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Everything posted by Kruppstahl

  1. "Sabres management" includes Murray. He didn't skip him, though he didn't mention him by name either.
  2. A 20% chance isn't THAT BAD, is it? I mean, if I had a 1 in 5 chance of being killed every time I hopped in a car, I probably wouldn't drive.
  3. Whether anyone loves or hates Tim Murray, we all have to agree that he is already proving to be a pretty big risk taker. Of course, that can cut both ways. Huge successes and huge failures. We have to wait and see how things play out before Murray can accurately be judged.
  4. I glanced at the match ups today and concluded there are maybe three first round series which interest me on paper. Caps/NYI intrigues me; Tampa/Detroit intrigues me; and Nashville/Hawks Which series is everyone anticipating the most?
  5. N + SC = A+ :w00t:
  6. Yeah my bad; you're right. The point is he was always regarded has having a tactical/systems knowledge deficiency and it hurt his position previously. This is nothing new.
  7. Good, not great episode last night, but that's par for the course for the first episode of a new season. Should get cooking big time next week. Am I the only one looking for the "SC" content symbol (for "strong sexual content") at the beginning of each episode??? :w00t: :w00t: :blink: :P
  8. Although free agency will not be the foundation upon which this off-season is built, it will be interesting to keep an eye on it. It should tell us something about how quickly Tim Murray wants to kick the rebuild into high gear. He showed his cards a bit with the Myers/Kane deal, but just how much does he want to fast forward this thing? Free agency will be one indicator to look at.
  9. I see. Yes. Good point. Well, McDavid is the better option and he will be selected first overall. That is not in doubt. The only doubt surrounds who will be selecting him in the No. 1 slot. Let's hope it's the Sabres. If not, Eichel is one hell of a player too.
  10. Oh some Sabres fans are, for sure. I would say most hard core hockey fans are not however.
  11. Let me ask you a question, Devjid Drychovny: What if we get slightly lucky with our 20% odds and win the lottery? And then select McDavid? Who cares what Eichel does then! :flirt:
  12. Hey Wildcard! Just because you look like the gimp don't mean you play like the gimp! :w00t: :w00t: :lol: :lol:
  13. This was predictable, but I didn't think it would come quite this quickly, so it surprised me in that sense. As it is, Ted's systems knowledge and Xs and Os tactical knowledge of hockey is weak, and part of why he was fired the last time around with the Sabres. No real surprises here. I would love to see Babcock hired of course, though I somehow think that won't happen.
  14. Thanks Wildcard. First round is on me! :beer: :beer:
  15. Hello everyone! My first post at this forum, and what a night to do it too! Bring on McEichel!
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