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Everything posted by deluca67

  1. He needs to worry about his Business Brand post elections.
  2. Just saw that a top Republican in Congress says Trump should step down. Sorry I didn't catch the name. Said he was the #3 Rep in Congress. What happens if Mike Pence quits?
  3. I can only imagine what other audio/video the Clinton Camp has at their disposal. I have not doubt they have a data base full of similar and likely worse Trump offenses that they will continue to leak out right up until election day. You just know there is video out there showing Trump dropping the N word.
  4. This is a young team trying to develop depth. It's far too early in the process to use words like "expendable."
  5. It was discussed earlier, if it is a problem I can switch it back.
  6. Wasn't a lot of support for it, so we will keep things as normal. This is what I have for Gold. Lineup: 2 Centers 2 Left Wings 2 Right Wings 4 D-men 1 utility 1 Goalie 2 Bench Scoring: Goals Assists Points PP Points SH Points Shooting % Face Offs Won Hits Blocked Shots Wins GAA Shots Against SV%
  7. Just because the Republicans in congress continue to refuse to do their job, as they have for six years, no reason why President Obama should join them. This entire situation has been yet another huge embarrassment for Republicans. Let's face it, there is very little pride, if any, left in the Republican party. They tried their best to screw things up for Obama over the past six years and in true Republican fashion they couldn't get the job done.
  8. Pence did a great job of writing the next round of Clinton TV ads. It's one thing to deny what Trump says despite video evidence, It's another to deny his own words in regards to Obama and Putin. Thought Kaine did a great job on hammering home the tax issue, asking Pence if he say Trump's tax returns.
  9. Maybe you should list specific tax codes the Clinton's are responsible for instead of making general statements?
  10. Since Bill Clinton, the Republican's held the Presidency for 8 years and Congress for 6 of the 8 years under Obama. There was no opportunity to change what Republicans hold most dear, which are tax breaks for the rich. I find it interesting that Trump's only response to his new tax scandal is to attack the Clinton's marriage. How exactly does being cheated on make you untrustworthy? Seems like the Trump camp is engaging in more victim-shaming. A man who refers to his own wives as nothing more than "expensive vag!na$" has no ground to stand on when it comes to disparaging another's marriage. I guess this topic should be no different than any other topic Trump wishes to speak on. He will also either lack the knowledge to speak coherently on policy or lack the moral high ground with attempted personal attacks.
  11. Spot is your qwksnd, send me your email address and I will send the invite.
  12. Right now I show 12 teams in Gold. DeLuca67's Captain Morgan Don't Toews Me Bro killerwhaletank Oh Oh Oh... O'Reilly Icebergs Biron Maiden - (my favorite team name of all time) LetTheSufferingBegin Paul's Pleasant Team Sam't tiny Reinhart Taro's Terrors WildCard I'm shooting for an Oct 10th Draft at 10 PM EST. Does this work for everyone?
  13. I heard she paid 34% in taxes. Can some of the smarter people here explain to me why if Trump's businesses lose $900,000,000 that it allows him not to pay "personal" income taxes? Seems to me the two should be separate. Also, Isn't funneling "income" through a charitable foundation also a crime? Seems to be little doubt that he was using the Foundation as a personal savings account. Isn't all this criminal?
  14. Giving people like himself even more tax breaks and loopholes is not a plan to "Make American Great Again", it's a simple plan for Trump to get richer while the rest of us pay our fair share.
  15. Trump uses BK laws as part of his business strategy which is far different than any of us having to declare BK due to a number of circumstances. For Trump it's a plan B for every business venture. Apparently the NY Times has Trumps tax returns and he hasn't paid any taxes in 20 years? If this is true that could be the final nail in the coffin. I said weeks ago that the Dems and Clinton likely have an encyclopedia of scandals at their disposal and that they would likely roll them out over the course of the elections. I doubt the tax returns is the worse of what is yet to come.
  16. Incompetence over corruption? Doesn't seem like a good trade. Not only did Trump break Federal law by breaking the Cuban Embargo. It turns out that the Trump Foundation is not licensed and in the state of New York. The Attorney General can shut it down and force the "Foundation" to refund every penny. Please, again, can somehow tell me how Clinton is so untrustworthy that you are voting for Trump?
  17. My vote will count towards the total popular vote. It is important that Clinton wins both the Electoral College and the popular vote to show the world we as a country haven't completely lost our minds. And lets face facts, a vote for Gary Johnson is the equivalent to long beards, skinny jeans and micro brews. If you don't like the state of the country right now, don't blame Clinton's 30 years of service. Blame 6 years years of Republican Congressional obstructionism. The answer isn't putting a racist moron in the White House. The answer is voting out the Republican Congress that has collected a paycheck for six years without bothering to do their jobs.
  18. Not realistically.
  19. Watching the debates and the Trump camp post debate denial I keep hearing John Goodman's voice repeating that line from 'The Big Labowski", "Your out of your element Donnie!" The best comparison I've heard over the past couple of days is that this was a debate between the class president and the class clown. The Presidential debates are about substance and Trump has zero substance. If he's not allowed to just stand there and throw his poop there is no reason for him to even show up.
  20. Clinton should bring Clyde from 'Every Which Way But Loose' to the debates.
  21. U.S. Rep. Robert Pittenger - the violence in Charlotte stems from protesters who “hate white people because white people are successful and they’re not.” Trump Ohio Campaign Chair Kathy Miller called the Black Lives Matter movement ‘a stupid waste of time’ and said low African American voter turnout could be due to ‘the way they’re raised' and claimed there was “no racism” during the 1960s and said black people who have not succeeded over the past half-century only have themselves to blame.
  22. Far from equally. Clinton is shrouded in rumor and innuendo. Trump is buried in facts.
  23. How is the media is not concerned with Trump's health? Orange is not a natural skin tone. My only guess is that Trump is literally so full of sh!t that it affects his pigmentation. I understand that there is an investigation into a high score on a Space Invaders machine back in Arkansas during the early 80's that Clinton once claimed to be hers.
  24. Trump uses Trump Foundation donor money to pay off his dept, on the heals of the Trump Foundation illegal contributions to the Florida Attorney General. Clinton Foundation uses donor money to actually help people around the world. Can someone explain to me how Hilary is the untrustworthy one?
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