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The Dominator

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Everything posted by The Dominator

  1. I’ll be seeing The Killers on Monday as well, can’t wait!!
  2. Normally it’s a jersey foul to combine a player and a jersey from two separate eras. But the NHL is archaic when it comes to selling throwback jerseys so this might be my only chance to get a Jay McKee jersey. It looks like the design will be close to 1:1 although the Adidas logo will be a dead giveaway it’s not from the original era. So, is this a jersey foul or no?
  3. Love the pace of play tonight. Definitely entertaining. Just need to get more chances on offense and the goals will come
  4. I personally need some sort of sound or else my ears fill the void themselves. Whenever I try to go to bed in a completely silent room, my ears start ringing which makes it impossible to fall asleep. Something as simple as a low hum of a fan on will do the trick now that I've cut cable and don't fall asleep with the tv on. As for light, I can sleep with a small amount of light leaking in from outside or in a pitch black room. My only issue with the pitch black room is sometimes when I wake up at night I'm in a lucid state and think I'm seeing things that aren't there (there have been some weird ones). So preferably I normally leave one of my window shades opened slightly, that way if I wake up at night there's enough brightness in the room to get my bearings.
  5. I think it's safe to lock in the line combos of Sheary/Eichel and Skinner/Mitts. Both lines are looking much more cohesive now
  6. Interesting, I was under the impression I would need to be. We aren't at that point yet to think seriously about it but I'll have to do my research.
  7. I is me.
  8. Does Vontae Davis retiring at halftime say more about him as a person or more about the decision makers who brought him in? I'm inclined to think it says more about Vontae, but I read a good back and forth on Twitter so I'm trying to figure out how much weight to put on each side.
  9. I was born into a Catholic family and was Baptized as a Catholic. As I grew older, I had my reservations about the Church. As more light has been shed on the Church in the recent past, it's been enough for me to decide that I will not be confirmed. I can't, in good conscience, be confirmed as a Catholic. I believe my relationship with the man upstairs is a good one and doesn't need to be potentially tarnished by such an organization. I know my girlfriend's parents would want us married in the church, which would require me to be confirmed. I can't do it. I'm not perfect, but I believe supporting an organization with such a disgusting past (and present) won't do me any good.
  10. Overall, the best way I know how to sum up this game is that I broke out the liquor bottle before 2:00...
  11. Last year was my first year playing fantasy hockey. Played a public league on Yahoo and finished 3rd. If there ends up being a spot open in the blue league I'd be interested in joining!
  12. After watching the video in it's entirety, I think with the language barrier he was saying that he doesn't think of himself as a fourth-liner and therefore believes he won't be on that line. Only reason I think this is because the rest of his answers to the questions were pretty mellow and ho-hum.
  13. Yeah I was not happy at all that day. But overall going from Kane (who wasn't going to be re-signed) to Skinner plus a 1st round pick is a win all day.
  14. Just to add to your point... For Kane the Sabres received a 2019 first-round pick, a conditional fourth-round pick in 2020 plus Daniel O’Regan. Sabres then flipped forward Cliff Pu, a second-round pick in 2019, and third- and sixth-round picks in 2020 for Skinner. So overall, Sabres went from Kane and picks in the 2nd+3rd+6th for Skinner and picks in the 1st+4th and flipped Pu for O'Reagan.
  15. Gotcha, good to know. I’m glad I didn’t drop $60 on a game that wouldn’t run properly. Thank you!
  16. Alright, hopefully there's at least one PC gamer here who can help me out... This year Madden is coming back to the PC. I don't have a PS4 or Xbox One, so I was hoping my laptop would be able to run Madden. I could just buy a controller for it and not need to buy a system. Only issue is that I ran a test to see if my laptop would stand up to minimum requirements, and this is where I get confused... I have a GeForce GT 635M video card. The minimum video card listed is GeForce GTX 660. BUT, I meet all the required minimum attributes of the video card which are: Pixel Shader 5.0 (5.0 minimum) Vertex Shader 5.0 (5.0 minimum) Dedicated Video RAM 2.048 GB (2.0 GB minimum) Everything other spec I pass the minimum requirements. I have an Intel Core i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHz, 8.0 GB RAM, and over 800 GB of disk space. So even though my video card is "too old" all the minimum attributes of the card are met with mine. Does anyone know if I'll be able to run Madden?
  17. Thank you for the perspective, LTS
  18. My feelings as well. As someone who was born during the super bowl years, I can only go off of other fans' sentiments about Jimbo the player/young man. But what always strikes me about the older Jim is his inclusion of Hunter in virtually every public comment of his, even when the topic has no direct relation to Hunter. I find it unfair to judge him from such a distance, but either: 1. Jimbo has hidden behind religion as a way to cope/deal with his past (which is a feeling I've had about him in the past). I don't want to turn this into a topic that shouldn't be discussed, but his speech was full of religious comments. OR 2. He has taken his lumps and everything that life has thrown at him and has truly changed through circumstance. I tend to try and find the good in people so I would like to think that #2 is where Jim is at in life at the moment.
  19. I think that's generally fair. I think the role of authority is to ensure no one is interfering with another person's personal freedom. I agree with your point about drinking and drug use, but I don't diverge in regards to drinking and driving simply for the fact that a drunk driver is potentially interfering with another person's freedom to drive and operate a vehicle in a safe manner.
  20. Sabel, looking at your chart, your point is further south than mine is. Which means your views are closer to Libertarian than mine are! ? Want to walk back any of those comments about child cage fights or nah? Dark, I remember we had a few good conversations in the old political thread about some of these topics. You probably don't remember because there were a ton of conversations and you post a lot more than me. But my libertarian views are weighed way more towards the social side of issues
  21. Agreed completely. Friedman and McKenzie are as solid as they come.
  22. Man, there were two journalists who reported the trade was done and being called in. What a quick high followed by a low. The two sides must be close I would imagine
  23. Karlsson trade is finalized according to Shawn Simpson
  24. Not surprised at all by this... Basically my views boil down to libertarian freedom being ideal as long as your freedom doesn't inhibit someone else's. Therefore some safety net regulation must be in place in order to limit corruption and ensure citizens have a fair chance at life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
  25. I took advantage of their 50% off deal for college students (I've been out of college for a while now but as long as you have a .edu email it will take the discount) and it has been worth every penny so far. I wasn't sure how much content they were going to produce just starting up in Buffalo, but even if it was just for the Buffalo related articles I would say it's worth the price of admission.
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