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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. Six goals in 5 minutes? No way.
  2. Being afraid of the weather affected the team much more than the weather itself ever could have. Allen was more effective in Q4, while working into the wind, than he was in the other three quarters combined.
  3. This game was over the second they punted from the 49 in Q1. This football team is not aggressive enough. You needed to get out in front of a team that trusted their QB to throw the ball 3 times tonight, and you refused to do it. The insistence on establishing the run is self sabatoge. Why do we insist on doing what we aren't built to do? That's why the Pats are good. Bill knows what his team is good at and just keeps doing that, and we saw it tonight. McDermott can build a good program, but he's a crappy gameday coach.
  4. He looks miserable on the bench right now.
  5. Man, I am getting my fanhood stepped on lately.
  6. Miller and Dell didn't help much today. Woof.
  7. I don't ever feel like this team is totally out of it like I have in past years.
  8. That'll quickly lift your mood. Rochester is a wagon.
  9. Give Dylan the goal AND assist on that one. Beautiful.
  10. Not sure I dig the patronizing tone from the broadcast team...
  11. Nobody seems to have any idea what is going on.
  12. I don't know if they're more complete, but their coaches know how to use their talent. I don't trust McDermott at all on gameday anymore.
  13. This is the most poorly officiated game I've seen in a while.
  14. Need more rollouts. He's a sitting duck.
  15. The O line is getting eaten alive. I don't like this.
  16. Yeah, I wouldn't hold my breath. So far hes only posted a photoshop of himself in a Vegas uniform.
  17. This actually compelled me to dig up my transcripts. Two classes. Got a B+ in Campaigns and Elections and an A- in Public Opinion. Much better than I remembered, considering I took them during my senior year...s.
  18. Well, this is nice. Honestly, I'm just happy they're competitive this year.
  19. Might be the second best part from the Risto trade.
  20. Oh yeah! That was when I found out that True was one of my college professors.
  21. Brockport
  22. If Mahomes injury keeps him out for any games at all, they won't even make the playoffs.
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