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Everything posted by deluca67

  1. Saw Suicide Squad Saturday morning and I will say I left the theater disappointed. I had high hopes for the movie and it didn't come close to deliver. If you have seen the trailer you have seen all the good parts of the movie. Actually, the trailer seems more well thought out than the movie. Leto's Joker portrayal is my least favorite Joker portrayal of all-time. It's a toss up between Leto's Joker and Eisenberg's portrayal of Lex Luther as to which is the worst big-screen adaptation of an iconic villain. And this is with Jamie Foxx's version of Electro on the books. There were two saving graces. One, the soundtrack is good. Two, Harley Quinn. They might have been better off just making a HQ movie, she is the only interesting character in the movie and I though the actress did a really good job. I wish they had a better a better Joker because I just wasn't feeling it. I had to keep reminding myself that Leto was supposed to be the Joker. I hope the upcoming Wonder Woman and Justice League movies do well, right now I have been less the impressed with this new wave of the DC universe. Which is a shame because of all of the iconic characters the DC Universe has to offer. The Batman video games may be some of the best video games ever produced, they just need to somehow capture some of that success and transfer it to the big screen. I forgot to mention Will Smith as Deadshot, which should tell you all you need to know about how I felt about Will Smith as Deadshot.
  2. I am amazed that there are people out there that actually thing Trump would be able to improve on the job numbers and the economy, it's almost shocking. Last Friday on MSNBC they interviewed some Trump advocate who trying to downplay the jobs numbers and was claiming how Trump was going to bring all these manufacturing jobs back to the US. He was spouting some BS that the US needs to get out of the global economy. He was confronted with a Clinton ad showing Trump on David Letterman promoting his line of Trump shirts and ties, Letterman brought up that the shirts were made in Bangladesh and the ties were made in China. This guy, and I wish I wrote his name down, started blaming retail chains like Walmart & Toys' R Us for forcing companies like Trump to manufacture outside the US to keep certain price points. Which is funny because at the time the line was being sold at Macy's. It just shows that the blame someone else philosophy is so ingrained in Trump and his campaign that it goes far beyond immigration. Trump manufactures his products in other countries for the same reason everyone else does, higher profits. And could some please explain why factory jobs are now seen as these glorious positions? Wasn't there a time in this country where people went to college to avoid getting stuck in some factory job?
  3. I have a suspicion that the Dem's are sitting on an entire cache of detrimental Trump information that they haven't needed to use because of Trump's current idiocy. If it ever looked like the negative moment for Trump slows they will start using it. Trump is a man with plenty of skeletons in his closet and the Dems haven't even opened that door yet.
  4. It's important to show the world that United States does not own the world even though we act like it most of the time. Just because a country or it's leadership does not put the United State's interests first does not give us the right to run over that county without recourse. For portions of the world the United States is nothing more than a thug nation. We have change that perception. We have to let countries control their own fates and stop trying to tailor every country to fit our needs.
  5. Why not consult congress? That is hilarious, you don't trust important decisions to that group of clowns. Wan't it announced in January? What cloak or night?
  6. What happened was that President Obama made an agreement and lived up to his word. If it were Trump, he would have made the agreement and skipped out when the bill came as is his trademark business move. This is international diplomacy, far beyond Trump's scope.
  7. How about taking care of the Vets before they are sick or injured? This country needs to rethink how those defending this country are compensated from the beginning. A soldier should be able to support a family without public assistance programs.
  8. What? Still can't here you from the sidelines! He has zero substance.
  9. Anchovies in olive oil with some fresh bread is amazing. I am looking for a place that has great BBQ Chicken, not smoked and not Chiavetta's. Just grilled with some good sauce, if anyone has suggestions.
  10. I for one wouldn't be a Democrat if Trump was the Democratic nominee. I am shocked that many haven't taken the George Will approach and leave the Republican Party. So lets not say the same would be in reverse, no logical/sane person would vote for Trump no matter what party he was in. There are none coming. Trump might as well be talking about building a death star out of the moon. It's just a bunch of BS to rally those who blame Mexicans for their lot in life.
  11. Come on, all the credible news outlets use "Boinked" in their headlines. What? I can't hear you from way over there on the sidelines! ;)
  12. I guess the funny aspect is that it comes from a Trump supporter? Now imagine when Trump does this to the entire Country at once.
  13. I can understand your need to intentionally down play any ramifications. The reality is that Donald Trump is a man that does not like to pay his debts and I doubt loans by Russian interests would be covered by US bankruptcy laws. Having a presidential candidate basing policy on what best gets his Russian debt forgiven without having to pay a dime is dangerous for the United States. This is not an election for people to be sitting on the sidelines. A Trump presidency could be catastrophic with irreversible damage. We got lucky that the last Bush presidency ended when it did, another year and god knows where we would be today and Trump makes Bush look like a genius.
  14. I would if he had any. Even it they contained information that Trump was beholden to Russian interests? Is it more important than say Trump giving doing favors for Russian interests in exchange for the hacks and forgiveness of the financial debt he has in Russia? Yeah, that's what I was afraid of.
  15. The Republican's wet dream, a register voter who nullifies their own vote. Saves them the trouble of trying to pass laws intended to obstruct or restrict voter access.
  16. Says one sitting on the sidelines.
  17. That's sarcasm, right?
  18. There is nothing about Clinton's experience and qualifications that equates to a sandwich.
  19. And the reason is obvious, to most of this country and the rest of the world Trump is a joke and weakens the United States. The country will become more divided while we become the laughing stock of the entire world. Citizens of the world will laugh at the USA the way we laugh at North Korea and Kim Jung-un. I can't help imagine how catastrophic it would be to go from one the greatest and most well respected Presidents (worldwide) in US history to TV clown. All the progress made since the last Republican disaster was in office would be lost. I know it was eight years ago and people in this country are quick to forget how bad of shape Republicans had this country in. People need to remember because next time we may not be able to recover. This was a Republican initiative, how can Republicans defend this and complain how they are perceived.
  20. How many in DC have similar type servers? I believe after the hearings it was reported that the chair of the committee himself has a a personal server.
  21. Are you talking about the millions of White House emails deleted from the private server that the RNC kept during the Bush debacle?
  22. I guess that makes him presidential.
  23. He's really good at bankruptcies and apparently sexually assaulting women. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lisa-bloom/why-the-new-child-rape-ca_b_10619944.html
  24. And people get upset when Republicans are portrayed as racist morons. I am wondering if Trump knew about the emails and possibly recent terrorist attacks before they happened. Being a Republican, no one expects you to be able to recognize what a truly impressive body of work looks like.
  25. This is all it should come down to, qualifications for the job. Clinton is extremely qualified for the job. Trump brings zero qualifications for the job. There have been some great speeches over the first two days. Really shows the discrepancy in depth off the parties. Let's start keeping count. Trump is trying to skip out on a hotel bill and is refusing to pay a troop of young girls who performed at one of his rally's. Very presidential.
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