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Everything posted by deluca67

  1. I don't agree the Colts are in the same league at all. IMO, the Bills caught the Colts on a bad day at home. If the game was played in Indy it might have looked more like what today did. With the game on the line Taylor threw a bad pass that cost the Bills a chance at tying the game. Much like the first three quarters. It wasn't until the Pats dialed down the intensity that Taylor had any success. I know a lot of fans are going to get fooled by the 4th quarter numbers, I'll choose not to.
  2. These last 3 1/2 hours are going a long way making last week look like a fluke.
  3. He could win at least as many at Taylor can. A lot of QB's seem to find their grove when down by 24 points in the 4th quarter. With the game on the line Taylor was useless.
  4. The Patriots just got their 8th sack while the Bills had 8 men blocking. Unbelievable.
  5. I hope Matt Cassel can get ready for the Dolphins next week, going into a game against the Dolphins with Taylor at QB is a recipe for another disaster.
  6. I guess we will have to turn off our TV's? Nothing I've seen from the Bills today makes me think they will even be close to a payoff spot. Looks like last week was more of what the Colts couldn't do then what the Bills did.
  7. The Bills are absolutely embarrassing this franchise with these penalties. Also, Am I the only one who thought Percy Harvin short armed that 1st and 20 pass down the sidelines because of the safety that was coming?
  8. Do we know if the complaint indicated Kane penetrated the complainant? Wouldn't that be the difference between sexual assault and rape? I'm not a legal expert so if anyone knows please chime in.
  9. The entire line of thinking is ridiculous and a bit insulting. We have in this country a portion of the population who at one time were deemed the equivalent to livestock. It's only been a couple of hundred years since slavery ended, you can't undo the damage of several hundred years of oppression in such a short period of time. With each generation things get a little bit better, it's going to take a long time until we have true equality in this country. What it comes down to is success breeds success. As more and more black men and women go to college and graduate it greatly advances the cause of equality and makes it more likely that their children will follow in their footsteps. What we need to do as a society is to make sure that all avenues remain open to first generation college students which will likely increase the chances that their children will go to college creating a new cycle replacing the cycle of poverty. What we can't do is go backwards and allow the removal of those avenues that open up opportunities to those that are seeking to break generational cycles of poverty. What it all comes down to is investment. We need to seriously up the investment into our inner city schools, it is the best chance to break the cycles of poverty overall not just specific to one section of the population. A chain is as strong as it's weakest link, in this country the weakest link is the education system. It needs to be strengthen.
  10. Yes, and I will keep the order random.
  11. Blue time works for me. I set the Gold draft for Monday night at 11:00. Remember, the time shown on Yahoo is PST. Also, How does everyone want ot handle the draft position, random or based on last years standings?
  12. How about it Gold? Is 11:00 PM Monday night a good time. I have no problem with it.
  13. Would late Monday work for you? 9:30 or 10?
  14. If you are going to take Monday for the Blue, how does 10 PM on Tuesday the 6th work for the members of the Gold league. Also, For Gold members, do you prefer random draft order or reversed order of finish from last season? I like the idea of reverse order so it gives time to prepare based on your draft position. I would put new owners in the middle at #6 & #7. Any thoughts?
  15. For Gold, does 10PM on Sunday work everyone or possibly a later start time on Monday? I want to make sure the time works for everyone and everyone can participate in the draft. We can also move to the week before if that helps.
  16. When the Bills had the touchdown called back on a penalty and they ended scoring the TD after was the moment that told me that things are different. That same scenario in previous seasons ended up with a field goal attempt. This team didn't let adversity slow them down yesterday.
  17. We will have 12 teams and 2 Divisions. Adams Division: 50 Shades of Rob Ray DeLuca 67's Don't Toews Me Bro wjag Pauls' Pleasant Team Ruffians Norris Division: Andrew's Team Dutch Snuggerudder Ghost of Rasmus Past Labatt Blue LetTheSufferingBegin Taro's Terrors Does Monday the 5th work for everyone?
  18. That shouldn't be a problem. If anyone has an issue with 8 just let me know.
  19. This is very much the case within Christianity. IMO, very few of those identified as "Christians" or identify themselves as "Christian" are truly "Christian." By "Christian" I mean living a Jesus like existence of acceptance & peace.
  20. Is "Ted's Tank Division" still around? If not I will drop them from Gold and we will go with 12 teams.
  21. Gold is likely the best fit for you with the limited weekly roster moves, 3 roster acquisitions per week.
  22. I believe both leagues allow you to set your roster days in advance.
  23. Gold is waiting on Taro's Terrors & Ted's Tank division to confirm.
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