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Everything posted by deluca67

  1. Hockey wise the transition from Golisano to Pegula has been seamless. The only difference is Pegula is willing to distract fans with bells and whistles while the true substance stays the same or even deteriorates. The Sabres teams of the past two seasons may be some of the worst in franchise history. But hey, that doesn't matter, they have a new locker room. Which is great, the Sabres have had to beat the UFAs away with a stick. They just don't have the room for all the talented players rushing to play in "Hockey Heaven."
  2. Quit! Darcy is great at one thing, surviving. He is a GM that continually fails at making the playoffs so what does he do? The playoffs are no longer a goal. It's the Stanley Cup, not the playoffs. So over the 3-5 years while this team continues to miss the playoffs he will point to this press conference and say, "I told you the playoffs were not the goal, it's the Stanley Cup!" The idea that the Sabres started "re-building" last year at the trade deadline is a lie, an unmitigated lie constructed after the fact. We are seeing a level of lies, spin or what ever you want to call it that would make Dick Cheney blush. Regier can't even build a consistent playoff team. How anyone can think he is capable of building a Stanley Cup champion is beyond me. That is a level of blind faith I haven't had since I was 10 years old.
  3. History has shown there are many different ways to turn things around and build a Cup champion. If the person in charge isn't qualified to get the job done it really doesn't matter which road this franchise takes. I apologize, I know you didn't want Darcy-centric responses. The NHL playoffs start tonight without the Sabres, again. I'm in no mood to play let's pretend Darcy is a good GM.
  4. The WGR afternnon guys had the best take on this very subject. Ted Black has spent over 2 years selling Terry Pegula not the typical owner, suddenly tough times hit and he is now just another pro-sports owner? The "suffering" comments will likely help the Sabres attract key free agents. :doh:
  5. There was no disservice done to Buffalo hockey fans. If anything, Sullivan and Harrington, acted as strong advocates of the fans. There is a front office currently in charge that acts as if they are coming off of back to back Stanley Cup championships not back to back missed playoffs. There is an unearned arrogance from Black and Regier that leads to insulting ticket price hikes and calls for "patience" from the fans as well as a willingness to "suffer." They act as if things have been wine and roses in Sabres nation and now we should finally be prepare for some hard times. There is a management team in charge that just doesn't get it. They are clueless as to where they stand in eyes of the fans.
  6. No truer words have ever been posted on this board. Pegula and team have been rumbling, bumbling and stumbling through their first 2 1/2 seasons in charge. It is highly unlikely they are suddenly going to do things right. Retaining Regier is proof that Team Pegula is a ways away from any enlightenment.
  7. What was his point about Memorial Day? He kept repeating it as if the Sabres couldn't have waited until the following Monday. Ted Black came out of the press conference looking extremely foolish. The most interesting part of the press conference was Black making sure everyone knows that bringing back Regier wasn't his decision.
  8. Which is exactly why he should be removed.
  9. Hopefully Pegula will do a better job than the two previous GMs, Tim Rigas and Larry Quinn. :wallbash:
  10. This thought really deserves it's own thread. I love the idea that the Sabres seemed to be committed to a complete rebuild, I just hate the idea of Regier being in charge of it.
  11. A) Most teams have their version of that. B) The same man responsible for the plight of this franchise is in charge of the rebuild. That alone will lesson the likelihood of a quicker turnaround.
  12. Regier was a complete non-factor at the press conference which mirrors his career as a GM. The clock doesn't start on the Sabres turnaround until Regier is fired. 3 years, 5+ years, it doesn't matter at this point. The team is in a Status Quo limbo which is sad, we deserve more.
  13. Exactly! Seven out of eleven years isn't suffering enough? If you listened to Black and Regier today it was pretty clear that they expect that number to increase. We may be looking at 10 out of 14 years without playoffs. Ted Black should be apologizing for Darcy Regier returning as GM, not anything he said during the press conference. So, is Pegula now like the Queen of England where he will only appear during social events?
  14. 100% agree. I guess some would have Howard Simon and Jeremy White reading per-approved questions. ' If the Sabres worked as hard on the ice as Ted Black does avoiding answering tough questions the Sabres would be Cup favorites.
  15. Which press conference are you listening to?
  16. For those who will be listening to this press conference take a moment before it starts and say this out loud, "Four playoff appearances in eleven years!"
  17. I'd rather listen to the Stars press conference tomorrow than the Sabres just so I can hear what real change sounds like. Like a junkie who finds a cigarette butt. :wallbash:
  18. Who knew that when Pegula talked about digging another "gas well" that the "well" was located in the fan's wallets. How many ticket price increases is this now? 2? 3? How many playoff appearances? None?
  19. What would be awesome is the Sabres throwing a press conference and no members of the media showing up. Unless the press conference is to announce the removal of Darcy Regier from the GM position is there really enough interest out there to justify the gas money to travel down to the arena and cover it? I couldn't care less on what Ted Black's and Darcy Regier's thoughts on the past season are.
  20. Chicago in 6. Anaheim in 7. Canucks in 5. Kings in 6. With the Sabres out, again, I'm hitching my first round wagon to the Ottawa Senators. To make the playoffs with the injuries they had is as an impressive season as there was this year. Karlsson coming back so quickly after such a gruesome injury shows the kid has a ton of heart to go with all that talent. It's a great story I would love to see continue throughout the playoffs.
  21. "Again?"
  22. My apologies, I get worked up when I feel that a loyal and devoted fan base is getting short changed. I get more worked when I feel that fan base is short changing themselves. We as fans, purchase tickets, account for great TV ratings and purchase a bunch of merchandise despite a less than acceptable product being provided. Fans shouldn't have to search for positives to hold on to. IMO, it reeks of desperation and apathy and it frustrates me which may go to what you mentioned about my tone. I wish more posters where vocal about their frustration. I wish more posters weren't afraid to post with emotion. In the age of social media I do believe there are people within the Sabres organization that read this board. I want them to know as a life long fan of the franchise, the current situation the franchise is unacceptable and as a fan I have no faith it will be turned around soon.
  23. Apparently his shyness comes and goes. http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130413/CITYANDREGION/130419560
  24. I have no doubt at all that if the Sabres were having success Pegula would have continued to place himself front and center. Going into hiding once things go sour is, IMO, gutless. If that's "insane" then I am glad to be thought of as crazy.
  25. I'm trying to figure out what is "insane" about having the one true catalyst for real changes at a press conference after a horrendous season. I understand not wanting Pegula to embarrass himself again. He is however the only reason Regier still has a job, Pegula should come out and explain why not only is Regier still employed by the Sabres but also the mindset behind the ridiculous contract extension.
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