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Everything posted by StuckinFL

  1. I think the thing to remember with Granato is that when a coach takes over during the season they tweak and improve the previous coach's system to work better rather than starting from scratch with their own. It's in this exact scenario that DDB won a Stanley Cup. And then we saw what happens when he created his own system in both Pittsburgh and here.
  2. The man has stated publicly without hesitation that he'll waive his NTC to get out of here ASAP after he's done zero to elevate or help this team. In what world do you think you're not gonna have to overpay to keep him? His play has been awful, his grit and mental toughness is nonexistent, and he's trying to bail rather than be part of the solution. The fact that he has talent and continues to phone in almost every game as soon as he hit adversity means he's a bum. That is not a person you want in the room when you're trying to claw your way out of the darkness.
  3. No, but you're probably the kinda guy that signs players like Skinner to $9M per with no thought on team identity or culture, huh? He's not hesitating to waive his NTC to get out of here. He's done nothing here to even give a glimmer of hope he fits with or can help elevate this team. And you wanna try to sign someone who doesn't wanna be here? The amount you'd have to overpay for this BUM is laughable.
  4. I don't want him in a Sabres jersey for another game, let alone another year. He's a bum and I want his stink away from this team ASAP.
  5. I'd rather have Sobotka on this team than Hall. I've never hated a player like I hate him.
  6. Take what you can get. It'll be addition by subtraction. If you can get gritty hard working 3rd/4th liners for him, pull the trigger immediately. I don't care how much salary has to be retained. Get him off this team.
  7. It's the Buffalo way
  8. Figures. Why did I let myself feel hope?
  9. This would almost be a dream come true but I have to say after 10 years I'm hesitant to believe it. How many times have we been given hope that this ship is turning around only to have those hopes be dashed upon the rocks.
  10. Pinch me, did I just see a decent PK from the Sabres?
  11. Agreed. Just as long as it doesn't cost us a goal.
  12. How can a roster this talented be this bad? It's mind boggling.
  13. Just turned the game on. What a shift!
  14. One of my favorite players of the era for that exact reason. And the exact type of player that is woefully missing from this lineup.
  15. You know who I miss? Kaleta. Say what you want about him, but he would have given us at least a moment or 2 of entertainment and riled up the team.
  16. Surprise, surprise, when you actually hustle and move you can score a goal...
  17. This is such an absolutely painful game to watch. How can the Sabres be this bad with adding Staal and Hall? Absolutely zero hustle.
  18. I live in Pensacola and Hurricane Sally just devastated the area. Luckily I just had a bit of tree, roof, and fence damage, but the house is fine. But holy hell, the places that have power are PACKED. We're gonna have an explosion of cases because people weren't super vigilant before and honestly, no one is thinking about Covid right now here. It's scary.
  19. Listening to it now. Staal does not sound happy to me.
  20. I just wanna call you out for a second. The ability to be reflective of your own behavior and evaluate it and then admit that you were wrong without excuses is a rare and very amazing thing that should be cultivated and admired. The instinct to stick to your guns no matter what, even if you know you're in the wrong is far too prevalent in our society. The world would be a better place if more people had your humility and self reflection. Thank you for being one of the good guys.
  21. I'm a hairstylist in FL. My salon hasn't opened up yet, but it probably will in the next 2 weeks. I have never been more afraid than when I go back to work. Even with both client and stylist wearing masks it's incredibly dangerous to be within 6 ft of someone, especially for a prolonged period of time. You know it's bad when nurses are telling you that they're praying for you. What makes me doubly afraid is the fact that the hotels here are almost filled with 100% compacity too.
  22. Who keeps feeding the troll? The minute they said the ROR deal was good we should have all just laughed and stopped paying attention.
  23. My company just informed us today that they'd be suspending my position for the next 2 weeks minimum and that I could take time off, come in and work retail at a lower amount or use vacation time. As much as I wanna just self quarantine I think I'm gonna go in. The economic effects are scary for all of this but I understand the idea of flattening the curve to keep our under-prepared healthcare system from becoming like Milan where doctors basically have to choose who lives and dies. I ordered a bunch of books for the inevitable total shutdown. I sincerely hope they suspend mortgage payments for 2 months to give families a bit of relief economically.
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