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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. Anderson stole that game.
  2. And a penalty shot. Ya hate ta see it.
  3. MSG is gonna be fined by the FCC for airing sexual images after that period.
  4. You're not wrong. Aikman was surrounded by HOF players.
  5. I can't believe I put Golladay and Beasley on my bench today.
  6. They're busy playing WR for the Bills.
  7. These lines are creative.
  8. Yeah, I'm definitely gonna burn myself with these.
  9. This franchise is a joke without a punch line.
  10. I can't believe the camera stayed on them for so long after they fliped the cards over. I totally forgot, I got into the D&C with a "Let Gary Debate" sign at a primetime game at New Era Field in 2016.
  11. Man, is it just me or is Murray big and fast?
  12. He's steamed. I hope he's knocking in Jason's door after the game.
  13. I dont even know what to say.
  14. It's not like the tickets cost much.
  15. Special teams. Woof.
  16. Brown was WIDE OPEN. Ugh.
  17. Better do it now while his value is high!
  18. I wonder who's gonna be the first star...
  19. Whats with all the fanning lately? Is Rip down there cutting two inches off everybodys stick because they "haven't earned it yet?"
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