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Everything posted by GoPre

  1. And it doesn't take a large number of beers to reach .08. ROR weighs about 200 lbs. It would take about 4 beers for him to have .08 BAC level. I understand there are number of variables for a person to reach .08. Everyone is different. ROR may have had more than 4. I know it happened and he is responsible, but it's kind of a shocker that 4 beers or so caused him to plow into a Tim Horton's. It was 4 a.m.. Seems more likely dozing off behind the wheel due to being awake at 4 a.m. was the biggest contributor. I'm not trying to defend the guy. But when I first heard reports of this, I thought the guy was heavily intoxicated. 4 beers? Seriously? Again, I'm not trying to defend the guy. Just surprised his BAC was so low. I do have one question. Was he on any type of medication? If so, when alcohol is combined w/ a medication the effects of it can be increased. Just depends on what type of medication he may have been on.
  2. That is how I feel after reading Neo's posts. Understand/agree w/ a lot of what he has to say, but I myself could not break things down as well as he can. He's very explanatory. Delivers his points w/out being repetitive. I'm still a bit too young to match what he has to offer.
  3. Nintendo Preseident died at the age of 55 today. Too soon. Prayers for him and his family.
  4. +687 I enjoy reading your posts.
  5. New Orleans Saints are under a little fire right now. Give it a look.
  6. Glad to hear that, but how can you be so negative about the anthem being played at different types of events? I coach for a living. I appreciate it when the anthem is played. At times I'll look around at others while the anthem is being played and have a sense of pride,excitement and thankfulness I am an american citizen. They seem to be experiencing the same thing. Just my thoughts.
  7. I cited you for the biitching. Biitch all you want. It's a right you have in this country. So biitch away. Just when at a sporting event, be considerate of others and keep your opinion to yourself while the anthem is being played.
  8. If you have a problem w/ the national anthem being played at any social event, that is fine. But please don't biitch about it. There are people who appreciate the anthem being played. You are not forced to "worship" the country. Providing support for your country is your choice. A choice your country allows you to make. Be thankful you have that.
  9. Students are not required to say the pledge.
  10. Calling something weird is an opinion. I can careless how many countries do not sing their national anthem before a sporting event, school function, etc.... Don't have to try to be in the cool group.
  11. Happy 4th of July thread was posted on the 4th. My post was directed towards SwampD. That's why I quoted him. And it's not weird to do something that other countries are not doing. Don't have to be a lemming....
  12. The national anthem, our nations flag and the pledge of allegiance help remind us what our country is all about. If you don't support the three, why speak highly/celebrate Independence Day? Don't know if you made a positive comment on the 4th of July thread, but if you did you are contradicting yourself. Be thankful you're an American. Appreciate what you have been blessed w/. And pay attention to the words of JFK. "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country."
  13. To those that spoke highly of the 4th of July and made negative remarks about our national anthem and pledge, go screw yourself. You couldn't be more contradictive.
  14. He was more making reference to those working less than 40 hours a week. People working 30 to 35 hour a week jobs need to increase to 40 to 45 hour jobs. Bush wasn't speaking of people already working 40 to 50 plus hours a week.
  15. No, there should not. If there was people would put in less thought into whether or not they should join the military. You'd have people opting out and the military would lose out on an investment they made. Before you sign the papers be sure you read them. Ask people w/ experience in the military for their opinion. Just don't go w/ what the recruiter has to offer.
  16. What sacrifice? Are you serious? It's more like sacrifices. Why do people immediately think of dying as the only sacrifice those enlisted in the military make? Moving every 2 to 3 years, going on daily TDY's, some short and some very long, possible low income due to rank, stress of war, etc... I can go on and on, but people have to understand this can put a lot of stress not only on the person enlisted, but also on an entire family. We should be grateful we have people willing to make countless sacrifices for our country. And let me add I am thankful for people in a number of professions. They also make certain types of sacrifices, but to short change the military is a complete joke.
  17. Our military should receive support from the community. I'm talking about support for the common solider. Let me stress many who have "bumper stickers" on their cars do it for a loved one(s) and/or friend(s) in the military. People in the military, including husbands, wives and/or children of a soldier, deserve respect/support from our country. The daily sacrifices they make should not be forgotten. We should all be thankful for everything they do.
  18. Ha You and I have something in common. Went to public schools in Nevada, New York, New Mexico and Mississippi. My Dad was in the Air Force, so we moved a few times. And yes, the history books were relatively same and I also graduated in 1999!
  19. Did not know a number of movies based on video games are in the works. Now, a few have been in the works for a while, but keep falling a part. Here's a few I really hope workout. Granted, a number of movies based on video games flat out tanked. Doom, Mario Bros, MK: Annihilation, Lara Craft: Tomb Raider, etc.... Metal Gear Solid - One of my fall time favorites. If they could find the right guy to play Snake or Solid Snake, depends on where they'd start story, it could be awesome. Any suggestions? Shadow of the Colossus - Enjoy fantasy type movies. Have watched movies like Willow, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Never Ending Story, etc.... countless times. The Last of Us - Game was so epic I almost don't want a movie to be made. Wonder what direction they'd go w/ it. Make a new story or loosely follow the one in the game? Enjoyed The Last of Us so much I'm not sure if I want a sequel made. Would only consider the idea if it didn't involve Joel and Ellie. Their story is complete. Warcraft - Admit I've never played the game before, so I have no idea what it'd be about. But as mentioned, I enjoy fantasy movies. Any thoughts? Uncharted - The "Indiana Jones" game so many hoped for. Played all 3 x amount of times. Could be the "Indiana Jones" movie many pulled for back in 2008. Looking forward to Uncharted 4. Gulp, could be the end of Drake. What do you guys think? Interested in any of the above? Would like to hear your thoughts.
  20. Major yeppers on that. :thumbsup:
  21. And Murray shrugs his shoulders and says I don't give a f***.
  22. And it all goes down tonight in Vancouver at 7 p.m. ET. It's a rematch. This is a game to look forward to. Let's go USA!!!
  23. :w00t: Taxation w/out representation? Sons of biitches....
  24. Nintendo to begin manufacturing the NX, it's next console, in October. :( I really like the Wii U....
  25. Never said we were any where near it. Have a beyond long way to go. But hey, we're all entitled to our own opinion. Have a happy 4th!
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