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Everything posted by deluca67

  1. I'm 8-1 going into the week and I'm starting Spiller and Johnson hoping for a shootout and for the other Fitzpatrick to show up. Through 8 weeks of the season so far, the Bills defense has allowed: 3 300yd passers 6 100yd receivers 5 100yd rushers Why does it seem like it should be a lot more?
  2. Papa John's pizza sucks. What it comes down to is actual people. My day is filled dealing with actual people. People like you and me are out there borrowing and spending. Isn't that the base of any economy? They are doing it all over the Country. It's not simply a view "from my condo." The concept of "underemployment" is an interesting one. With a larger population and more people graduating college than ever before, combined with advances in technology it would seem "underemployment" would be unavoidable. When I entered the workforce way back when a high school diploma was the minimal education requirement. Today the minimum is a college degree. IMO, it is unrealistic to expect a new job to be created for every college graduate. Going forward, there is going to be a competition for the better paying jobs and some well qualified candidates are going to have to settle for less.
  3. No rose colored glasses are needed. Just facts. I can appreciate that you may find yourself in a tough position and I wish you the best of luck. The economy is basically people lending money, people borrowing money and people spending money. I can tell you from my perspective, people are doing all three. That is an opinion formulated from what I see everyday, not wishful thinking.
  4. 5-6 years ago, the company I work for had a "Black Friday" where about 30-40 people were let go. Here we are today growing and taking on new clients, some well known national brands in banking. Also, auto-leasing was all but dead in 2006-2007, it is coming back like George after eating a piece of mango.
  5. Imagine if I knew what a "zygote" was. ;)
  6. Imagine the numbers if abortion was illegal. :doh:
  7. Not sure what was more enjoyable, watching President Obama be re-elected or watching Karl Rove implode on the Fox News Channel last night. Hopefully this will be a wake up call for the Republican Party. It's time to take the party away from McConnel, Trump, Rove, Norquist and Jesus and hand it over to adults. When the chips were down Gov Christie put aside the BS, Charlie Crist did a good job in Florida. There are some adults in the Repulican Party, or at least they were in the party. Unitl they turn their backs on the Rush LimBaugh types, it will be difficult to take the Republicans seriously. I do have to say I did enjoy listening to WBEN all day today, the clown in the morning, Limbaugh and Sandy Beach. Beach had the most telling line of the day when referring to the poor, "they exist becuase we allow them to exist." If that just doesn't hit the nail on the head for conservatives.
  8. Adding jobs each month, Wall Street value doubled, ending wars, providing health care to those that need it, your right it's "disgraceful." :doh: "Black Panther Thugs?" What is this, 1966? Another example of how the Republican Party just doesn't live in the same decade as the rest of us. You're stuck in the sixties and Romney is stuck in the 50's.
  9. Is your fear that possible Romney voters are so weak minded that they may vote for Obama because 3 people are wearing NAACP shirts and hats? Sorry, this little story is in no way comparable to what's going on in Florida where the State is attempting to prevent people from voting. I have to ask, where are all the weekend-Rambo types so concerned with individual rights? Fellow American Citizens are being denied their right to vote, where is the uproar? Try to ban a gun and they are all up in arms talking out individual rights. Here's are real individual rights being denied and they are nowhere to be seen. Must be too busy trying decide which bazooka to use once turkey hunting season begins. :doh: I would love to see some pro-Romney supporters go to the inner city wearing Romney hats and shirts. ;)
  10. The Economist endorses Obama. http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21565623-america-could-do-better-barack-obama-sadly-mitt-romney-does-not-fit-bill-which-one
  11. How competitive would the Bills be if they had a QB?
  12. Will someone please erase the wildcat from the Bills playbook?
  13. Here's to hoping the Bills pull off a November surprise. :beer:
  14. Nothing intimidates like bottled water? :w00t: Apparently there is newly released video of the incident.
  15. Things are turning around, I would hate for things to get f'd up now. Hell, I just found out that Omaha Steaks is opening shop in Amherst and Ted's is opening a new location in Chektavegas. If those aren't signs the economy has turned around I don't now what is.
  16. What an amazing job by the President. Considering it took a while to stop the bleeding caused by the 'W'. It's hard to believe there people out there who want to stop this progress and hand the country over to Romney. I didn't think they could. http://www.aclu.org/map-state-felony-disfranchisement-laws#text
  17. The Governor and his cronies and nothing more than criminals.
  18. Many people who have requested absentee ballots have not received them, and many of the ballots have been returned undeliverable due to errors in printing. Waits in line for the early voting have been hours long. For some reason Florida still uses paper ballots which slows down the process.
  19. One of the hardest things to do is abandon your home. I wouldn't blame any person who refused to leave. Being homeless is one of the most frightening feelings you can have.
  20. The Republican symbol should be changed to a man blocking a voting booth. I hope every person who is not allowed to vote or has their vote not counted in the state of Florida sues Gov. Scott for violating their right to vote.
  21. I would say it's "unbelievable" what is going on in Florida with the Governor's attempt to suppress the vote, but really, it's not surprising at all. I just glad Gov. Richard Scott has resorted to ethnic cleansing to suppress the vote, at least not yet.
  22. Maybe we should treat The Walking Dead like a training film.
  23. "Developing?" Does that mean the sex is happening right now?
  24. Hats off to the Giants. They had a great post season. Coming back from the brink of elimination to sweep the World Series.
  25. I love that show, Bill Maher cuts through the bull$hit. So many people are afraid to say what they truly feel. He is not one of them.
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