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NZ Sabres Fan

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  1. HaHa, Classic! :w00t:
  2. You really can't argue with this. GMTM got rid of a LOT of assets and yet we find ourselves with a soft team. Robviously, on 23 Dec 2016 - 4:45 PM, said: The team was loaddd with assets when he got here. He's traded away a ton and all we have to show for it is a slow team with a weak defense. Without Eichel, we're still a bottom 5 team.
  3. It's a beautiful early-summer day down here in New Zealand. Sunny, sea breezes and in the mid-70's.
  4. Yeah, I'm a transplant originally from around Rochester and moved to NZ about 12 years ago with the wife and kids. (Also lived in Colorado and WA State.) Ice hockey is non-existent down here. Heck, men play field hockey! That said, there are a couple other northern transplants that I can talk hockey with. "The other sides view"? Well, people are just gobsmacked that someone like Trump could garner the support of so many people. In short, people simply think Americans have lost their minds. I tend to agree. This may be the first time in my life where I decide not to vote at all.
  5. For those wondering... We have a multi-party system down here in New Zealand which has been working out really well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_system_of_New_Zealand http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/politics/fpp-to-mmp
  6. I agree 100% We're treading on a very slippery slope here.
  7. A couple from the Kaikoura coast
  8. All I was meaning was that adventure bikes and dual-sport bikes are great, but for the road riding that I do, I would much prefer a sport-tourer like my Tiger. Here's one from last years Port Nelson street races.
  9. Yeah, adventure bikes are very tempting by letting you get off-road, but I'd really miss the performance of a street bike.The older 955 Tigers (pre-2007) were dual sport bikes, but my 1050 was really built of the road. The conditions here on the South Island are fantastic. Nothing but twisty scenic roads. The 1050 Tigers are great for sport-touring with the saddlebags on and rips without them. I'll dig up some of my other photos. Great idea for a thread topic. Let's go Buffalo!
  10. Nope.That's my 1050 Triumph Tiger. Awesome bike for our riding conditions down here.
  11. Here's a couple pictures from a recent ride down south.
  12. Great idea for a thread. Unfortunately, I'm struggling on how to post pictures on this forum. I have Flickr and other accounts. I've tried to use them, but it doesn't seem to work. Any suggestions?
  13. Here we go! Let's go buffalo!
  14. G'day guys, Any chance I could watch this game online somewhere? Let's go Buffalo!!
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