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  1. Billy Joel was just in town. Everyone raved at his performance. I regret not going. Tickets were cheap as hell if you waited last minute. Never buy early, though. Buy day of.
  2. curious if it will be half full of sabres fans like it was last year. either way, i'll be there.
  3. I never posted the winter is coming 2016 edition on TBD TSW... I can usually predict weather with farmers almanacs, persimmons, foggy Augusts, standing water, wooly worms and iron wood. Its gonna be wet up north. Cold in Midwest, but most elsewhere. Here innthe Carolinas from the old Dominion to the mid coast it'll be a mix of all things. The fog was plentiful. But the persimmons had knives in them. The iron wood half floats and wooly worms were all over the place. The farmers almanac seems spot on this farm in It was 20° Saturday morning. Tomorrow it'll be 70°...
  4. BIL does this every year, Ink. Number your boards & build a snow berm if you can. Or do like he did and incorporate the ice in to your landscaping
  5. Disappointing the game is 15 minutes from me but the girl has a damn Christmas party. If anyone needs pointers on where to go down here let me know. Buffalo brothers is a local Buffalo bar
  6. Well, might as well make this my first post. That will not work at this point due to a possible suspension.
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