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Everything posted by deluca67

  1. I would guess a law suite will follow. She might as well just crawl back under the rock she came out from under. In an attempt to shame another person she inadvertently showed the world how ugly she truly is.
  2. The depth of your lack of understanding of what "Black people problems" is staggering. Your faux-outrage at an issue which you clearly don't understand is laughable. Why would you understand, you have never been a second class citizens in a country that generations of your family help build. I am sympathetic. and even I realize I will never fully be able to understand what it is to be hated, feared and devalued simply because of the color of my skin. Anyway, please continue with your "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" bullsh!t. It's always entertaining to hear, sad, but entertaining none the less.
  3. Embarrassing is the word that comes to mind first and foremost. Also, racist, who believe that people with darker skin are the blame for all their problems in life.
  4. Neither is owning a gun, it is a bought and paid for right, not a right provided by the founding fathers.
  5. Own many "Defense" rifles do you? A gun is an instrument designed to kill. You can use it for self defense, or to hunt, either way it's to kill what you are aiming at. To try to pretend it anything out is silly and disrespectful of all those that lose their lives daily to gun violence.
  6. The Bush family spent three presidential terms declaring war on the Muslim religion. I fear we are at a point of no turning back. The world is too far gone. There is no military action that could have prevented what happened in France last night. We helped create this enemy and the battlefield is now the world. The enemy does not wear uniforms, they live, work and walk among us living mundane everyday lives. Until they decide to kill. We can continue to bomb ISIS strongholds in the middle east, that won;t prevent rouge individuals with no connection ISIS from taking up their cause and acting out. Sadly, the military can do nothing about them.
  7. It's like the Republicans just stopped trying.
  8. Nothing will get gun laws passed faster than a picture of a black man with an assault rifle. A black man with a gun is a threat, a group of armed white men taking federal lands hostage are just some good old boys expressing their 2nd amendment rights? There was a time when you could laugh this off. Now it's just too sad.
  9. Brock Lesner is a monster.
  10. You would screw Ted Black?
  11. I saw this post where there were 20 open carry activists at the rally in Dallas. Shouldn't they have prevented or stopped the shootings? Isn't that what we are told by gun activists after every mass-shooting? If only there were more guns they could have been prevented? How many armed police officers were there? They couldn't stop or prevent the shootings. The answer to gun violence never was nor ever will be more guns. Time to stop the lie.
  12. Police are not "soldiers", many officers think and act like they are, but they are not, that's the problem. Police are peace officers whose job is to protect and serve. To video it to show the world, a would where many live in denial. I would like to remind many here that selling CD's, selling cigarettes, routine traffic violations and even resisting arrest or assaulting a police officer are not crimes punishable by death. Police officers are not qualified to be judge, jury and executioner. A community of out fellow citizens are begging the police to stop killing them and they are begging for the rest of the country to care. If you are trying to degrade their pleas or excuse away their deaths than shame on you.
  13. A) Police have become militarized, some police departments even have tanks. B) Once is an occurrence, twice is coincidence, three or more is a pattern. How many black men have been murdered by police in recent years? I'm not Willy Wonka or the Candy Man so I don't feel the need to sugar coat what is going on. We've created a violent world and are now paying for it. There is no reason to believe it's not going to get worse.
  14. You go to bed thinking this is a ######-up world and end up waking in the middle of the night to find out that ######-up doesn't even cover it. There are bad people out there who just want to hurt people in a country where every means to do so is readily available. The gun culture wanted a war zone and they seem to be getting it. The officers committed cold blooded murder just as these Dallas snipers have done. There is no difference, There is no justifying one and not the other. This is the gun culture that we live in. As tragic as the events in Dallas are, it was also inevitable. You have a militarized police targeting a portion of the population and a population that has easy access to pretty much any weapons they want. If the Dallas shootings are truly a response to recent police murders than we should take pause and think how quickly these people were able to plan and execute that plan with such great efficiency.
  15. The Clinton's are the embodiment of the American political system. Is Hilary the perfect Candidate? No! Unfortunately the Democrats did not provide a better option and the Republicans failed to present any option at all. So this what we are left with. The best case scenario is that the wife of a highly successful President is following 2 terms of another highly successful President. She is part of the political machine which at this time may be good enough to maintain and build of of Obama's success. The body count attributed to the two failed Bush presidencies is staggering. So many lives lost for nothing. If any political figures deserve to be in prison it is the W and his accomplices.
  16. I notice Donald Trump didn't make the list. During a conversation I had a great point was brought this email garbage and will be fodder for conspiracy theorist. What if there was actually evidence of a crime and the FBI chose to ignore it. Why would they? I said if that was the case it is likely the pressure came Republicans to call of the dogs as they say. Right now, Hilary Clinton is the Republican Party's best option for President. They rather have Clinton in the Oval office than Trump, which is why I don't believe Trump will receive any help from the Republican party, with items like voter suppression and the like. To add to the thought, would a back room deal between Republicans and Clinton be that far fetched?
  17. Is Trump really funding his own campaign? I saw an estimate that the total spent on the Clinton witch hunts is as much as $100 million dollars. That is a criminal act worth investigating.
  18. If Hilary Clinton was not a running for President there would not have been a single Congressional Investigation and you know this to be true.The hearings were nothing more than shameful political partisanship that used the loss of four American lives to pander to their base and help their political agenda. Trump is his "own man?' Please. Trump is grifter who makes his money scamming people out of their money. As President he wont have the luxury to declare bankruptcy which is his go to move once he screws things up.
  19. Who is going to apologize to those parents for using their loved ones as pawns in a witch hunt? I get it. The Republican Party is at an all time low. Their is an incumbent President who is crushing it which is going to carry Clinton to the White House. All they have is are Benghazi and email witch hunts, costing the tax payers millions of dollars, that ended up blowing up in their faces. Just when you think the Republicans couldn't embarrass themselves even more, Donald Trump is going to be the Republican nominee. And if people want to talk about emails, didn't the Bush administration delete millions of white house emails from a private server? I can't wait for the Republicans to lose control of the Congress so serious people can actually start moving the country forward. If we had a serious Congress for the last six years who knows how much more progress could have been made.
  20. What a load of bullsh!t. Fact is that Republicans cut the budget which affected the security and safety of the diplomats. The blood is on their hands. Here are some more facts: Under this administration there have been 2 embassy attacks which led to 4 deaths and spawned 13 investigations. Under Bush there have were 13 embassy attacks with led to 66 deaths. Zero investigations. Under Reagan there were 10 embassy attacks with 318 total deaths. 1 investigations. I'm sick of Republicans in Congress pretending they give a rat's ass about those that died in Benghazi. They have dishonored those that lost their lives.
  21. I'd take Lucic over Hall every time. There was only a ten point difference between the two last season. Lucic brings so much more to a roster. I think he is a bot more than a McSorely, though I have no doubt that the Oilers had McSorely in mind when they signed him.
  22. Lucic is coming off a solid year with 20 goals 55 points and a lofty +26. He's only 28 and has a ton of hockey left in him. He is great pickup for the Oliers. If I am McDavid I am overjoyed to have Lucic on my wing. Lucic is a game changer, teams that may look to take shots at the wonder kid will have to think twice.
  23. As I said earlier, Kane should know better than to put himself at risk, especially considering recent history. Looks like GMTM agrees.
  24. Vanek is far more talented than Matt Moulson ever was. There is no real comparison there. I expect Vanek to bounce back and put 30 goals this season. Last year Detroit was a .500 playoff team with their two top guys, Zetterberg and Datsyuk scoring a combined 29 goals. Vanek and Nielsen had a combined 38 goals. They are in transition with Larkin likely to big a bigger factor and still some cap room to make some more moves. They have 24 year old in net with Mrazek, if he continues to develop, the reports of the Red Wings demise will have been greatly exaggerated.
  25. This signing will be the biggest bargain of the year.
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