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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. Other than people climbing onto players cars, I would guess at least 30 feet. They had a row of barricades, about 10 feet, then the fence, then a big strip of grass that the players didn't bother crossing. Like I said, there was an issue with people climbing on players cars, but the only social media posts that showed players with their windows wide open were Neal and Norman, who already had it. I'm not sure it even would be considered a "high risk exposure" by protocols anyway, but I'm not a doctor or anything.
  2. I went last night. I tried to find a high up spot a bit back from the crowd, but the crowd kept growing, so my friend and I kept creeping back. I think people are trying to downplay the number of people that showed up. By the time the team landed, there must have been at least five thousand fans. It seemed like most people around me were acting responsibility, keeping with the people that they arrived with, and masking up. FWIW, it sounded like Dabolls car got the loudest applause on the way out.
  3. I gotta have one of those hats.
  4. Actually, the call that bothered me most was the 4th and 17 play on the last drive that was negated because of OPI on Guyton. That should have been reviewed and overturned, because he never caught the ball. The Bills would have had the chance to decline the penalty and end the game right there. Replay officials absolutely missed that one.
  5. I don't like when a last name starts with the same sound as the end of the first name. Should I pause between names? Should I just mash the whole name into one? Absolute disaster unless he takes a nickname quickly.
  6. From the same article: "Sources say the Sabres are considering an internal salary cap in the low $70 million range; the Arizona Coyotes, who recently failed to make on-time signing bonus payments to a number of players, may be operating just south of $70 million under their next GM; the Pittsburgh Penguins are reportedly planning to budget in the low-to-mid $70 million range on an $81.5 million limit." So much for dgging another well.
  7. So, basically, a playoff team just got the first overall pick? This league continues to baffle me.
  8. People seem surprised at his drinking and drug use. I thought it was common knowledge in Buffalo.
  9. I don't think you can really do that. No professional is going to sign up to sit around. If the third goalie is good enough, they're going to go somewhere they can get more playing time. If they're young, the team is going to send them down to get more experience. NFL quarterbacks are a totally different situation. If you want to play, you have to get in line. There's no developmental league, so holding a clipboard is how you develop.
  10. I was gonna go to bed, but now I'm intrigued.
  11. I'm irrationally happy about this. In my head I know he's declining, and I'm still not convinced this isn't all just public negotiation by Brady's camp, but in my heart I just hate the guy and want him out of the division.
  12. That kind of effort for 82 games gets them 95 points.
  13. Bogosian is still killing us.
  14. We got the best player in the trade.
  15. Was Eichel out there the full 2 minutes?
  16. You ***** HATE to see it.
  17. If the canes win a cup, does this dude get a ring?
  18. That puck was MOVING.
  19. Rob explaining how the Toronto game is the type of game you can build momentum on less than 30 seconds before they give up two goals back was funny in a sad and painful way.
  20. Yeah, but I think thats supposed to be a double entendre.
  21. Enjoy the Peace Bridge, hosers.
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