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  1. In two days we will have elected our first woman President and the Democrats will have regained the Senate. What may be far more important looking back years from now is the damage done to the Republican Party. I can see the Party being split in two which each faction running candidates. The third party so many have called for may be the last thing anyone saw coming.
  2. I read the comics. Glen'd death was as it was in the comics. I found it disturbing in the comics and more so seeing it acted out. They went for impact and they were successful.
  3. Not even close.
  4. Abraham would be the safe choice. For impact, Glen is a good choice. It would help develop Maggie's character.
  5. 23 years of scrutiny and investigations, $100 million plus spent by republicans and thousands of meaningless emails released by Wikileaks have produced nothing. Clinton does not belong in jail, she belongs in the White House.
  6. A vote from Trump is indefensible. That he even has a measurable amount of support in the polls is embarrassing for this country.
  7. Didn't Reagan ban assault rifles under the Brady Bill?
  8. How about pre-Alzheimer's Ronald Reagan? I agree with those that believe Trump has given up on the election and right now he is playing to potential views of Trump TV,
  9. I know. I would just love to see Clinton be aggressive when it comes to emails. You know Trump knows nothing about the contents of the emails, and Clinton should point out exactly how little Trump knows about the contents of the emails. Just like if he brings up Watergate, does anyone really think he knows anything about Watergate. Point out that Trump is going over ground that Republicans have spent $100 million proving nothing is there. Between the Republicans and Wikileaks they have proven there is just nothing there.
  10. When Trump brings up Clinton's emails tonight I would love for Clinton to ask Trump to release the contents of his personal email server. I doubt Trump would last a second under the level of scrutiny Clinton has been under the last 23+ years.
  11. When is Wikileaks releasing all these damning emails? Wikileaks appears to be the HockeyBuzz of the political world.
  12. I believe so. If you look at the schedule, it starts at week two.
  13. The LGBT community can't be ruled out as well. When the state targets a particular group, spearheaded by Republicans, you can't rule out that group striking back.
  14. I doubt it since all the words are spelled correctly.
  15. The biggest factor is that Fowler is still only 24 years old and is in his 7th year, the rare youth with experience combo.. So it's not like you are giving up youth for a veteran on the downside. Established NHL talent for this team should be the priority. Sometimes we gt two attached to 1st round picks. Wasn't too long ago the Sabres had 4 1st round picks in 2 years. What do we have show for it? One quality NHL player at this point and 2 have been shipped out.
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