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Everything posted by StuckinFL

  1. 100% This game could be looking much different if their GT was looking mediocre.
  2. Any news on Casey's play?
  3. My thoughts exactly
  4. He's a dead man walking unless he pulls out a miracle before the trade deadline. Let's hope he gets fired so that we don't have to go through another 'evaluation year'
  5. The problem is the roster, not the coach. I remember an interview with Ryan Miller where he spoke that he listened and followed Ruff and took the criticism because he was afraid of Ruff benching him. This was during his Venzia winning season I believe and he was still afraid Ruff would bench him. If you have a few talented bad apples on the top lines but have absolutely no way to bench them because the team is so barren of talent, how can you hold these kids accountable? And remembering that they are just that, kids. They're young and there is no way to hold them accountable.
  6. Apparently I was wrong, the flu kills between 290,000 to 650,000 worldwide per year. The 12k to 61k was just in the US. The thing is though that it had a mortality rate in the US (which means first world medical care) of 0.13%. So a death rate of 2% is nothing to shake a stick at, but it's important to keep perspective. This is why organizations like the WHO and the CDC exist.
  7. Thousands dead fits in with the 2% mortality rate given the numbers of infected they were giving in the video. That being said the official numbers are only 425 Chinese deaths so far with an increase of full recoveries which backs up it's rather low mortality rate. SARS had a fatality rate of 9.6% but was contained with only 349 deaths in China. The flu kills between 12,000 to 61,000 annually to give you some perspective.
  8. You can't. HCRK hasn't been given enough time behind the bench to promote higher. While it would be a good move in a vacuum, given how many HCs this team has gone through you can't make that move right now.
  9. It's just a bad as the Phantom Menace but for totally different reasons. The film is just a pacing nightmare with plot holes galore that spends it's entire run reconning TLJ and even reconning itself. The only points that were worthy of praise were the score, Frick, and Adam Driver's performance. He killed it.
  10. I've been saying this forever. Ullmark still has the potential to be a great goalie. We'll probably know what his ceiling is by the end of next year.
  11. I've checked out. One of the only things my father and I bond over is hockey. I'm visiting them for the holidays and he asked if I wanted to watch the game last night with him and I just said 'What's the point? You know how it'll end." and he nodded and we just went our separate ways for the evening. I have never turned down watching a game with him. But I didn't even regret it. After all, what's the point?
  12. I wanted so badly for that doubt I had at the beginning of the season to be wrong. I sincerely hope they pull it together soon. The team expects to lose and are overthinking everything. I don't know if they can pull out of this again.
  13. I agree. They seem to immediately lose composure and play on their heels when a team has an aggressive forecheck. Time will tell if they can break that habit or of it'll be their downfall this year.
  14. I always hate Florida games. They tend to be the team we look worst playing. Hopefully the boys can change that tonight.
  15. I wonder if this partially due to teams being especially aware of him on the ice and him not having the experience yet with how to work around that. I know for one that if I was an NHL head coach I'd have a game plan to protect primarily against Skinner, Dahlin, and Eichel. He's only 19 and this along with his being susceptible to taking penalties and prone to being caught up in the emotion of the moment are his two biggest areas in need of improvement. I've been noticing that he seems to take alot of physical attention lately in the form of checks and just being hounded in general. I wonder if it's causing him to be less patient...
  16. Hutton has not played well tonight. I honestly was more impressed with Ulmark on Monday.
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