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Everything posted by deluca67

  1. Opened some packs of Upper Deck 2011-12 this morning and pulled a signed Jean Beliveau Hockey Heroes #25. It is my biggest find to date. :thumbsup:
  2. I think it's time to give the man his due. He is more important to the history of the Buffalo Sabres than Golisano and Pegula. Without Gary Bettman, 99% of Sabres fans would never have had an idea of who Golisano and Pegula are. Sabre fans owe a huge debt to Gary Bettman.
  3. Keeping the country from financial ruin and providing healthcare to many is far from "failing the majority of the country."
  4. Why is there no banner at the F'N Center for Gary Bettman? He is the major reason the Buffalo Sabres still exist today.
  5. Obama's only failure was that he didn't allow the Bush Effect to completely destroy this country which is exactly the course the 'W' had us on. To say Obama hasn't accomplished anything worth a damn is foolish and that is being kind. From his healthcare plan, finding OBL and adverting this country from financial ruin are some major accomplishments. Not to mention the Dow Jones is now above 13,000 where Bush had caused it to drop to about 6,500, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/23/obama-stocks-dow-jones_n_1224644.html
  6. We are all spending money. What we are not doing is saving money. I know I can't because my health insurance keeps being diminished, my utility bills keep increasing and gasoline is at a insane high. The average person's nest egg is now the corporate execs bonus package or golden parachutes.
  7. Really? If companies are making profits doesn't that mean people are spending money?
  8. Isn't that the #1 indicator?
  9. "Government of the people, by the people, for the people," It is the Federal Government's responsibility to protect the American Worker. It is not the Federal Government's responsibility to ensure the wealthy get wealthier. That is not an "utopian" ideal. :beer: Here we are in this bad economy, which businesses are suffering?
  10. Which is it? We all know the answer. Cutting labor costs and benefits keep the profit margins growing. Demand is a funny thing, doesn't the responsibility for creating demand fall on the individual companies? Seems when a new game system, Kindle or IPhone is released there is no shortage of demand. Gasoline companies continue to make crazy profits. "The Avengers" made hundreds of millions in just a couple of weeks. People will spend the money when there are products worth the money. Companies need to spend more time on R&D and less time trying to screw their employees,
  11. This is a great point, well done. I thought he veered the hurricane away from the RNC because he found none worthy of going to heaven and didn't want to waste his time. At least that is what he told me. ;)
  12. If Doan is no longer an option, I hope the Sabres are going all out for Bobby Ryan. I would hate to see Ryan go to another Eastern Conference team that missed out on Doan. If the Sabres make no other moves than maybe a extended lockout isn't a bad thing.
  13. I said the same thing at the time of the signing. He's a good receiver on a bad team. He's not a #1 receiver and he is not clutch. With his level of immaturity, it was foolish to give him that much money.
  14. I want Ott to set the new standard of physical play for this franchise going forward.
  15. deluca67

    NHL 13

    Is anyone interested in putting together a PS3 NHL13 online league? Or, if anyone has a league and needs a player to fill the league, please let me know. thanks.
  16. Can someone explain why funeral expenses are not tax deductible?
  17. If the government is going to continue to let the healthcare industry and pharmaceutical industry spiral out of control it is up to the government to make sure that there are affordable healthcare and prescription options available to all women. Part of which includes contraception. "Government of the people, by the people, for the people" are strong and powerful words. maybe someday the Republicans will ignore their bibles and consider women as people. Wouldn't the term be "carpet-muncher?" Maybe if the 'W' had been spending time f**king interns instead of f**king over the country we would be in much better shape today.
  18. She did a great job pointing out what a coward Mitt Romney is.
  19. I would love to see that. It would be great for the country if true Republicans could gain control of their party from the lunatic, bible thumping, Rush Limbaugh listening to fringe.
  20. Using a national tragedy to make your buddies even richer is the type of leadership every country needs. Great leadership creates lies to gain support for needless wars. The blood of every soldier that has died in Iraq and Afghanistan is on the hands of George W. Bush along with the 1000's of innocent Iraqi/Afghani citizens that were murdered in the name of American Greed. What a great job the 'W' did, after 9/11 there was worldwide sympathy and support for the United States, it only took 'W' a matter of months to destroy that.
  21. What is the over/under on the number of pages until posters start denying that George W. Bush was never President of the United States, in fact he never existed just like global warming? :doh:
  22. Nothing cripples an incoming President like a surplus. :doh:
  23. If that's spanish for "reality" than you are right. ;)
  24. 30 points and 250+ hits is what i want. Why do people refuse to see the point that is' not about beating people up, it's about beating teams down. Too many teams have played the Sabres over the years and left the ice at the end of the game with their uniforms as clean as when the game started. it's time that teams playing the Sabres pay a price while doing so.
  25. Did the US Economy fall into the deep depression it was heading into when he took office? Again, Bush had scorched the economic earth and then salted it, blaming Obama because we haven't had three seasons of bumper crops on that same earth seems a bit short sighted. Do we really want to get into how Bush sold a war to both parties and the American people based on deliberate lies? Bush was culpable say about 90% because he was too busy being the lookout while his friends stole millions of dollars.
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