or 3.
  14. Then the Sabres will be paying even more and a bridge deal was a mistake.
  15. This thread’s life force has been sustained only by people coming in here to make jokes about “is it signed yet?”. It’s not like people are coming in here everyday to continuously insist that the contract is done. It’s people coming in here every day to make jokes.
  16. This just doesn’t matter. Thompson signed his contract after one good season. Last season is irrelevant to his contract. It was already signed. It’s cool that it looks like his contract will be a bargain, but it does mot make a difference in relation to other players’ contracts. Is it reasonable to say that because Thompson is out performing his deal, Dahlin’s contract should be lower than market value? I don’t think it is. Thompson’s contract is great value for the team. That doesn’t change what is fair market value for Dahlin.
  17. I missed Granato critizing his physical fitness. Do you happen to know where I could see/read this? Greenway’s shoulder was an issue for the whole season. He had surgery last offseason and returned in October, but immediately re-agrivated it. It was never right last season.
  18. Fitness (as in an inability to be be in proper shape) wasn’t an issue. His issue was that he was recovering from a shoulder injury.
  19. You are very tough to have a conversation with when you get on about something. You just kind of spout the same response regardless of what someone actually says to you.
  20. You are not really listening to what I’m saying. I’m not debating with you about what is the correct approach for the Sabres. I’m only saying that by characterizing Perrault’s stance as revisionist, you are very wrong.
  21. This isn’t a purely political thought, but it does touch on many political areas. I am wondering if anyone here has opinions on the post modern ideas/influences that have taken hold in a lot of areas of life in recent years? I’ve recently become interested in exploring these ideas from a philosophical and practical standpoint. It’s been incredibly interesting for me personally, and it’s really connected some dots in my mind. Just curious if anyone else is interested in discussing such things.
  22. Well, honestly not sure if Johnson is good at this point, but yes, and Perrault was happy about the Clifton addition. Still, kind of pales in comparison to what NJ has done. They have brought in Dougie Hamilton, John Marino, Palat, Toffoli, and Meier over the past couple years. I think Perreault would like to see moves like that. Me complaint was with you saying that his criticisms were post mortem. Only complaining that Sabres should have done more after the season was finished and they missed the playoffs. It’s not true. He has been calling for the Sabres too bring in more good veterans for quite a while.
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