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Everything posted by deluca67

  1. There is a lot of truth in this statement when considering Edmonton's needs. The Oilers need goaltending, defense and toughness especially in the forward ranks. I just don't see a package the Sabres could put together strong enough for the Oilers to give up Eberle. The Sabres most valued assets at this point are UFA's and futures (prospects & picks). What the Oilers need are NHL ready/established players that are under contract. The Sabres are in desperate need of NHL ready talent themselves.
  2. Look at as many houses as possible, above and below your price point to give you a good perspective on the market and what your money can buy. If you have a neighborhood in mind spend time in the neighborhood. Drive around at different times to get a feel for the traffic and life of the neighborhood. Big trees look great, just remember, the bigger the tree the more potential problems they can cause. Not just the leaves, falling limbs during storms and roots clogging your sewer lines and cracking your pavement.
  3. Didn't I see somewhere that Nolan basically said that a lot of guys didn't show up last night while in defense of Miller? If the coach can admit it, why would it be considered "snide" for a reporter to ask a player about it?
  4. How fu@ked up would it be if Vanek signed with the Oilers in the off season? I know it makes no sense, but I would end up hating Regier even more if he did.
  5. To be fair, most of the excitement around Brooks Orpik was more due to him being a better version of Jay McKee. Sure there will always be those who focused on the local connection, the predominate train of thought was that he was a tough SOB to put on the blue line during a time where those qualities were sorely lacking.
  6. Would you really want to gamble on Leino a second time. What is that saying, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. It would be a similar situation to banking on Stafford because of his recent little hot streak. Even if Leino started to play better I wouldn't count on it lasting for any significant amount of time. Leino has played parts of 6 seasons, almost half of his production has come in 1 season. That and 1 good run in the playoffs has made Leino a rich man.
  7. I'm still thinking Vancouver or possibly LA. I could see a third team like the Sabres getting involved by taking on a salary like Davis Booth's. The Sabres maybe moving Stafford to the Islanders and receiving Booth and a mid round pick in return. Vancouver also gets Vanek while the Islanders pick up a prospect and picks from the Canucks to go with Stafford.
  8. Leino had one good stretch of hockey while with the Flyers, that's it. The Sabres were desperate and made a foolish signing. The last thing this franchise needs is to waste any time thinking there is a better hockey player somewhere in Leino and that it may some day magically appear. He just doesn't have the talent or the heart. Some on us knew it the day of the signing.
  9. I'd bet he would prefer releasing the entire roster and having an expansion draft at the end of the year. Why is John Scott dressed against the Pittsburgh Penguins? What a complete waste of time.
  10. Bill Nye should know better, you can't debate crazy.
  11. This makes sense and is probably the best point to be made when selling the idea of signing a Callahan to that type of money. I still feel it maybe the wrong time and the wrong player to make that leap with.
  12. This team is going nowhere if they treat Pegula's resources like a family of red necks treat a winning lottery ticket. Terry Murray comes across as a smart man. This franchise is only turning around is it is done smartly. The "hey, I heard of that gut let's pay him $7 mil a year" way doing business is not the smart way of going about things. Maximize resources, maximum value should be this front offices mantra. Ask the question, all intangibles included, is Ryan Callahan a $7 million player. I can't get to a point to say yes. Just because there are some GM's will be willing to make a splash, likely to save their jobs, doesn't change my opinion. Substance over splash every time.
  13. I like Callahan, but you are spot with your take, I am of the opinion, just because Pegula has the resources to over pay every player in the league, it doesn't mean it should be done. Callahan is not a $6 -7 mil year player by any standard. A team will probably pay it, The only way it makes sense for the Sabres if the signing is used in a way to show other players around the league they are serious about turning things around. I just don't see it as a wise investment in the Sabres future. And neither are worth it.
  14. IMO, Seguin is the better goal scorer and better defensively. Seguin in Dallas is getting a chance to really shine and show what he can do. His time in Boston really has developed his defensive game. And I really love the playoff experience he already has at 22. If Seguin can stay healthy, he will really separate himself further from the other young stars of the game. This season is Seguin taking that step to the next level.
  15. I think Vanek is smart enough to know that the Bruins are more than Chara. Put Vanek with that group of forwards and they go from contender to favorite. That's wishful thinking. How many top picks have the Oilers had, none of which are the player Seguin is.
  16. Did you get that pick from a flyer announcing he has moved into your neighborhood?
  17. Where talking about the Sabres "roster." I doubt the Bruins could find three players on the Sabres roster they would want in return. The Sabres will be lucky if one of their current "prospects" becomes the player Seguin is. Regier blew it big time. If you have the Bruins on the phone and they are even considering trading a 21 year old elite NHL forward, you don't let them hang up until you have a deal. If Vanek wants to win a Cup, there aren't many teams that would give him a better chance than Boston.
  18. Regier is gone, yet my hatred for him continues to grow. When Dallas made the deal I said at the time Seguin is the perfect type of player to start a rebuild with.
  19. Well, at least your telling posters your post is BS, like a disclaimer, good for you. Kadri's hit has nothing to do with Scott going after Ericksson's head. But if you want to try and make the leap, go ahead.
  20. Not every hit is a suspendable offense. The picture seems to indicate it was a good non-call by the NHL.
  21. I'm all for it as long as they roll the tanks out during the Sabres pre-game warm ups.
  22. How can you be so sure man, how can you be sure? He's in the bunker, he might have access on the weekends :unsure:
  23. deluca67

    Tyler Myers

    You have to balance the value of what you believe Myers can be to the value of a player like O'Reilly. If you believe Myers can reach that next level than he becomes far more valuable than a O'Reilly level forward.
  24. The Bruins had a goal called back on replay! How can this happen? Are they no longer a MFT? Did Jeremy Jacobs barge of gold not reach the headquarters of the ELONHLO (Evil League of National Hockey League Officials)? Did the metropolitan Boston area run out of virgins to feed Gary Bettman's insatiable appetite? Does any one have a short wave radio to reach SwampD or Eleven in their bomb shelters? The world is upside down, I need answers. :o
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