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Everything posted by deluca67

  1. It makes you wonder if the entire "Ralph is handing over control" was nothing more than BS.
  2. He was 25-25 in a bad football conference.
  3. It's like any other relationship. You have a disagreement, it gets dragged out, when it's over both sides feel silly and wonder why they ever fought in the first place. As far as the fans, both sides were battling over our money, any person that comes out and says otherwise is being disingenuous. Let them say what they want to say, we are smart enough not to step in the piles of BS both sides will be spreading.
  4. Why wouldn't you be? The CBA is just part of the business aspect of sports. You shouldn't let that effect your enjoyment of the NHL. There is a reason why so many of us have followed and loved the NHL for as long as we have. Now that they are returning and getting back on the ice I am ecstatic. A month from now when they are battling on the ice and we here on this board are verbally battling about players, coaches and officials I won't even remember there was a lockout.
  5. What's with all the quitters? I'm still in.
  6. Great news, now the Sabres can cut Leino and fire Lindy! :w00t:
  7. Doug Marrone? A coach of a bad team in a bad football conference? This is very disappointing.
  8. Maybe the Sabres can start breeding a race of Russian/Swede hybrids?
  9. Fox News drops another rung on the credibility ladder. Just another story to be thrown on the pile of crap promoted by the Right. Right next to the birther movement, Clinton faking a blood clot and Benghazi. Every day the Right continues with crap like this is a day closer to a Democratic House majority. I said before, and I still believe, Christie could be a real contender as an Independent in 2016. I don't think fundraising would be a problem for him.
  10. Is there a story here?
  11. Chris Christie :thumbsup: http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_c2#/video/us/2013/01/02/sot-christie-disgraceful.state-of-new-jersey
  12. I doubt if Chris Christie is still a Republican by the end of 2013. His views are too common sense.
  13. We have a winner.
  14. Congress's worst enemy, logic.
  15. If a guy in charge of bumper stickers can be CEO, why can't I or K-9 be head coach?
  16. Did I just see Karl Rove on Fox News complaining it is too soon to declare the "Fiscal Cliff" bill as having passed in the Senate?
  17. Really? They are looking at Ken Winsenhut? How about starting at the top of the available coaches list, not the bottom.
  18. They managed to turn this Congress into the all-time worst Congress in US History. They are nothing more then political terrorist group holding the Republicans of the House of Representatives hostage. Their attacks on Planned Parenthood and NPR have exposed the Tea Party for what they are. If this new bill fails to pass through the House it will be because of the Tea Party and those Republicans who don't have the ballz to ignore them. This is just my opinion, the only way to successfully reduce any deficit is by reducing unemployment. The more people at work means more people paying taxes. If the Republicans want the top 2% not to have to pay higher taxes then they should stop large companies from outsourcing to other countries. You can't have it both ways, you can't move jobs overseas to increase your profits and not have to make up the tax revenue difference created by those who jobs you shipped away not being to earn wages to be taxed.
  19. Wasn't Brandon behind the Marv as GM move?
  20. The Tea Party has attached it's self to the Republican Party and is slowly sucking the life out of the Republican Party. The Tea party is an extremist organization that hides behind a mask of fiscal conservatism as a way to push an ultra-conservative agenda. House Republicans are so afraid of Tea Party opposition in primaries that they forgo their own common sense. What has the President been doing with our money? That's right, adverting a financial collapse created by unnecessary wars, a collapse of the auto industry and a financial industry run a muck. If you you want to point out "parasites who feed off such funds" you need to look no further the defense industry.
  21. I like the way Cleveland is prepared to go forward with their search. Hire a coach and get a personnel guy to be GM. Keep the two positions separated from each other.
  22. The Tea Party is a parasite, anything that leads to their demise can only be considered a good thing.
  23. How can anyone say that Nix and Gailey made the Bills better, three consecutive 10 loss seasons which included defenses that where historically bad and piss poor game day management. Nix and Gailey may be nice guys, they are both over their heads in the modern NFL. The last three seasons have been a colossal waste of time. This team is in no way closer to competing at a high level than they have been at any point over the last 13 seasons. In the end, Gailey just gets added to the growing list of failed coaches the Bills have missed on over the past 13 seasons.
  24. The best possible outcome today is for the House Republicans to vote down the Bill. After a a 89-8 bi-partisan vote in the Senate, a defeat of the bill in the House will further demonize the extremest that currently have control of the House.
  25. Wade was .500 in his first stint with Denver at 16-16, 29-19 with the Bills and 34-22 with the Cowboys. Right now the Bills are in such dire straights I would like for someone like Wade Phillips to come in and stabilize the franchise. The Bills overall talent level is slanted towards the defense. IMO, Wade could have this Bills defense in the top 10 within 2 years which will allow the Bills to win while they search for a QB.
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