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Everything posted by RustySabre

  1. Maybe they lost FAITH in him. Same as the uproar over Wrecks and his system. Players hinted to that with Wrecks also,
  2. LOL or not, you weren't aware that after last nights BS that this post would fire everyone up? That never crossed your mind? Like you didn't know what you were doing...... OK..... right.
  3. Just here to stir things up?
  4. I always liked Ruff but I think he needed a change to shake him up. That said I still think they need to look away from Ruff. He won't get a fair chance in Buffalo. Oh and...Actually I should have made it more clear that I was talking about DB and his game lineups. Funny, whenever I think of Biysma and Murray together, it reminded me of two guys who haven't seen each other in twenty years and have nothing really to talk about anymore.
  5. I can't tell you how many game line ups I've seen him put together that had me saying, what on earth is he thinking here? That goes for defense pairing also. I know he drove me nuts game to game.
  6. Not being able to adjust to to the players makes him a not so good coach.
  7. Read a message board at anytime, for any reason.
  8. How did you guys arrive at this garbage from two guys losing their jobs because they were not doing them well enough for the bosses liking? It's hockey, it's the entertainment business. You guys think it's some sort of Holy war. Please.
  9. Not in today's world. Report first and deal with the fallout later. Just be first.and self serving.
  10. I liked the way the Don Maloney handled is Coyote situation. Limited money, uncertain future with ownership and lease issues. Three times to the playoffs under those pressures. Didn't want to see him go but it was either he or Tippett that was going to get canned and the owners sided with Tippett who wanted more power. He's now a scout for the Flames. Hope they at least give him an interview.
  11. Well keep us informed on what the south town bars have to say then.
  12. High horse? Obnoxious? Strike a nerve did I? Don't want a response. Don't post.
  13. So he's saying Jack and his agent are lying when they say he didn't say those things? I guess he shouldn't have asked Tim and Dan what they thought about it then. Are they the NHL people they talked to?
  14. That doesn't mean we're able to post totally untrue things about people and blow it off as a message board does it? If someone post something I would like more information on I'm going to ask about it. If they can't or won't back it up, then I'm going to say it's BS until I learn otherwise.
  15. So am I to assume that because you are on the message board, what you say is not based in fact? I can sort out the difference since this is not the only place I get information from. Trouble is there is too much parroting going on. National media picks up on local media and sells it as the truth. No reason to fact check right? That's the world we live in today. Fact checking needs to happen now more than it ever has. Too many trying to make a name for themselves to care about the actual facts in a report. That's where we're at. Run with it and deal with the results later.
  16. A fan of facts, not hear say or speculation passed off as facts. Not singling you out, many here say the same thing and their response is sidestep the original request for facts on their views. If I seen the facts presented I might tend to agree, I don't know since I haven't seen anything other than speculation
  17. Too many to detail sounds like "I don't know." Credible stories heard in a bars? Reset,,,,try again
  18. Any thoughts on Don Maloney as GM? Currently scouting for the Flames,
  19. Come on man. This all you got? Hardly worth logging in for.
  20. If you have to ask, you haven't been watching very much.
  21. I would have guessed melon-head.
  22. Nothing is going to happen any time soon. I was against this action for the Bills but It's time they think about letting the GM and Coach go on the same day. Seems to me that Murray either knows players or he knows coaches but it doesn't look like he knows both.
  23. What do you want a personal invite to all Sabre meetings? He said countless times that they prefer to let the players and GM be the ones out front. That I have seen him say in interviews. I do not trust one thing the media writes unless I see the person say it. Too much parrot/tabloid journalism going on now to trust some reports. No common sense and logic to some of it.
  24. You seem to know a lot about them. How many times have you sat down and talked with them?
  25. Did he borrow this from what was said about Wrecks Ryan? Sounds familiar to me.
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