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2 minuter för grovbearbetn

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Everything posted by 2 minuter för grovbearbetn

  1. Didn't see the presser, but have read this 9 page thread. Wondering if it was the leaks about Jack that really angered TP. He is the future of this team. And to have the BN write about how Jack supposedly threw teammates under the bus, wont sign if DD is the coach, etc, etc.. On the Bills side, since McD was hired, far fewer leaks. From TP's view, someone was throwing Jack under the bus, and that is not acceptable. That is the character concerns he has. FGMTM couldn't - or wouldn't - control the leaks. When TP asked about the leaks, maybe ZFG didn't know, or worse, didn't care. btw - 3putt, awesome stuff.
  2. When in the defensive zone, and a player breaks his stick, why do they insist on staying out on the ice? That guy is not only useless, he becomes a liability on the ice. Why not go into a 15 second penalty kill, and have that guy sprint back to the bench. He can grab a stick or come off for a sub. I have never seen the stick less guy make a positive impact in that situation. Every time I see that, I think of my daughters dance class when the girls do "jazz hands"
  3. I saw Perreault play as well. It was a different game back then. Someone posted a youtube link quite a while back with the Sabres playing one of the Soviet teams. I want to say it was the Red Army, but I don't think that's right. In any case, what surprised me about that game in retrospect - which we won 12-6 - is how slow the defensemen were: especially ours. Gil was pretty fast, but what made him special was how shifty he was. In his prime once or twice a game he would take the puck behind our net. Stand still and watch the opposition. He would then wheel through the entire opposition, stick handling, and changing direction like a mad man. Ted Darling would call it: "Here comes Perreault, winding up at center." Old school defensemen were too slow and plodding to check him by the time he hit the opposite blue line. By the top of the circle he was usually in all alone. He would move the puck from left to right and back again. Old school goalies were of the stand up variety. It was easy, it was magic. The one difference between Perreault and Eichel is that Eichel is much more of a shooter than Perreault was. It seems funny to complain about a guy with over 500 goals to say he should have shot more, but it is true. I remember games where Perreault would give up a good scoring chance to make a pass for a better scoring chance. Sometimes it didn't work out. Maddening. Eichel seems to be a much more of a shoot first guy. And he seems to be a more accurate shooter.
  4. 2 goals, are you kidding me????
  5. So what will be greater: total number of Sabre goals or number of sticks Risto breaks. So far its Sabres 0 : Risto 1
  6. someone explain to me why a guy without a stick doesn't sprint back to the bench in that situation.
  7. These guys do know that "One Buffalo" is a slogan, not a goal scoring ceiling per game.... Right?....
  8. What's frustrating is that the last 2 years I expected the tank. This was really not expected. I was looking forward to competitive hockey again. And yeah I get it; we're missing key people. But so much of the team is disappointingly bad. Kane, I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt last year. But you are terrible ON the ice, and you just might be an Asshat off the ice. Hard to cheer for you. And by the way, are the Sabres buying second hand sticks? Someone gets open in the slot - stick shatters. Trying to clear the zone - toothpicks. Football has been on the decline for me because the rules are so variably enforced I can no longer tell what is a catch, fumble, in bounds, forward pass or pass interference. Hockey is getting this way now. We clip a guy in the face, and it's 4 minutes. Clip our guy, in front of the ref: nothin. Go shoulder to shoulder with a guy to prevent a shot and a penalty shot is awarded -- in overtime. And one more thing. Our goalie typically looks very good for 60 minutes. But in overtime, the team as a whole looks terrible and we let in soft goals. Honestly, we play better on the road than at home. I feel bad for people paying to watch this. At one goal a game at home: Boring.
  9. I drive like an old lady, but that was pretty cool. All of could think of was, "Why isn't this guy a stunt driver in one of the Fast and Furious movies?" Then I thought, "Imagine a cop trying to follow him to give him a ticket."
  10. ​Didn't see this posted Tired of losing, impatient Patrick Roy files for divorce from Avalanche http://www.denverpost.com/2016/08/11/patrick-roy-leaves-colorado-avalanche-mark-kiszla/
  11. Blue laws. For you young 'ins, you couldn't buy anything on Sunday's. Only drugstores were open.
  12. Party line phones. You had to wait on your neighbors to hang up to use it. Ha. Kids nowadays have no idea. Bowling for Dollars, with Johnny and Jimmy. "Do you know the count And the amount"? Candy cigarettes Buying an FM converter for your car by submittiing your penciled in order form at Brand Names.
  13. Getting super excited when channel 29 came on the air. We now had 4 channels!! ( Not counting the Canadian ones.) The youngest kid was the remote. My dad had an antenna that rotated. You'd get up change the channel and wait for the antenna to slowly rotate to see what was on.
  14. Stamkos, PK and Hall all happening within minutes of each other. WOW!
  15. Maybe I missed something. I know PK was on the trading block, but why? Was Montreal worried about contract demands? If so, trading for Webber long term was curious.
  16. One last thought. I appreciate the NHL holding the first round of the draft on a Friday evening, and not on a weeknight. I need to get up early for work, so the NFL draft on a weeknight means I can only watch the first few picks. More and more the NFL is too corporate for me. The draft coverage was spotty. But as least I could watch as much as I wanted.
  17. Way to go Buffalo!! Very proud of my hometown.
  18. I read a scouting report on here a while back, I can't remember who wrote it, but the author seemed to think that Nylander could be/should be a 40 goal scorer. How many OT losses did we incur? After watching that video, he's going to put pucks in the net in shoot outs.
  19. I have a man crush on GMTM. I wouldn't want to work for him, but I love him as my GM.
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