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Everything posted by deluca67

  1. I truly believe that Greg Roman was fired because he was the only realistic mid-season head coach replacement if the Pegula's decided to make an in season change. Rex was trying to ensure he gets the entire season after one of the most embarrassing defensive performances in Bills history. It's been a while since I've seen a Bills head coach out-coached as badly as Rex was on Thursday.
  2. Suggest a date and time and we can see what we can do. I have never done a keeper league, I would think the option would be to keep a maximum amount of players, say 60% of a roster and not more than two of any one position. In a keeper league, I would think the draft the following year would have to be based on standings.
  3. I'll start working on the Avatar. 0-2 with Arizona and New England coming up. Realistically, we are looking at 0-4 including 0-3 in Conference and 0-2 in the Division. I just don't see the Bills wining 8 out of 12. Not with this coaching staff. Is the blown time out on that ridiculous cadence play Rex Ryan's "4th and stupid." I can't imagine there is a coaching staff out there that is worse at time management than the Bills coaching staff. Simms and Nance hit it right on the head. 4 minutes and down by two scores and this offence has no urgency, taking 20-25 seconds to line up and run a play. Don't they practice 2 minute drills?
  4. Could someone please post the articles regarding Clinton bribing a State's Attorney General in an attempt to make a lawsuit go away?
  5. We could make Gold a keeper league going forward. Thoughts Gold owners?
  6. True, if you consider the cycle being good economies under Democrats that get destroyed once Republican's are in office. That is not a scenario i want to see repeated. Again, think back to have bad things were in 2007 and tell me things aren't way better today. If you want to pay $5 for a gallon of gas and want to see unemployment up in the teens by all means vote for Trump. Maybe instead of being on the verge of collapse, the US economy will actually collapse this time. George W Bush proved how much damage one idiot can do when put into a position of power. Trump makes 'W' look like a freaking Mensa member.
  7. I like the idea of a keeper league. A keeper league than determine draft order based on last season standings? That would make things interesting.
  8. That's not even close to being true. Vote for Trump and we will be back to Bush's economy in no time. No one can forget how badly Bush F'd things up. To put a man with a history of bankruptcies, forecloses and repossessions in a position to dictate economic policy is economic suicide. Remember when the world celebrated the coming down of the "Berlin Wall?" Wasn't that one of Reagan's greatest accomplishments? Here we are in 2016 with people cheering the idea of building another wall. This country is truly f'd up.
  9. After that penalty on the field goal, there is no reason for 94 Worthy to still be on the roster tomorrow morning. A message needs to be sent, it should have been sent last season.
  10. Can someone explain the value of Jerry Hughes and does it exceed the negative value of his weekly boneheaded personal foul penalties? I can rag on the Bills play calling, 3rd and 16 and you have two receivers next to each other two yards from the line of scrimmage? More penalty yards than passing yards in the 4th quarter? Wasted timeouts? Is this a replay of 2015? Sometimes a QB is only as good as his own talent. The poor QB play is on the QB today.
  11. I think it depends on the type of penalty taken. A 5 min major for fighting is likely looked at differently than a 5 min major for high sticking. If we were to add another category I would vote for +/- over penalties. Also, Thought I would suggest maybe starting 1 goalie over the standard 2? And what are the thoughts of simply 6 forward positions (not broken up by C.RW & LW) or least lumping the wingers together. We don't draft left and right defensemen. Ideally: 6 forwards or 2 centers & 4 wingers 4 defensmen 2 utility 1 goalie with 2 bench spots thoughts?
  12. All good stuff. How about? Skaters: Goals Assists Points PP Points SH Points Shooting % FOs Won Hits Blocked Shots Goalies; Wins GAA Shots against Save %
  13. The 12 team cap seems to be the popular opinion. So, we will cap at 12 teams this season. Also, I removed 'Saves' from the goaltender scoring. What are the thoughts on +/- and GWGs? For goalies I have: Games Started Wins GGA SV%
  14. Possibly/ I will let you know as soon as all the owners confirm/decline. Can I please have a Gold roll call for all owners coming back? Please include your team's name. Thanks. Also, as suggested I up'd the active d-men on the roster to 4, to balance I reduced the utility players to 1 from two. Keep the suggestions coming. i know we can't make everyone 100% happy but we will try to get as close as possible.
  15. No problem. If you change your mind just let me know,
  16. I renewed all the Gold teams from last year. I made the suggested scoring changes. Right now we have 14 teams. If a couple dropout I can cap at 12 if all are agreed. Please post any additional scoring suggestions or draft times.
  17. Time to get things started.
  18. It's also not inaccurate. If I were to come out here and deny that the Holocaust happened, shouldn't I be prepared to be called an anti-Semite? To deny a people's suffering while claiming whites are somehow treated unfairly is beyond basic ignorance and should be called on it.
  19. We gave up DirecTV and now watch TV through Playstation Vue and an HD antenna. Can NHL tv be run through the Playstation and are there any blackout concerns?
  20. It's all the same rhetoric. He lives in a country where for over 250 years the only lives that matter in this country have been white lives. For him to continually to mock and degrade a minorities cry for justice and equality seems like it would be right out of the white supremacist playbook. Whites somehow being treated unfairly and blacks getting a free pass? What do you call that? It's all the same bull$hit. Over time your words have given you away. The more you post the more you expose your true feelings.
  21. White Supremacist claiming reverse racism/double standard in a country where young black men are being shot and killed by police officers during routine traffic stops while a white kid gets 90 days for raping an unconscious women is the definition of ignorance.
  22. The context is ignorance. Your entire premise is based on all things being equal when they haven't been for 250 years. What you are saying is the equivalent of saying "what are the Jews in the concentration camps complaining about, the Nazi soldiers don't even have dental coverage." You appear to be incapable of formulating your opinions keeping within historical context. If anyone is not voting for Clinton because she is not trust worthy, wouldn't they not vote for Trump for being untrustworthy times ten?
  23. I've come across similar situations at work. I've had co-workers come up to me and reference "them", I do enjoy the uncomfortable look when I point out that I am married to "them." The stuttering "I didn't mean anything by it" is also entertaining. As far as Kaepernnick situation, I wonder how many of those that are so upset actually stand for the national anthem when they are home watching the game? Because they are home on their couch do they consider that some type of waiver? Do stadiums stop concession sales during the anthem? I wonder before this and the attacks on Gabby Douglas, I wonder how many even remembered they played the national anthems before football games,
  24. The real point of education is to prepare you for life, not a job. Seems like you got full value from your education.
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