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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. Hutton flashing some premium leather
  2. That away mask is incredible.
  3. Wow. Some of the events of the last few years make more sense now.
  4. Nylander and Mitts seem to have a little bit of chemistry.
  5. Took the morning and hit the water. Rained the whole time, but the fishing was great. Boated an 8lb steelhead, a 9lb brown, and about a dozen salmon. Kept the two kings that were over 24lbs. 40 ft down in 75 ft of water from Devil's Nose down to Bald Eagle.
  6. The stripes should have run front to back of the brim. Or maybe just the side panels, like some of the recent NHL draft hats.
  7. They're already being manufactured right in Buffalo.
  8. So what you're saying is that you're relieved to get all of the Pu out of your system?
  9. The top of the water was great. <1 footers. I will say though, there is a tourmament going on out of Sandy this weekend. At 5am, there were 12 boats stacked up in the channel. When 5:01 hit, it was like Mad Max. We stayed in at 200 and it wasnt too crowded, but it looked like bumper boats further out. Water temp is still screwed up, and there's still a lot of warm water down low. Bait is hugging the bottom.
  10. Most important meal of the day.
  11. "A bad day fishing os better than a good day at work" my ass. Second worst morning I've ever had in the lake. One of our downriggers crapped the bed and we almost lost our probe on the bottom. While pulling it back from 200ft down by hand, the other one goes off. Turns out the three pound salmon that we hooked wasnt strong enough to pop the release, and just swam back and forth, tangling itself up with three other rigs. After losing about 200 ft of line on most of our rigs, we decide to just surrender and head in for breakfast. Halfway back, the engine shuts off from full throttle, and we had to call the neighbor to tow us in. Then, getting out of the boat, I dropped my lunchbox, it popped open, and my sandwich fell in the water. I'd rather have gone to work.
  12. Some absolute bangers so far today. Hitting 100' in front of the state park. It was so crazy at daybreak we couldn't run more than two rods. Everything on flashers and flies.
  13. And you didn't include 41? I'm calling the ACLU.
  14. Oooo, the Devils are popping today.
  15. I'm out right now, and it's not too bad. The wind picked up a little and they started biting, so we're giving it another half hour. Three kings and a brown for the afternoon.
  16. I'm out of Sandy. We were running from 80-120, and most of our luck was running perpendicular to shore, right out in front. We only ran 4 rods, two spoons on downriggers and two flashers on dipsys. We had something big break a fly off of a flasher rig right off the bat, had a quick double on the spoons soon after that, then it just shut down. We weren't marking much bait, either. We're heading back out after work, before the weather shifts overnight.
  17. It's July 5th and this morning was the first chance my father and I have had to hit the lake together. Only landed two kings, but it sure beats going in to work early.
  18. Why didn't they call it Casey Cam?
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