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Everything posted by deluca67
Heard a report on WBEN that an ex-girlfriend and a male friend are missing. 18 children gunned down! Is this finally enough now? Can we please cut through the crap and do what's right?
You missed the point like Zhitnik missed the net on a slap shot. The strength of individual franchises will always be relevant when discussing what is best for the league. The Cap goes to competitive balance of the league not the strength of the individual franchises. Having such a disparity in revenues will continue to keep many franchises, including the Sabres, at risk. You simply can't have so many teams struggling to break even and expect the League to continue to grow.
Hockey fans are smart, they know that being an owner in the NHL is not like being an NFL owner. NFL owners are guaranteed a profit before they sell a single ticket, beer or piece of merchandise. NHL owners do not have that luxury. The NHL is a niche product where a large portion of owners struggle to break even. We here in Buffalo know that all too well. The Buffalo Sabres are not a profitable venture and we as fans rely on the kindness of billionaires to keep the team here in Buffalo. As a fan of the NHL and the Buffalo Sabres I desperately want the League to stabilize to a point where the Sabres can be a stand alone profitable entity.
"Why shouldn't players share in the profits of that system," simply because the NHL "porfits" are being carried by three teams, Leafs, Rangers and Canadians. They make up 75% of the leagues revenue. http://www.forbes.com/sites/kurtbadenhausen/2012/09/18/nhl-lockout-is-all-about-the-benjamins-and-who-doesnt-have-them/. That is just the reality of the situation. In order for the league to be strengthened, player costs must be kept in check. They may be the "best 800 players" in the world today, tomorrow it will be a different group of players. Players are a ever changing resource. They are a resources who currently receive compensation that does not reflect the current imbalance in the NHL. There needs to be a salary structure in place that reflects the bottoms 25 teams in the league that posted $86 million in loses in 2010-11. That needs to coincide with increased revenues to strengthen the league as a whole. Reducing revenues to match and gains by the owners in regards to player salaries just doesn't make sense. To give credit where it is due, Jeremy White on the WGR morning show brought up the argument about the disparity of team revenues in a conversation with Jerry Sullivan. I am pretty much just echoing his sentiments from Friday.
Why should the NHL give anything? In 2011 NHL players made more on average than NFL players. http://sports.yahoo....ug=ycn-10423863. They have all their equipment and expenses paid for in addition to their salaries. It seems players want to take on a bigger portion of the revenue pie, how about they take on some of the expenses? The players make enough to pay for their own travel, meals and equipment. Can we please just stop pretending this is some sort of labor negotiations and that the players are some type of union? The players are grossly overpaid independent contractors, they are not auto or steelworkers looking for a cost of living increase or better healthcare for their families. This is to the article listed above, if Ryan Miller "cared about the 750 players" in the NHL he would be publicly pushing for the, cough cough, "Union" to take the last offer from the owners. Miller acts as if he is a smart man, he should know that being a loud voice in a perceived "labor negotiation" with millions in the bank makes him look a bit disingenuous.
Another pointless tragedy. http://espn.go.com/dallas/nfl/story/_/id/8726659/josh-brent-dallas-cowboys-arrested-intoxication-manslaughter-accident-kills-jerry-brown
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Progress is always halted by a lack of forward thinking. The idea of the traditional Independent candidate being self sufficient needs to change or they will always just be a token candidate. The climate is ripe for a third party to overtake the current Republican Party. Christy and Crist could lead moderates in an exodus from the status quo of the GOP.
Amazon.com has them on sale for much cheaper than B & N.
This is pretty much what I posted a while ago. The players should be focused on expanding the NHL brand. Even if they accepted a deal where they only got 40% of revenues, if they helped grow the league form a $2 billion a year business to a $4+ billion a year business they would make out like bandits. This is where Donald Fehr is lost in all of this, he has never dealt with the type of money we are talking about here and is way over his head. The players should be focused on actual dollars instead of getting hung up on percentages. A small percentage of a bigger pie is always the wiser move. As smart as players like Ryan Miller want to pretend to be, it amazes me that they just don't get it.
Chris Christie should become an Independent. A Presidential ticket of Chris Christie and Charlie Crist would destroy any combination the Republicans could scrap up. They would put a scare into Democrats and I would consider Christie/Crist a early favorite to beat a Hilary Clinton led ticket. Christie and Crist are two men who have put the people above their party and politics. That is an easy sell that would gain support from Dems and Republican voters.
"Forward" as in stepping further away from the Repulican/'W' apocalyptic polices that had this Country knee deep in war and on the verge of economic collapse. Women's rights will always be important, I will never be in favor of stripping a woman of her rights due to a medical condition. To deny a woman an abortion is equivalent to denying a woman a mastectomy when she has breast cancer which I am sure is coming from the Religious Right since a tumor is a "living thing." The only "uninformed" and "lazy" voters are the ones with their heads buried so far into their bibles that they have no grasp of reality. Which is why so many of them believe woman have magic vaginas that can stop pregnancies at will and that the severe weather the world has been experiencing is due to god's displeasure with homosexuals not climate change. People voted for Obama because they are tired of silly little groups like the sociopathic-religious right and the American Taliban known as the "Tea Party." As these groups continue to expose who they really are and what they are really about they will find any influence they might have had continue to dwindle. A new era is upon us in American, people are tired of wasting time on non-issues like abortion and gay marriage, we are tired climate change and the science being ignored in favor of a book of fairy tales. I am really excited about the 2014 elections, I fully expect the Democrats to make even more significant gains in the House and the Senate. "Republican" and "Conservative" have become dirty words in the this country. Unless there is a drastic shift in the Republican Party they will continue to rendered irrelevant.
The Economy is "spending," which is why in my tax proposal the goal is to give as many average Americans as much tax relief as possible. The average American is going to turn around and spend that money right back into the "economy." Which is unlike the "Top 2%" who will let the money sit in some account which hurts the economy.
I'm not an economist, I have to believe putting money back into the pockets of so many, those making less than $100K, it would create an economic boom and a return of a true middle class. Companies are taxed on their imports, why not tax "outsourced labor" as an import? I'll go a step further and say that States as well as the Federal Government should be able to collect payroll tax on that "out sourced labor." Companies shouldn't be able to benefit from paying employees of a call center half way around the world pennies on the dollar.
Just read Vol. 17 of the Walking Dead, it is disturbing and heart breaking. If you like the series I highly suggest the comics. Just stop at a B&N and give a volume a quick read. It is far more intense at times than the TV series.
We'll all be posting here on opening night because we do love it so. The NHL is that one girl (or guy) that continuously fu@ks us over and we swear her (or him) off for good. As soon as the phone rings and her (or his) voice hits we are all off to make the same mistake again.
Any person making under $50,000 and family under $100,000 should be tax exempt. $100,000- $250,000 should be taxed at the current rate. $250,000 and up should be taxed at 30%. Eliminate all deductions except charitable deductions to licensed non-religious based charities. Businesses have a chance to lower their rates based on their environmental efforts, going green, and the percentage of products purchased that are made in the US and the percentage of employees based in the US. A scaled tax on all US businesses based on the percentage of out-sourced jobs. A tax/duty on all products imported from companies that do not have a US based operation that makes up 25% of that companies work force.
Both teams did a horrible job with clock management. Alabama settle for a field go at the end of the half sitting on two timeouts. They could have/should have ran a couple of more plays.
What's the point of making fun of Tim Connolly?
Apparently Jovan Belcher of the Cheifs shot his girlfriend and himself this morning. WTF!
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American has won because we will continue to see polices implemented to move the country forward. The focus will be on the continued stabilization of the economy and job growth. We have as a country avoided four years of religious based polices designed to strip women of their rights and deregulation and tax cuts intended to inflate the wealth of the top 1%. The middle class in this country is on life support, a Romney presidency would have been equivalent to pulling the plug on the middle class. At least now we have a fighting chance. The President needs to stay firm on his stance, tax cuts for the middle class and tax hikes for the wealthiest Americans. "Fiscal Cliff" be damned. I would love to look over that cliff to see Grover Norquist and the group of idiots in congress that put his money above what is best for the country, laying at the bottom. I would gladly pay more in taxes if it meant the destruction of the current leadership of the Republican Party. It is time for the "Republican Spring" where sane, fiscally responsible and socially aware Republicans take back control of their party. It's time for the Democrats and Republicans to work together to move the country forward, that can't happen until the Republicans purge the bible clutching sociopaths from their party.
America won, not just Obama. ;)
We all dream of a day where this happens. Problem is that it wouldn't happen unless something drastic happens like an ownership change. If Nix goes I doubt Ralph Wilson will give Doug Whaley the power to make the sweeping changes needed. Unfortunately the Bills are in a lame duck status until Ralph Willson passes away. Until then it will be business as usual.
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The Pats were much further along than the Bills are at this point. The 5-11 season came after fours seasons where they won 38 games. The 2000 season is the only season over the last 17 where the Pats had a negative point differential. The Bills over the last 13 seasons have had a positive point differential just once, 2004, which is also there only winning season (9-7) over that same 13 seasons.
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People voted against Romney so he wouldn't have the opportunity to sign any legislation.