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Everything posted by deluca67

  1. It should also be pointed out how racism passes from one generation to the next. My parents and their generation were racist. Born in the 40's - 50's it was how they were raised. Like you, as I got older I realized how wrong and really sad most of their views were. The goal now is to try and make sure those racist views stay in the past and feel strong enough in my views to point our racism when I see, hear or read it.
  2. It;s OK to call someone's views racist when those views are racist. It's a free country and you are allowed to have racist views. Just be man enough to own those views for what they are. If you don't have the strength of your convictions behind your views, than what are you doing?
  3. Does the SF PD demand an apology from their fellow officers across the country every time they kill an unarmed black man? I would say those actions are far more disrespectful to those that have sworn to protect and serve the citizens of this country than a football player sitting down during a playing of an anthem. It's disrespectful of the memories of those in law enforcement and the military that have sacrificed their lives to be more angry at Kaepernick than the injustices he is protesting against. Kaepernick hasn't just exercised his right to protest, he lived up to his responsibility to protest. I don't question why Kaepernick sat during the national anthem. I question why and minorities or women would ever stand during the playing of the national anthem considering this country's history.
  4. He's a really good QB holding down what probably is the highest profile QB job in the NFL. Is he a sure fire first ballot HOF QB. No! But he doesn't deserve the crap that seems to get tossed his way. I'll do it. If the Bills win more than eight games I put what ever avatar other posters want to provide. In exchange, anyone who want in on the other side will have change their avatar to an anti RNA/Gun Industry avatar of my design. Eight will be a push. Who's in?
  5. You don't think a convention floor deal was made for Bernie's support with the carrot being the majority leadership? I have no inside information, but I believe it's already a done deal. I strong anti-gun voice as the leader of the senate is just what we need. No more selling out to the gun industry or the NRA. All the talk over the years about the BJ's Bill Clinton received while in office, it's time to put an end to all the BJ's congress has been performing on the gun lobby all these years.
  6. Romo out again, 6-10 weeks projected. What's worse than not having a QB, having a really good QB who is stuck on the sidelines. Any playoff chance the Cowboys had is now gone, even in that weak division. 10-6 was a long shot even at 100 % healthy. Right now 6-7 wins seems fair if the offense plays really well. I have zero faith that Ryan can get this defense anywhere near what it would need to be to make the playoffs.
  7. I certainly hope not. I am hoping the Dems regain the Senate so Bernie can be elected majority leader and keep pushing Clinton to the left.
  8. Isn't part of being President surrounding yourself with the right people? If Trump is going to hire a POS like Bannon, what type of person would he nominate for the Supreme Court? Trump just hired the former Christie staffer who was at the center of the NJ bridge controversy.
  9. The guy is a low life. I'm sure that voter fraud is the tamest of his sins. I have no doubt there are people out there who can't wait to take shots at this guy and that every dirty little secret he has is going to be major news. for example, domestic violence: http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/08/bannons-bad-news/497612/
  10. At some point Donald Trump needs to worry about his post election brand. He has positioned himself as a pop culture icon. I can't imagine that all returns to normal after the election with his current associations with radical hate groups.
  11. The news around Donald Trump just gets more pathetic everyday. First he goes down to LA and donates $100K to a hate group and then it turns out his big "shakeup" was just to appease his biggest donor. Not to mention how he is scamming money from his campaign now that he is no longer self funded. Please post more about Hilary Clinton's ethics so I can get a good laugh. EDIT: I guess you can't get mad at Trump for donating to a hate group when you know he has no intention of paying. I'm sure that donation still shows up on his 2016 taxes.
  12. Couldn't agree more.
  13. I would be more concerned about a President owing hundreds of millions of dollars to Russian and Chinese interests than I would donors to a charitable meeting with one of it's founders. If you are concerned about ethics you need to have a better alternative than Donald Trump. Hearing Donald Trump call someone "crooked" is like Bill Cosby calling someone "a rapist."
  14. We live in an era were the NRA/Gun Industry owns the US Congress and people are trying to pretend to be upset because of some emails?
  15. For a second there I thought you were exposing Hilary's plot to steal the magic flute from Jimmy and H.R. Pufnstuf.
  16. Why does anyone care? It's 2016, way past the time to stop caring about what people have under their skirts or in their pants or whatever.
  17. Quietly deletes all emails...........
  18. These are examples of how the Republican party has gotten to the point where they are today. It's in part due to poor leadership and outlets like Fox News which prefer to be more like conservative versions of the National Inquire looking to incite their base with faux-scandals and misinformation. If the Republican leadership would have, starting a over decade ago, began cultivating candidates on real life issues they would be in a better position. The need more of a economic plan than just the same old tax cuts for the rich and more corporate tax breaks. The Republicans had 8 years to prepare for this election and they came away looking as if they didn't even know a Presidential election was being held in 2016. Republicans should have came into to 2016 with three major talking points: 1) A reformed path to citizenship. Not building of walls or the deportation of 11 million undocumented immigrants. A clear and specific set of guidelines that offer an expedited path to citizenship. 2) Corporate tax breaks for large corporations limited to those companies that have a certain level of community investments. An example is that the Pegula's would get tax breaks based on their work on the Harbor Front. 3) Fix the ACA. Instead of trying to overturn the entire bill. Focus on tweaking the bill, not threatening to take away healthcare from the 20 million Americans who are now covered, many of which would not have any healthcare otherwise. It's a solid plan that could have used more input from all parties. Less time on witch hunts and more time on real world problems.
  19. I am posting this as a reminder that while we sit and here and type away about the news of the day, there are people out there suffering real life consequences to actions not of their own. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/brother-of-syrian-boy-pictured-in-aleppo-dies-of-his-wounds/ar-BBvRa3o?li=BBnb7Kz
  20. Take pride that the Democrats had two legitimate Presidential options while Republican's proved to be so void of any credible Presidential candidates that Donald Trump ended up as their nominee.
  21. I'm sure he will do better with tax payer dollars than he has down with his own :doh: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/21/us/politics/donald-trump-debt.html
  22. You want to talk garbage? How does a cop on the street chasing a suspect suddenly know a suspect's "rap sheet"? Or is the assumption is that since the suspect is black they must have a "rap sheet?" And I'll tell you straight out, citizens in largely minority populated neighborhoods don't feel the police are there to protect them. Certainly young black men do not feel that way, especially when they get stopped and harassed everyday, like in the case of Ferguson where it was police policy to routinely harass members of the minority community. As you said, many of the officers may have one time lived in those neighborhoods, they don't anymore which is why they have no investment in that community. That could be part of a long term solution. If you want to be a policeman than you must live in the community you have sworn to protect. Then, maybe then, they will see the people in that community as people and not as you say a "rap sheet." This is interesting. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/15/us/politics/paul-manafort-ukraine-donald-trump.html
  23. Republicans will have to hire more investigators. See, Hilary Clinton creates jobs. From the report I saw, the suspect was fleeing and was shot and killed by the police. I believe that came from a statement issued by the MPD. What protection are they getting? No one can possibly be this blind. Black Lives Matter was formed as a result of, and continues today, because police departments across the country continue to give zero value to the lives of black citizens. I'm lucky, I was born with white skin. I never had to face what so many minorities have had to live with every day of their entire lives. I'm not going to judge those so frustrated by a system that allows their sons and daughters to be murdered without consequences.
  24. This just in! I heard another batch of emails linking Hilary Clinton, a girl from Kansas named Dorothy and ruby slippers set to be released by WikiLeaks later this week. Happy Hunting :flirt:
  25. Just another straw Republicans continue to grasp at. Republicans can't even begin rebuilding their brand until stop this silliness. All it does is play to their shrinking base.
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