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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. Oh, so we wasted TWO third rounders on this kid?! (Tsar chasm)
  2. Eh, it's the off-season. That's what's going on right now.
  3. For what it's worth, I don't think he will sign here, but I still think the trade was the right move.
  4. Happy Ves-eve, ya filthy animals
  5. http://m.weei.com/sports/boston/this-just-in/212427076/agent-vesey-leaning-eastern-conference Maybe not Chicago?
  6. This is the thread for people who have no memory of the last time the Bills made the playoffs, right?
  7. The generation of staff members that I worked with at Dittmer stuck around for quite a while as part of a core of senior staff members. One just completed his fifteenth year. Part of that is due to the fact that our council pays more than any of the surrounding camps, or at least they did when I was there.
  8. Dittmer and Sam Wood. I was Trading Post Manager for a summer, Nature Director for three, then Program Director for another three.
  9. 1. Boy scout summer camp counselor (7 summers, best paying job I've had so far) 2. Dishwasher 3. Trim Carpenter
  10. I would like to walk this back. I really didn't think a spectacle would be made of something that everybody already knew about. I'm back to "the guy has pretty poor, probably immature judgement."
  11. Well, I give up. Of this is true, I will move my piece to "have his things waiting for him at the airport."
  12. I'll take this as a good sign. He's obviously impressed, and even if he doesn't make it to the big club full time, Rochester could certainly use the help. I mean, as long as the arena is good enough to let him play in. I wonder if this means anything regarding Vesey.
  13. Laughed at by time... The things PA once dreamed of, Have become reality.
  14. Im not sure I like the smokey smell, but I am a big fan of the resulting stars.
  15. That smokey smell is just burning garbage.
  16. Everyone is out playing Pokémon Go.
  17. We just need to find out if Vesey reached a top speed of 462 knots and altitude of 34k ft within the last couple hours. Quick, somebody look online to see if there is a veseyaware.com!
  18. AirPegula hasn't left Boston yet. WTF IS GOING ON OUT THERE?! Did Vesey break his leg getting on the plane?! PANICPANICPANIC!
  19. Thats why I said jersey and not jerseys! But really, Duffy on the 6.5 morning show drunk bid on one of the warm up jersey auctions, and it just happened to be the one time Schaller was up in Buffalo. He didn't realize who he had bid on until the sweater showed up in the mail. So there's at least one.
  20. Yeah, I'll never forget all of the Schaller jersey burning in the streets of Rochester.
  21. Well, at this point he might be, although not by his play alone, but due to the fact that he could shake free another top 6 forward to use in a trade for a top four defenseman. Outside of that though, I just don't see it.
  22. Nice to hear from you. How did you get Sidney Crosby to agree to appear in your video?
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