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Everything posted by GoPre

  1. Prior to release of Phantom Menance, didn't Liam Neeson say it'd be one of his final movies? Maybe his lack of satisfaction w/ his performance/movie played a role in his decision to continue acting. Obi-Wan is an exception in the character department. Ewan McGregor and his role as Obi-Wan was one of a very few good things in Episode 1.
  2. When your team doesn't make the playoffs for 15 years, fans gotta find some way to handle it. Kidding on that. Did find it funny Detroit came in at number 2. Who'd have thought? :lol:
  3. If felt as if George Lucas began to tell himself Star Wars was a franchise meant for children. As you said, Lucas had to explain everything in Episode 1. Took away audience involvement. That really bothered me. Lucas seemed to realize he made that mistake w/ Episodes 1 and 2 and decided to make Episode 3 a bit more for everyone. Revenge of the Sith was the first PG-13 Star Wars movie. Granted, there was no PG-13 rating in the late 70's/early 80's, but I really think Lucas had the idea Star Wars had to be PG when he started to make the prequels. Same went for Indiana Jones and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Holy smokes that was focused on the younger audience. Gerbils, Soviets being gunned down w/out a drop of blood, Mutt going Tarzan, etc.... Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was another disappointment. For franchises I like a lot, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Middle Earth (LOTR and The Hobbit) I'll appreciate every movie made. Something is better than nothing.... I guess. Of course I contradict myself on this one. If a 4th Back to the Future was announced I'd be going WTF route.
  4. Seriously, very interesting post. Can make one really think.
  5. Make that all the taller athletic kids in the United States. Wouldn't include Canada on that.
  6. A few years ago, 2012 I believe, Chris Osgood mentioned scouts he once played w/ were being told to not even look at a guy less than 6 feet. In comparison to 1999, the amount of Canadian goalies is down 40%. Goalies from Scandinavia are on the rise.
  7. 2 trailing wins in the third? Wow, certainly not the hockey we've experienced the last 2 seasons. Just lovin Sabres hockey!
  8. Ha Loved the pump Ullmark gave at the end of the game. Start him again!
  9. One of the big reasons I picked him up in fantasy hockey. Dude is a beast.
  10. Have high hopes Ullmark pans out for the Sabres. Been following the guy for a couple of years. It'd just be sweet of Buff established a legit goaltender quick. Dude is so young. Sabres hockey is so fun to watch right now. Yelled w/ excitement on both Sabres goals. Man I love Sabres hockey.
  11. Maybe one of the great things of childhood is being afraid. Today nothing phases me. But when I was a kid a few movies or stories made it very difficult to sleep. Kind of miss that. The adrenaline rush and anything else experienced are missed. Any one miss days or nights like that?
  12. Agreed big time. Only two movies to cause me sleep trouble were It and Blair Witch Project. Ok, just a clown. But in Tonawanda having a basement and an attic can drive your imagination through the roof when you're less than 10. Not afraid to admit it. Movies that leave you wondering, thinking, etc.... are for more scary than slash and gash. Kept thinking about the man standing in the corner before the camera drops and credits roll in Blair Witch Product. Very difficult sleeping that night. Movies that play w/ your mind are the scary ones. Slash and gash are for entertainment and that's about it.
  13. Exactly. Unfortunately there's talk of the show being 12 seasons. Far too long. The story has become a bit repetitive. Change is needed. Walking Dead needs to follow Breaking Bad. Have a legit, consequence driven story. When things begin to flatten out, end it. As they say, all good things....
  14. Whoa! :worthy: Battlefront 3
  15. Buffalo didn't play well at the beginning and at the end. Overall I was impressed w/ most of it. Gotta improve their play on tonight's pk. Philly was able to do just about anything.
  16. Sabers gave him a gimme' pass to Voracek. Way too much room across the middle....
  17. Buff up 2-0 early. Lovin' it!
  18. There we go Ennis! Guy can be crafty. When he becomes the water boy.
  19. Had to watch that game in Biloxi, Mississippi. Certainly not a hockey market. Caught the game at a sports bar. When Briere scored I went beyond nuts. Entire place looked at me as if I was on crack. That goal is also my favorite Briere memory.
  20. Good old Danny. No hard feelings for the guy. He was fun to watch as a Sabre.
  21. All natural disasters are terrible. Hurricane Katrina was devastating. Countless places considered to be flood safe were flooded. My parents lived in one those areas and they had 3 feet water in their house. Entire gulf coast and them some were devastated. It has now been 10 years and the area is still recovering to a certain extent. There has been so much change. Some for the good. And some for the worse. Feel for anyone that has an experience like this.
  22. Do you not watch/understand football? Or is it you're talking about a different pass interference call? Has to be one of the two.
  23. You nailed it.
  24. Wonder if Luke briefly turns to the dark side in The Force Returns. Occurred somewhere in the books to my knowledge. Isn't he not on the movie poster or advertisement?
  25. First time I've checked this out. Can't wait for Battlefront 3 to be released, but it is unfortunate it's an online only game. No story mode to enjoy. If EA really wanted to milk the Star Wars Universe, they'd make a new Rogue Squadron. They may have to purchase the rights to do that though. Rogue Squadron 2 on the GameCube was kick arss. Would enjoy a 4th one. Let me add it's awesome there are so many Star Wars fans on this board. If any of you have a PS4 and decide to pick up Battlefront 3, send me a friend request. Gamertag is TommyGun-16.
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