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Everything posted by musichunch

  1. Yes it did. Two amazing plays in one drive.
  2. Here's an interesting article written about a month ago about Trump. They took it down but here's a cached version: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:C0VTQIUdDCcJ:anolen.com/2015/07/17/what-is-donald-trump/comment-page-1/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us Summary: Trump and whole illegal immigration campaign is an attack against elites who are pro-Iran deal. By threatening to bring illegal immigration into the mainstream (something the wealthy supports due to cheap labor), they hope to get Iran proponents to back down. Also mentions that when push comes to shove, a "scandalous" story about Trump will magically appear on Gawker or somewhere similar and cause him to step down.
  3. I think it's more primal. I believe the portion of the voting public that's really educated about the process and general issues is fairly small. Less than 20%. That might even be generous. Most people don't read much more than headlines or a few paragraphs of top stories. Another portion feels very strongly about 1 or 2 issues. Say abortion, or the "economy" or the "environment". They'll go with whoever supports what they support. But then there is large amount of people that vote for the guy they like the most. Whoever seems friendly, or confident, or strong, or competent. They don't really listen to what they say, they just look at them and judge them on how much they believe in themselves. I'd argue there are millions of people like this. Donald Trump is a lot of really bad things. But one positive thing he is is confident, strong, powerful, and a "winner". Not a winner in the sense that he would do any winning in office. But a winner in a sense that none of the candidates can land a blow on him. He wins every verbal war he's in. He will outshout you, twist half truths, point out negatives that don't really make any sense. Most importantly, he can stir people's emotions. He has the strongest "will" of any candidate I've seen since maybe Clinton. How many times have you seen an a**hole in authority that you can't stand, but when he says something everybody laughs and kisses his butt. There is a strange power that authority figures have over humans going back to the dawn of humanity. The weaker the person, the more they will fall for Trump's BS. I think the "sick of politicans" thing is their excuse to make sense of their feelings and actions. Donald Trump is a billionaire in the NY construction industry, one of the shadiest industries in America, imagine the naivety to think he's "different".
  4. One of his biggest strengths are his cuts and dekes. Hamstring is important for that.
  5. I meant Cassel is strictly average. I do believe Tyrod deserves every chance to prove himself. For all I know, maybe he can develop a great pocket game. I never said we shouldn't give Tyrod a chance because we didn't give EJ a chance. I'm saying we should give BOTH of them an equal chance since we are in no position to leave any rock unturned at the QB position. What I'm seeing instead is that Taylor is getting all the chances to get the #1 job and EJ is being thrown in with the back-ups for two quarters, most of which will be cut in a couple weeks. For all this talk of EJ being inconsistent in practice, I've heard the same exact thing about Tyrod and Cassel since the beginning of camp. In fact, until about 10 days ago, everybody agreed they'd all been equally bad. That's about the point EJ started having good practices and a solid scrimmage. It seems that only EJ gets punished for inconsistency. All of this, combined with the animosity towards EJ according to an insider at TBD (who's been saying it for months), led me to believe there is something funny going on. All of my "excuses" are me throwing out possible reasons as to why. And frankly, knowing how things tend to go down in organizations, I might not be that far off. Until I see Tyrod and Cassel outplay EJ with my own eyes, I'm going to have my BS detector on. I'm actually seeing more excuses for NOT playing EJ coming from fans and media.
  6. I do not feel EJ has had enough chances equal to his performance, especially compared to Taylor and Cassel's level of play in practice, the scrimmage, and the preseason game. When I see one guy treated unfairly compared to the others, I start to ask "Why?". What you see as an "excuse", I see as trying to dig deeper. You take a 6'5 guy with the potential to throw from the pocket and run, and replace him with a strictly average pocket passer and an above average athlete with minimal pocket game, I'm going to question that. You seem to not like that, Hoss. I don't care what you think. You're a smart guy with too many biases that you want to force onto other people. I don't listen to you as much as I used to. He goes from a great week in practice and the best performance in the scrimmage to the 3rd team in the first game. Shows solid potential when everything around him falls apart, and for a reward gets the 3rd team spot in the 2nd game. For all the great things Rex is, he's shown stubbornness in the past. I saw a press conference where he looked disappointed that EJ had a better day than Tyrod, and still tried to talk Taylor up. Now I need to watch this fanbase try to convince themselves that Tyrod Taylor is the answer before he has even shown the ability to throw to his 2nd or 3rd read and right after EJ throws a 50 yard bomb. We're giving up on a guy with potential too soon, and I'm just trying to connect the dots as to why. Leroi from TBD said the same thing about EJ from the moment Rex got hired. I suspect his source is Whaley or someone close to Whaley, but his tune never changed and everything I'm seeing has vibed with it. There is animosity towards EJ for some reason that nobody is saying. If they trade him or cut him, hopefully somebody starts talking.
  7. I suspect Rex and Roman already decided on Tyrod last year, if they went to a team without a QB. None of my connections are firm, but they seem to match up pretty well. Here's the story on Rex last year where he said he knew 2014 would be his last year with the Jets: http://www.sportingnews.com/nfl/story/2015-08-14/rex-ryan-jets-fired-2014-season-buffalo-bills-coach-nfl What caught my eye after we signed Rex was that Roman was picked almost immediately afterwards, which seemed odd since they were in different conferences for several years. I think Roman knew 2014 would be Harbaugh's last (as everyone suspected but nobody admitted) and was secretly in talks with Rex all last year about working together and what their offense would look like. It would make sense they'd run an offense similar to SF which would require a Kaepernick-type athlete and strong run game. That's when Rex would suggest a guy he liked in Baltimore that would come cheap. I don't think EJ ever had a chance unless he blew everybody away. I feel confident that this competition was always Tyrod's to lose. Cassell is just a fall-back in case Tyrod gets hurt or doesn't work out. This would also help explain the anti-EJ bias in the media. Reporters don't just have altruistic sources. The sources usually want something in return. That's how the game works. In exchange for information, they will use reporters to leak false info for whatever reason (trade value, PR, etc.). If the front office and coaching staff wants Tyrod, it would help if the reporters constantly talk about how bad EJ is doing to sell the fanbase on Taylor. I don't doubt a young guy trying to make his name, like Joe B, would consider helping the organization with something like that. The old lackeys would have no problem with it. There's my tin foil hat for the day.
  8. Hopefully not internal injuries.
  9. Two important depth players now. Injuries are the main thing we need to watch out for.
  10. Why not start EJ with the 2s?
  11. Certainly true. That's why I said EJ needs to overcome his obstacles. Everybody is dealt a different hand. EJ's was a little worse last night AND he is probably dealing with a coaching staff that already has their favorite. Regardless he needs to take advantage of his opportunities. That's why the attempted throw to O'Leary was so annoying. How could the throw be so far off after such an awesome spin move?
  12. Here's my thoughts on last night: - My opinion on Tyrod is in the "exciting player but teams will eat him up once they force him to throw from the pocket" camp. I'd love for him to succeed. The national media and casual fan will love "Rex, Tyrod, and the Nasty D" narrative. On the 3rd or 4th down scramble when he was short of the 1st down, I remember seeing Brown and Hogan open at different times. I hope that's not a trend with him. Need to see more, but I have a feeling there's not too much more to see. - EJ was put in a position to fail. 3rd string teammates, a center who doesn't know the snap count, TEs who drop easy passes, etc. I've questioned the coaching staff's bias against him before (and I'll add a nice little tidbit at the end of this post). They want Tyrod to win the job, not EJ. But you know what, part of an NFL QB's job is to overcome obstacles. Part of being successful at any field in life is overcoming obstacles and problems. There are forces against him right now for various reasons, but he needs to be a man and overcome them. The problem with EJ, and I think everybody senses it, is that he seems like a wimp. A guy you can push around who might not fight back. In my experience, that can only be fixed by standing up for yourself and speaking out consistently over time. He better get started now. - We might have nailed another draft. Darby, Williams, and Miller may end up being very solid long-term starters. That's how teams like the Ravens and Steelers stay good for so long. - I thought Darby showed lots of potential while being fed to the wolves. Never gave up, and still stayed with his guy even after the big plays. Ginn was a perfectly thrown pass and Benjamin pushed off with full extension and then received perfect ball placement. I love his athleticism and trust he'll learn the little things that will prevent those types of completions. Here's the little tidbit I promised. Friend of a friend had drinks with prominent members of the front office after the game last night. Vibe is they love Tyrod, thought EJ did well but not good enough. He's a likely cut. This gels with what a lot of people have thought. Take it for what it's worth.
  13. No, that was from this article: http://reason.com/blog/2015/08/12/student-wrongfully-expelled-for-rape-tri
  14. Well he seems to have a great mindset.
  15. I usually disagree with you in this thread, but I agree with you here. It appears he found her hammered and then took her to his bedroom when she was too drunk to say no. I hear a lot about "rape endemics" and this and that, but the only kind of rape that I've heard about people I know or through victims are when the girl is passed out and the guys take advantage. THIS, I believe, is very prevalent in 2015 all over the country. In these cases we have girls who don't remember, girls who sort of remember, girls who aren't sure if they consented or not, girls who kind of consented, and girls who definitely did not consent. And that's just intercourse. There are thousands more that are getting felt up while passed out and have no memories of it.
  16. Doesn't make sense. We don't play them until week 10. There will be 20-30 guys the Jets drop since then that could give us a better idea of the playbook without the negative media attention. The Bills decision happened so quick that I suspect there wasn't that much logic involved. I'm normally a conspiracy guy, but I think Rex just liked the player, believes in second chances, loves media attention, and wanted to mess with the Jets a bit (stay in the New York limelight). Or maybe he's a diamond in the rough? Haven't heard a scouting report from anybody yet. He was a 6th rounder last year.
  17. Her friend could've been passed out, that's why Kane went to the accuser. Haven't heard that idea floated anywhere, it's a common scenario.
  18. If he's not suspended and on the active roster for the Jets games, he'll be a big distraction.....for the Jets. Geno has shown the ability to collapse under pressure. Seeing the guy who broke your jaw on the sideline may knock him off-balance, especially if Rex throws him on the field
  19. All great points. There's a poster on Buffalo Rumblings called "LifetimeBillsFan" who only posts once in a while but always writes these really long and super-insightful posts. His opinion is similar to yours. I thought I'd share what he said (bolded the points I haven't really heard anywhere else": .
  20. I think the problem with Joe B is that he has no football background at all but fancies himself a football expert. I see him as a typical knowledgeable football fan who doesn't recognize the minutiae of the game that you can only learn from playing or coaching. There's no shame in that. The issue is he has a job that he need to keep and he's trying to create an identity of a "local reporter who's very knowledgeable". That would explain why Eric Wood would think he's an idiot for grading blocking drills and he can't recognize that Harvin didn't run the correct route. He's just tunnel visioning when in order to understand the whole field you need to open your eyes to every position (even the boring ones like O-line). The EJ bias could just stem from predictions he made in the past that he needs to be true so he can say "see, I predicted that, I know what I'm talking about".
  21. Mountains of confidence on the field? That's a new one. Nobody says he has perfect mechanics, but it's pretty clear he's lacked a pair of you know whats the last couple years.
  22. Never mistake confidence with lack of ability.
  23. I'm rooting for EJ, but there's a lot working against him. There are members of the media (Buscaglia) who will always paint him in a bad light. I also think he needs to be clear as day better than Tyrod to get the job. I have a feeling Rex and Roman already built the offense around him and will be annoyed to have to change it if EJ wins out.
  24. I never insinuated anything. If what I did was insinuate, then what you did was way more direct. That was my point for posting that. My grave concern in this thread is that any potential defense of the accused is being silenced under the guise of "sensitivity". If people want to speculate, they should be able to. As for "erring on the side of caution". That's not my job. I'm not a lawyer or a police officer. I believe in letting people speak what's on their minds. Not quieting them.
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