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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. I hope Des breaks Neil's nose.
  2. In just calling it "The Bank." Man, it's so much easier to get credit for things over here than it is over at tbd.
  3. Anyone But Canada Nothing against our neighbors to the north, but I wanna see somebody else win every once in a while.
  4. It's only a matter of time before we're trying to figure out which one of them pooped in the bed.
  5. Poor Risto. Russia scores that goal because the ref decked him.
  6. 3v3 hockey is outGDstanding. And that was the outstandingest.
  7. Team USA sledge hockey player Josh Pauls tweeted out how he feels lucky that he was born without legs so he didn't have to suffer the embarrassment of playing for the stand up team. I have a feeling some shakeup is coming.
  8. Because Jimmy Craig wasn't available. :lol:
  9. Ha, we suck so bad.
  10. The junior/NTDP is in pretty good shape. After that it all turns to dung.
  11. Well, RO'R is playing good hockey, not that I expected anything less.
  12. Here it goes lol
  13. Damn
  14. Wow. I thought they be down two goals by now. They look pretty good.
  15. I spent all day telling myself I wasn't gonna bother watching this game. I'm sitting in my recliner in front of my tv, watching the pregame. I am so weak willed. Canada wins, 7 to 1, tomorrow at a rally Trump promises his first act as POTUS would be to fire Torts.
  16. Jack takes a forearm to the face. This isn't fun anymore.
  17. Oooo, it's about to get hot up in hurr. And they botch it.
  18. RNH is having a nice game
  19. Got in late. Notice I missed a goal. Was it nice?
  20. I'll admit I was a little concerned about NAs defense, however I thought that they had the opportunity to make up for it with a blistering attack. After all, the best defense is a good offense.
  21. Dude, these Finns are getting so frustrated because these kids are so slippery.
  22. McDavis is ok I guess.
  23. They might want to dial the age back a year to 22.
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