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Everything posted by deluca67
This has to be a SNL skit, right?
X-Men - First Class, Days of Future Past and Wolverine did a great job of laying down the origin story of the X-Men. The X-Men universe is almost as large as the rest of the Marvel Universe combined. There is so much content that they can make movies for the next 100 years. I was disappointed in the first three X-Men movies, I think they have made up for them with the more recent X-Men movies and Wolverine. I hope future movies include some of my favorites like Mr. Sinister, Stryfe and Cable.
X-Men DOFP is an established X-Men story line. Time travel and altering of time lines is part of that story line and is consistent within the X-Men universe. Everything bad that happens in the beginning of DOFP happens after X-Men The Last Stand. Any changes caused by DOFP is consistent. X-Men Apocalypse should be really interesting.
I'm with you there. I will be cracking open a Trooper Ale the first time I listen to it.
Hoss, your takes in this discussion have been outstanding, impressive job. IMO, what politicians should be saying is "All lives should matter!" Isn't that at the crux of the discussion. It doesn't make sense to say "all lives matter" when we live in a country where "all lives" clearly don't "matter." To simply say "all lives matter" is an attempt to devalue "black lives matter", again this is at the core of the discussion. A large portion of our society live in a different world than the rest of us, we as a society need to change this, devaluing legitimate concerns is not the way to do it.
X-Men DOFP and X-Men: First Class are prequels. Under your example of Spiderman than the new Batman Vs. Superman movie is also a reboot. One movie I do has trouble defining is Superman Returns. For me it is a sequel because it follows the timeline, I can totally understand why it is considered a reboot.
Re-boots start from the beginning. The first Hulk movie provided the origin, the 2nd Hulk movie continues with Banner already on the run and continues the same story line with Betty and Colonel Ross. Reboots are are complete do overs. Take the Batman movies, the Spiderman movies, and soon, the Fantastic Four movies, they have all been rebooted.
It's more about television still being skewed towards white audiences and why there is a need for a stations like BET and the Spanish stations. The original comment was about there not being a White Entertainment Television station. My original point, which I truly believe, is that there is not a racial balance of television programming. Has there been progress over the years? Sure. Casts of shows are becoming more diverse, that doesn't mean that programming as a whole is following suite. Television, especially network television, is still behind the times. And of course I am not claiming DirecTV is racist, or claiming television as a whole is racist. What I am saying is that there are cultural holes in the programming that stations like BET fill.
IMO, all this bluster from the Patriots and the NFLPA about fairness in the hearing process is a calculated attempt to distract peoples attention from what should be the main focus. One of the premier franchises and it's biggest star got caught cheating (again) and got off relatively light. They know they have no chance in court, shown by their Hail-Mary attempt to get their case heard in Minnesota. I can't wait to see what the Patriots say the next time they are caught cheating, and we all know there will be a next time.
Hulk 2 continues the story, a re-boot, like Fantastic Four, starts from the beginning. Another example of a re-boot is Man of Steel.
Or, even stopped you in most cases.
It would be worse to have an image of team that is finishes last in the Division by a wide margin as the Sox did last season and appear to be repeating this season. Making mistakes and dying with those mistakes is never a good idea. It's time to say "thank you" and "good bye" to David Ortiz. You can't move forward if you hanging onto the past.
Trainwreck is really funny and Spy is freaking hilarious. The best two movies of the year by far. Saw Inside Out, a very sad movie I thought and Minions is 100% exactly what you would expect going in. Thought Jurassic Park was predictable. Looking forward to Mission Impossible and vacation this weekend. Antman was much better than I anticipated. Paul Rudd did a great job. I am looking forward to the Fantastic 4 reboot. Thor: The Dark World was very good, IMO. I also liked Age of Ultron. The only squeals I was not a fan of are the Iron Mans. I liked Iron Man 3 much more than Iron Man 2. Also, The 2nd Hulk movie was much better than the first.
Sandra Bland is just another in a ridiculously long list of unfortunate and suspicious deaths involving police. I see that there is some speculation in regards to toxicology reports indicting she may have smoked pot while in custody. I get the feeling there is a lot more yet to come on this story. This is the world we live in now. A world where police departments have zero credibility and any reports produce need to be questioned and scrutinized and they have no one to blame but themselves. Add Samuel Dubose to the list as well, killed by a campus cop? What moron thought it was a good idea to give a campus security guard a gun? The most lethal weapon a campus cop should have in his possession is a pad & pencil. Just more saturation of guns into our society leading to pointless deaths. A sad story which will continue to repeat it'self until something is finally done.
You must have an "interracial" package, cause the programming I get on DirecTv is heavily slanted towards a white audience.
Aren't 90 percent of the stations available "White Entertainment Television?" :rolleyes:
I have zero expectations for Legwand. If he is forced into the lineup and contributes, OK. My focus is on the future of this franchise and the young players not on a 34 year old salary dump.
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Pitching is a huge problem, unfortunately the Red Sox have more problems than just pitching. Sandoval just doesn't hit enough to make up for his fielding and I'm not a Ramirez fan.
As a Red Sox fan I hate that they are being mentioned in the Hamels sweepstakes. This is a team that needs to start unloading big time. They are a classic example of a team looking to add names rather than address the real problem which is they need to blow it up and start from ground zero. There are a few younger players they can keep, but Ramirez, Sandoval, Ortiz and Napoli need to go. I would also move the closers while they still have a little value.
A person hat uses racial slurs and stereotypes is a racist. A person that uses sexist comments and stereotypes is a sexist( with exceptions of those that use them as social satire). I'm not reinventing the wheel here and I don't believe these are generalizations. I never claimed to be PC. I am as flawed as anyone in this regard. I used the term "banging a cocktail waitress" the other day. As much as I try not to, I have years of conditioning from my youth that I have to overcome. I grew up on the old Italian West Side where racism was rampant. As I get older I realize how screwed up a lot of the people I grew up around were. So I try to be a better person. I'm not always successful and I accept my flaws.
For racist, I can imagine it is hard. Most of the time I would guess they don't even know what they are saying is racist or inappropriate. Similar to sexist, it is so ingrained into their personality they don't realize what they are saying is offensive. Most of the time, unless said in anger, racist or sexist comments are not intentional, they just don't know better.
More Burke than Carlisle, though it didn't work out for Burke in Toronto, Calgary on the other hand appears to be on the right track. Overall, the brain trust the Leafs are putting together is impressive. Time will tell if it works. It's not easy converting all that hockey knowledge into a cohesive product on the ice.
Absolutely horrific. To slaughter your own family like that is unimaginable.
Most people don't watch network news. What you seeing is a new era of twitter where news is reported the second it happens not every night at 6 & 11. All this countries dirty little secrets will no longer be hidden. Racism is one of them.
Just because it wasn't in the news every night doesn't mean it was "good." What you are seeing today if the pot finally boiling over. It's unfortunate it took the lives of young black men being taken in the streets by police officers for it to finally happened, but it has and now we should be dealing with it not pretending it doesn't exist. Racism and guns are cancers eating away at our society and both have numbers of those that want to pretend there isn't a problem. Denial is never the answer an they will both only get worse unless they are taken seriously and dealt with accordingly. I with you on the texting while driving. I don't know if the "left" is blocking any legislation to stiffen penalties, if you have info please share.