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Everything posted by deluca67

  1. Have you not watched Jagr play over the past two seasons? You can throw out all the preconceived notions regarding Jagr.
  2. 1999 Cup Finals team begins and ends with Hasek. Without Hasek that team is drafting #1 overall every year.
  3. In today's world? If I were 17 today and walking down the street and some older guy gets out of a truck, no way in hell is my first thought a greeting and giving the guy my name. My first thought is not to end up bound and gagged in the back of that truck.
  4. As a white male I can with great certainty that I have never experienced any profiling on the level that a black male does on a daily basis. I have witnessed it and have even been guilty of it myself. I can't imagine what it is like to walk through life everyday with the world's eyes seeing me as guilty even though I committed no crime.
  5. Stafford isn't due for another good season until 2014-15, that is when he'll be in another contract year.
  6. I saw that this thread got bumped and thought it was a trade announcement. :wallbash:
  7. It's all part of 'Nick Brophy Appriciation Night!"
  8. Not sure. I did read he spends his summers working out with Gary Hart.
  9. Rumor is that Massachusetts is tanking it on purpose for a better chance in the Senate Draft Lottery. The projected top pick is a fiscally conservative Democrat out of Sheboygan.
  10. Bruins, with a Cup and a Finals appearance in the past 3 seasons, feel the need to "inject new life" into their front office. http://www.csnne.com...-scouting-smith
  11. The Devils have better goaltending, defense and, with the notable exception of Thomas Vanek, better forwards than the Sabres do.
  12. I think with their goaltending and defense they are a playoff caliber team. How far they go will depend on what Lou Lamoriello adds to the roster. The Devils for the first time in a long time, at least 14 years (that's as far back as NHL.com stats go) the Devils finished outside of the Top 10 in goals against average. The priority isn't replacing goals, it's getting back traditional Devils hockey and back in the top five of gga.
  13. Can't blame the man for wanting to play at home and be closer to his family. I wish Leino would get home sick. How about dumping $3.37 mil of salary on the Sabres without having to give anything up?
  14. I know it's a crazy concept, I have a great deal of admiration for well run franchises. The Devils, like the Red Wings, have been the standard for two decades and they each have multiple Cups to prove it. The Sabres are not a well run franchise and have 4 playoff appearances in 11 years to prove it. It's funny how many thought that the Kovalchuk contract would be the death of the franchise and they ended up in the Finals. Here are fans again quickly declaring the Devils franchise dead. It is definitely an opinion born from wishful thinking more than anything else.
  15. "Job?" Was George Zimmerman getting paid? Was he bonded? Carrying a gun may make you "far more cautious and responsible as it relates to physical confrontations", there is no way of knowing what the "average person" feels at that point or anyway to determine there response under duress. It's what makes the Florida guns laws so dangerous.
  16. I had about 5 paragraphs about this very point and I decided to delete them. In the end it amounts to yelling at a blade of grass. I will say you are 100% correct. Leave everything else the same, only taking out the gun, and what you have is a skirmish between Zimmerman and Martin would both walk away alive. George Zimmerman had a legal gun and used it in the manor in which it was designed to perfection.
  17. You are leaving out a great deal of mitigating circumstances surrounding this case.
  18. The bet is with TrueBluePhD.
  19. Mistakes were made on both sides. George Zimmerman is not without guilt, the prosecution overreached due to political pressure.
  20. Not surprised at the Not Guilty verdict for George Zimmerman. Based on the information I've heard/read I think it was the right decision. I get the feeling that this was a incident that turned into a confrontation that quickly got out of control.
  21. I'll bet $20 that the Devils make the playoffs this year. I think the Devils are going to play the more of the traditional Devils style this season. A lot of 2-1, 3-2 games.
  22. What is the appeal of Brunner? A small. soft 27 year old with 58 games of NHL experience? He's fits the mold of what many fans are hoping the Sabres are trying to get away from.
  23. There are moves still left to be made. Once they are made I'll gladly take a crack at it.
  24. Brodeur and Schneider are a tandem, possible the best in the Eastern Conference. The Devils have been one of the premier teams in the NHL for 20 years with a formula of goaltending, solid defense and timely scoring. They have the goaltending, their defense is solid and they have $10 mil to acquire offensive help. I'm not calling the Devils the favorite in the East, I will say they are better than a lottery team. It's never wise to bet against Lou.
  25. It's funny how so many are willing to write off the Devils. If I were making the odds I would say the Devils make the playoffs and LL is executive of the year. The Devil's have known for awhile now that Kovalchuk wanted to go home to play. The Devil's target Clowe and Ryder, two veteran forwards as well as adding a quality backup goaltender in Schneider. i don't believe the Devils were caught off-guard for one second.
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