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Everything posted by Kruppstahl

  1. GR-55 announced they will cover it live though they will have to re-shuffle things around to accommodate it. Absolutely! Totally 100% no way Ralph gets fired! Can't happen!
  2. That's my guess as well. There is still an outside chance that he will announce the firing of Krueger, so I will be tuning in.
  3. I assume WGR-550 will cover it live and cut into Schopp and Bulldog to air it. I'm listening to Instigators from this morning so I don't know.
  4. He will be announcing the arena refresh program about to commence, to include some fresh paint and revamped cup holders in the bathrooms. ๐Ÿ˜‚
  5. I agree with most of your points. Don't forget, Reinhart should be Draisaitl! That was a miss, as good as Reinhart is. Jack is a mile away from McDavid. Dahlin is way behind schedule; he is supposed to be looking like a superstar out there and he is a long way away from that. We have missed on picks all over the place for many years. Risto might be suggested as one of the more successful picks by some, and he's TERRIBLE. GMTM screwed much of it up and set the rebuild back a period of years. We had a Conn Smythe winner in the lineup and gave him away for, pretty much, nothing. We've gone through a string of ***** coaches. None of it has gone to plan.
  6. I'm listening to Ralph's post-game PC from last night right now. It all sounds the same as always. Ralph always has lots to say and all kinds of explanations for what's going wrong. It is the same after every game. At what point does Terry Pegula listen to this stuff and say "Wait a minute, this guy is full of *****!" It's like the lightbulb hasn't lit for him yet.
  7. You know, firing Adams might not really have an impact on anything, if in fact he is just a proxy for the Pegulas. I'm not even sure Ralph Krueger is subordinate to him. I think Ralph is the #1 guy in the hockey department, the Pegulas are calling a lot of the shots, and it all gets filtered through the Xs and Os of turning things into reality through Kevyn Adams. Adams is first and foremost a Pegula yes man. So you get rid of him and then what? You still have the Pegulas telling the next guy what to do. I'm about to listen to last night's post-game show right now. I'll watch out for Krueger's comments on Risto. WGR-550 has not been posting the post-game show on the website the last few games after the game, but then they do it the following morning. Pisses me off.
  8. The thread title says that Adams should do something, i.e., fire Ralph. The funny thing is I am not sure that is how it is going to work out. I am not convinced our GM is superior to Ralph on the corporate flow chart or that he has the power to fire the HC. I think Ralph is running the show, and it's not hard to whisper lies into the ear of Terry Pegula. So Ralph's firing may be delayed. I still think he doesn't survive this Islander 3 game suite.
  9. Just had a moment to check in with the hockey world now. First thing I did was see if Ralph was fired. I am expecting him to be fired any moment now, and I don't think he will survive this 3 game series with the Islanders. Especially now that the team has quit on him and is just mailing it in. Eichel's performance last night was disgusting. If he survives this stretch, we need to start a thread asking about the management hierarchy of the team. I think Ralph has all the power over there, even over Terry. So the firing may be delayed. We'll find out.
  10. That quote is great. Whoever said that gets it. He rightly points out that Mittelstadt is "nothing". Very true.
  11. So we tanked to build a team that is worse than the tank teams. That's because the tanking teams had guys who were willing to work hard and some of that had Ted Nolan as the coach, too. Hard work trumps talent. Even if talented hard work trumps untalented hard work. But you can go a long way in this league, especially in the regular season, with hard work.
  12. Physicality and playing a tough, tenacious game is what the playoffs (still!) are all about. Our team would seem incapable of winning a playoff round for the reasons you cite, assuming we were gifted a berth in the first place! It's the only way this group of losers will find themselves in the playoffs! Ironically, this team reminds me a LOT of the old Rochester core team that was broken up to start the re-build! We've gone in a circle only to end up where we were the day we traded Paul Gaustad for a first, and this whole mess started!
  13. Maybe. But we are already past the point of "having to do something" with nothing happening! Eichel, Reinhart, and to a slightly lesser extent Hall were total no-shows tonight. Jack is officially not trying. He isn't close to trying. I'm beginning to think he asked for a trade last off-season and was told "keep this under wraps while we work on it" and he's losing patience now.
  14. It is already past the point where the organization needed to do something to save face. It's gone from bad to horrible to hilarious to embarrassing. Jack has totally stopped playing. TOTALLY!
  15. I don't see Terry Pegula as the sort of personality who wants to share ownership with anyone. You don't need to relinquish *ownership* to bring in outsiders to run the organization.
  16. I think it depends on the nature of the rumor. This one never seemed very well substantiated, so I think they will avoid it. In fact, if a caller brings it up, they might stomp on him. Not sure. It's a question of journalistic sensibility. Some might discuss it, others might not. I am listening to The Instigators now. They just mentioned Elliott Friedman was going to be on with them at 11am. I highly doubt he mentioned anything about any of this on that show! I still think there is something to this, not in terms of a sale, but in terms of some kind of meaningful change within the organization.
  17. Has anyone heard WGR-550 mention any of this on air today? I bet they don't.
  18. Not sure why Sabres fans would want Pegula's tenure as owner to continue! But you are not alone in that thought. There is probably something behind all this. Not sure it means a POHO necessarily. But it might well mean change of some type, which is desperately needed. The entire thing needs to be re-invented if we are ever going to improve. The day the team is run by fans we are really screwed. Ironically, at that moment, that would likely result in an improvement. Shows you just how bad it is. ๐Ÿคฃ
  19. The over/under is set at 1. ๐Ÿ˜‚
  20. Of course they are! They always have been. They have never suggested otherwise. If the Pegulas are going to retain ownership, I see no reason why they would want to sell off a small portion of the team. They don't need to, even if their empire is under some financial duress these days. I think this just means there is a restructuring of sorts coming, and Kim is getting out of the hockey business. This is really good news if true. I have been saying for a few years that the team would not get better until this day comes, or they sell the team.
  21. Tim Graham says NONE of it is for sale. Not even 5%. If the Pegulas are interested in sticking around, why would they sell some of the team? I wish this rumor came from someone with greater pedigree; it's hard to really trust it right now. I think what this *might* mean is the Pegulas are looking to change what they are doing. Perhaps my dream has come true. The Pegulas have realized Kim has no business running the organization, and they are looking to restructure and bring in outside help. That's my guess. This is good news if correct.
  22. Three games in a row against the Islanders! ๐Ÿคฃ If you don't laugh, you'll cry! Will Ralph still have a job at the end of this stretch? ๐Ÿค”
  23. Not a bad scrap at all, but the key wasn't the fight itself. It was that he was willing to fight at all. Total character move; he's your next captain when Eichel is gone. And he's so lanky right now! Wait til this kid puts on 20 pounds of muscle..he's going to be a beast at 6'3".
  24. Rib injury? What's your source for that information? Joe Micheletti? ๐Ÿ˜‚
  25. "My God, I'm old" is the first thing that ran through my mind when I saw your thread title.
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