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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. I'm trying not to get too attached to Carrier.
  2. Then we have some serious work to do.
  3. Oh, and I predict Lehner notches an assist tonight.
  4. I predict Lehner notches an assist tonight.
  5. Smith's black pads on black uniform make him look like a fat Darth Vader.
  6. Western conference won the mascot game on a controversial penalty shot taken by Bailey (LA Kings). You know, in case you were wondering.
  7. Beware the backslide. That schitt is real.
  8. It's gonna be a goal, and then we're gonna skate two defensemen and Cal to start OT.
  9. It... did?
  10. I can't believe I lost 8 minutes of sleep for that.
  11. Interesting... This review is lasting an awfully long time.
  12. Our peeper chugs dongs.
  13. Ahh, two very crisp tape to endboards passes.
  14. That was a big goal
  15. Four. Unanswered. Goals.
  16. Probably watching YouTube cat videos on the replay screen behind the bench.
  17. You're being ridiculous. We're allergic to ANY lead.
  18. How did the puck not find it's way to the yarn during that clusterflub?
  19. So far, Gionta and Moulson have a combined 20 goals this season. That's about what I thought their season total would be.
  20. Mmmmm, the old guys getting it done.
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