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Everything posted by deluca67

  1. You don't need the Supreme Court to overturn Obama care, If Obama loses it will be easy for Republicans to repeal it. Not many people truly understand it. Other social significant legislation which if far more popular like affirmative action is a battle for the conservatives in the Supreme Court.
  2. Watching that game was like watching two kids with down syndrome play Madden 2013, in both execution and play calling. The worst line-backing corp in the NFL just got worse. I guess the Bills have a spot on the injury list they want to fill, Merriman is just the guy to do it.
  3. I wonder if Feely was expecting the timeout?
  4. Only with a 3 point lead and 3 minutes left on the clock. :doh: 61 yards, Impressive. :beer:
  5. Words can not explain how much I hate the "wildcat" offense.
  6. Cardinals starting #3 RB today, here comes a 200 yard rushing day.
  7. deluca67

    NHL 13

    Does anyone know how to win a frigging face-off? I have more goals for than face-off wins. :doh:
  8. Killing Dale off last season was a bit of a surprise. I can't wait until tonight, to me it has the excitement of a playoff game.
  9. Hold on to that illusion that Mitt Romney has your best interest at heart, unless of of course you're a millionaire, then congratulations. I'll never fully understand how average hard working Americans could ever back Republicans. It's as puzzling as women belonging to the church or a black man being a member of the KKK. He's a smart man, he knows which battles to fight.
  10. The scene they showed of the horns being played under the Golden Dome was very impressive. Very few things in sports make me go "wow" these days, that made me say "wow."
  11. Isn't there a case right now in front of the Supreme Court regarding a law-suite against Texas University? The goal is to undue affirmative action, is it not? Romney is on record as saying he does not care about 47% of the people in this country. IMO, that is a lie, Romney doesn't care about 99% of the people in the country.
  12. The scary part is that if Romney wins and gets to turn the Supreme Court even more conservative we can see a reversal of Roe V. Wade, along with affirmative action, the Emancipation of slaves and Women's Suffrage. The thought has always been that Republican's want to return the country to 1950. The reality is that they want to return this country to 1850. I sincerely believe the ultimate goal from the ultra-religious right wing is to implement a American version of Apartheid.
  13. Romney and Ryan are the creepiest looking ticket of all time. Ryan with the Eddy Muenster hair and Romney standing there during the debate with his head tilted and that weird smile on his face, he looked as if he were filling his adult diaper. One thing that really came across during the VP debate is how uncomfortable Ryan is when it comes to social issues. It would be in the Republican's best interest to keep Ryan talking about numbers and not people. He comes off as completely insincere when talking about people and social issues.
  14. The Cardinals are a World Champion that is not easily giving up their title. It's like that old adage "act like you've been there before." The Cardinals did, they calmly got themselves back in the game. They are the classic team that has been there and done that. Four all-time classic baseball franchises in the Championship Series. Giants/Cardinals and Yankees/Tigers. There is not a single bad possible match-up for the World Series. I would bet as a sports forum, that posters here could easily name 50 all-time greats from these four franchises. Maybe even 100 considering the Yankees might have 50 themselves.
  15. Some good news, not sure if it will actually lead to anything, at least there is a glimmer of hope. http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20121008/CITYANDREGION/121009240/1002
  16. IMO, the Patriots did take the Bills lightly, it's the reason the Bills had the lead. Once the Patriots got serious they steamrolled the Bills. Mike Schopp said this and he was 100% correct, "you don't sign with the Bills if winning is your #1 priority."
  17. Is that how many combined yards the Bills have given up to the Jets, Pats and 49ers? Another loss, that means only one thing, another excuse from Mario Williams. Week #1 - mean offensive lineman. Week #4 - mysterious wrist injury Week #5 - ??????????????????? Any guesses? I'm going with "You have to do everything backwards on the west coast since it's on the other side of the earth."
  18. Alex Smith gets no respect around the league. Yet he can make all the throws Fitzpatrick can make, from what I have seen, Fitzpatrick can not make all the throws Smith can make. The Bills have been outplayed, outcoached and outclassed today. The Bills are a long way away from being a contender. Only if the Cardinals are looking past the Bills to the Vikings. The Cardinals will be looking to come back strong after a poor game against the Rams. I give the Bills little to no chance.
  19. Did the "defense rest" or are you pleading guilty?
  20. You are missing one major point in your argument, Stevie Johnson is in no way Larry Fitzgerald. Larry Fitzgerald is a game breaker and has been one for some time now. Stevie Johnson is not a game breaker. He has nowhere near the impact and talent of a Larry Fitzgerald. Stevie Johnson is simply a good wide receiver on a bad football team. I don't understand the need to try and inflate Johnson into something that he clearly is not. It takes less energy to act than it does to react? Just a guess.
  21. Looks like his numbers are declining. 278 "targets" in two seasons. You would think he would produce more. I see that he was also 44th & 56th in yards per catch over those two seasons. Like I said, he is more suited as a #2 possession type receiver as shown by his 1st down totals being 25th and 4th over the past two seasons.
  22. If the answer is yes to that question. I'll start calling around Europe to find Lieno a team to play for.
  23. Sadly, the Bills have neither. Which is part of the reason why the gap between the Bills and the top tier teams is still so great. Just looking Stevie Johnson's career stats, he has just one 100 yard game in his last 26 games, only has four for his career, none against the AFC East. He has also only has two multiple touchdown games in his entire career. There is nothing about Stevie Johnson that points to him being a number one receiver.
  24. Julio Jones is not a #1, Atlanta's #1 Roddy White had 169 yard sand 2 TD's. Stevie Johnson is nowhere near the level of Fitzgerald or White.
  25. How does that work? Does he need the Sabres permission to play? If he gets hurt does it void his current contract with the Sabres?
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