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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. Hey, would ya look at that
  2. Or regulation. Or the in a shootout.
  3. Oh my god, next year is gonna be so awesome.
  4. These goalies are better shootout goalies than Lehner.
  5. Haha, that's awesome
  6. Well this is a shame
  7. Soooo close Greatest wjc ever.
  8. I can't handle two OT games at the same time
  9. Cbus comes crashing back down to earth in embarrassing fashion.
  10. There are too many good hockeys going on simultaneously. zing
  11. I feel like that should have been a shot
  12. Oh , I looked away for five minutes, what happened?
  13. It's probably because he took a penalty right off the opening face off. Got into his head.
  14. Finally getting some use out,of my degree. I knew my history minor would come in handy...
  15. What the hell with that whistle?
  16. The Flaggian Raids
  17. Inconsistent officiating. Infuriating.
  18. Don't worry, HCDB is probably watching on the bench screen.
  19. Goooooaaallllll!!!
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