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Everything posted by deluca67

  1. I was hoping for a Hound & Mountain confrontation down the line, so I hope he some how survives. The entire Brandon Stark story arch seems unnecessary, a Keebler Elf promises him that he will fly? That was one heck of a Father's Day for Tywin. Fitting that his demise came while on the Throne.
  2. I would have no problem with the Sabres overpaying to land Boyle and/or Pouliot. These are the type of players you want your younger players being around. Landing those two and bringing Steve Ott back and suddenly the playoffs in 2014-15 doesn't seem that far fetched.
  3. I know it's hindsight, I hate that so many lives were lost and Bin Laden ended being the Mandarin from Iron Man 3. Just an old guy sitting in his room watching porn. The real war is against an ideology not any one individual or group.
  4. Why are the Kings going to lose Richards? They have less than a handful of players hitting free agency this year (1 RFA, 3 UFA) and $13 mil to fill needs. They can dump Regehr if they need some additional space. 2015-16 is when they have some RFA's to pay, they will have $29 mil of cap space going into the following season. The Blackhawks are in a different situation, not an impossible one. I don't either team being in a position to be knocked out of contender status due to the cap.
  5. That's how it was spun.
  6. Similar to the way Bin Laden was captured and killed. It didn't take an invasion force into Pakistan or cost thousands of lives. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
  7. IMO, a more precise and surgical method would have been in this countries best interest. Spending billions of dollars and sacrificing 1,000's of lives was far more than those who planned the attacks could have hoped for. Every American life lost in Iraq and Afghanistan makes the attacks on 9/11/2001 more successful. Not to mention the damage the Patriot Act has done, the Patriot Act is the equivalent to flying a plane into the Constitution.
  8. Concentrated on taking advantage of the world wide support we had to start. The last thing I would do is create a senseless war in Iraq and be drawn into a no win situation in Afghanistan.
  9. Afghanistan is far from the only country that shelters terrorist. It was a token gesture at best. A token gesture that needlessly cost thousands of American lives. At the end of the day it makes zero difference. It's like trying to sweep the tide back into the ocean.
  10. Did we? No matter how much money we spend and how many lives we lose it's never going to make a difference long term. It's a region destined to swallow it's self up in war. We're all adults here, we all know the only reason we care at all about that region is oil. It's a ridiculous cycle. Where do the terrorists get their funding? It's all oil money. If we just cut off our dependency on oil than that region would just shrivel up and die.
  11. Is there any reason not to believe that the Kings and Blackhawks may be trading the Cup back and forth for the next few seasons? Congrats to the Kings! 2 Cups in three years is no fluke. They will win a couple more with this group, IMO. Also, a really nice job by the Rangers and even the Habs. It was nice to see two of the big four (Pittsburg, Boston, LA and Chicago) knocked down a peg.
  12. And we're worried about Iraq and some missing emails? I wish we had every penny this country spent in Iraq and Afghanistan and used that money to save lives here in this country.
  13. woke up this morning to a couple interesting news stories. 1) man shoots his neighbors dog because he was barking. 2) a teen steals a neighbors gun and accidentally shots his younger brother, I was going to post every shooting incident that I come across. Problem with that is I don't think this site has the server space to handle the increased volume.
  14. Actually Leino's +/- was much worse. The problem was that not even the officials scorers could notice him on the ice.
  15. Proud! The Sabres season aside, as an NHL fan this season produced some great hockey and the switch in playoff seeding was a home run. The playoffs were exactly what you want. Exciting games, solid match-ups and some great individual performances. Hats off to those that predicted Justin Williams would win the Conn Smythe and Alec Martinez would score the Conference and Cup winners in OT.
  16. Or the Bills, as long as they keep the team in Buffalo. :thumbsup:
  17. Do not the words "well regulated" appear in the 2nd amendment? The war on drugs, what qualifies as a school shooting and mental illness are just the same old types of red herrings that the gun culture has used to convolute the discsussion over the years. Anything to distract from the fact that Americans are gunned down almost on a hourly basis and the fact that there are no justifiable reasons to let the free and easy flow of guns in this country continue to put us all at risk. Ours lives are not at risk because some guys ar elet go from Gitmo or whatever is going on in Iran. The greater threat in the hands of fellow citizens. We as a nation can't even protect our children or our schools. How dare we as a country beleive we can change the course of history of another country.
  18. I said a while ago that if gun owners what to be truly reponsible then make them truly responsible. When a firearm is purchased and registered to a person that person is held accountable for any crimes commited with that gun no matter if it was reported lost, stolen or sold. An owner is reponsible for afirearm until it has been certified as destroyed.
  19. Imagine how often they would occur if there was a gun problem in this country? :doh:
  20. Having a Mike Richards on the 4th is a great example of depth. Do Flyer fans look at losing Richards & Carter the same way the Sabre fans look at losing Drury & Briere? Richards & Carter are about to win their second ring in three seasons since leaving the Flyers. IMO, it must feel much worse.
  21. Another disturbing revelation, apparently a search of the students as they left the school discovered a second student with a firearm. Thought to be unrelated to the shooting, still no less disturbing. The best thing that can happen for the Democrats is a newly charged-up Tea Party.
  22. Two more gunned down in an Oregon school. Shame on those that continue to allow this to happen. :(
  23. Is it any different than those that use "god given right" as a argument? Horrifying!
  24. Click on the browser this morning and what pops up? 3 more innocent people gunned down in Las Vegas. Last week it was the shootings in Seattle, 3 officers gunned down in Canada and a man finds a loaded gun in the toy isle of a department store. How do we get people to care enough about all these innocent victims to actually do something about it?
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