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The Dominator

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    Buffalo, NY

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Fourth Liner

Fourth Liner (3/8)



  1. I’ll be seeing The Killers on Monday as well, can’t wait!!
  2. Normally it’s a jersey foul to combine a player and a jersey from two separate eras. But the NHL is archaic when it comes to selling throwback jerseys so this might be my only chance to get a Jay McKee jersey. It looks like the design will be close to 1:1 although the Adidas logo will be a dead giveaway it’s not from the original era. So, is this a jersey foul or no?
  3. Love the pace of play tonight. Definitely entertaining. Just need to get more chances on offense and the goals will come
  4. I personally need some sort of sound or else my ears fill the void themselves. Whenever I try to go to bed in a completely silent room, my ears start ringing which makes it impossible to fall asleep. Something as simple as a low hum of a fan on will do the trick now that I've cut cable and don't fall asleep with the tv on. As for light, I can sleep with a small amount of light leaking in from outside or in a pitch black room. My only issue with the pitch black room is sometimes when I wake up at night I'm in a lucid state and think I'm seeing things that aren't there (there have been some weird ones). So preferably I normally leave one of my window shades opened slightly, that way if I wake up at night there's enough brightness in the room to get my bearings.
  5. I think it's safe to lock in the line combos of Sheary/Eichel and Skinner/Mitts. Both lines are looking much more cohesive now
  6. Interesting, I was under the impression I would need to be. We aren't at that point yet to think seriously about it but I'll have to do my research.
  7. I is me.
  8. Does Vontae Davis retiring at halftime say more about him as a person or more about the decision makers who brought him in? I'm inclined to think it says more about Vontae, but I read a good back and forth on Twitter so I'm trying to figure out how much weight to put on each side.
  9. I was born into a Catholic family and was Baptized as a Catholic. As I grew older, I had my reservations about the Church. As more light has been shed on the Church in the recent past, it's been enough for me to decide that I will not be confirmed. I can't, in good conscience, be confirmed as a Catholic. I believe my relationship with the man upstairs is a good one and doesn't need to be potentially tarnished by such an organization. I know my girlfriend's parents would want us married in the church, which would require me to be confirmed. I can't do it. I'm not perfect, but I believe supporting an organization with such a disgusting past (and present) won't do me any good.
  10. Overall, the best way I know how to sum up this game is that I broke out the liquor bottle before 2:00...
  11. Last year was my first year playing fantasy hockey. Played a public league on Yahoo and finished 3rd. If there ends up being a spot open in the blue league I'd be interested in joining!
  12. After watching the video in it's entirety, I think with the language barrier he was saying that he doesn't think of himself as a fourth-liner and therefore believes he won't be on that line. Only reason I think this is because the rest of his answers to the questions were pretty mellow and ho-hum.
  13. Yeah I was not happy at all that day. But overall going from Kane (who wasn't going to be re-signed) to Skinner plus a 1st round pick is a win all day.
  14. Just to add to your point... For Kane the Sabres received a 2019 first-round pick, a conditional fourth-round pick in 2020 plus Daniel O’Regan. Sabres then flipped forward Cliff Pu, a second-round pick in 2019, and third- and sixth-round picks in 2020 for Skinner. So overall, Sabres went from Kane and picks in the 2nd+3rd+6th for Skinner and picks in the 1st+4th and flipped Pu for O'Reagan.
  15. Gotcha, good to know. I’m glad I didn’t drop $60 on a game that wouldn’t run properly. Thank you!
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