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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. Yeah, it's been there for some time. Didn't they have a Boobie Dixon jersey for a while too?
  2. I think the last behind the bench wearing the turdburger is killing the teams morale.
  3. Tonight's anthem is performed by Sergio Flores!
  4. UNLOCK THE BUNKER DOORS (All jokes aside, this is great news.)
  5. I stranded Matty Mo on my fantasy bench in favor of Samson. This is the third time this season I've had to play one over the other, and each time, I've played samson, hoping that he would break out of his funk. Regret.
  6. Carrier is like a slightly less skilled RO'R.
  7. So, has a player ever dropped gloves with their own teammate? I feel like it's only a matter of time before Eichel does.
  8. Man, Rayzor is spitting fire tonight.
  9. God, this clown is wasting Jack Eichel.
  10. I thought it was pretty good, and it all made sense except for one, slightly disappointing thing.
  11. I laughed so hard at this that I have hiccups now.
  12. Probably, unless HCDDB can figure out a way to dress a fifth line.
  13. In the words of Robin Scherbatsky, "Long Island is Brooklyn's fart trail."
  14. This place is a freaking dump. It needs so much work.
  15. I'm going in to watch it right now at, of all places, the Strand in Brockport. Wasn't going to, but my friends want to see it in imax next week, and I find it hard to concentrate on a movie in that format.
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