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Everything posted by GoPre

  1. Ok, not a winter movie, but one I know cannot wait for. Check out the trailer for Independence Day 2.
  2. Just found out. MLB will not lift the lifetime ban on Pete Rose. Too bad. Was actually pulling for the guy.
  3. I was going to watch every movie from Episode 1 through Episode 6, but caught an interesting take on it yesterday. Story "flows" better by watching 4,5,2,3 and 6. After Vader reveals he's Luke's father in 5, you go back to 2 and 3 to see all of that go down. Kind of a flashback. By watching it like this the story becomes less Anakin centered. Helps even out the attention on Anakin and Luke. Pretty cool, huh? As for Episode 1, just leave it out. Not because it's a disappointment. It just doesn't fit well w/ the rest of the story in a galaxy far, far away.... And yes, I know Lucas has said the Star Wars Saga is centered on Anakin Skywalker, but everyone can have their own take on it. 3 days to go!
  4. So glad I have O'Reilly!
  5. I was set on getting an Eichel jersey, but I'm becoming a big O'Reilly fan. Dude is a beast. Simply a complete player/leader. Think I have a man crush.... :unsure:
  6. For memories sake, anyone watching 30 for 30 on ESPN? It's for the Bills.... Tough, yet great memories. I was kid when it all went down. And sad part is I'm slowly getting my children to be Buffalo sports fans. It's kind of a family rule.
  7. Easy, they were led to believe it'd some how benefit the game which would lead to an increase in money. Now they're seeing, at least I like to believe, it's having a negative impact. Go back to the 28-2 against the challenge!
  8. Just wait for the challenge to have an impact in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. That's when sh*t will hit the fan for the NHL. Hockey is a fast game. To involve clip by clip pics to make a call is ridiculous. Real time is far different than photo time.
  9. WTF?! Use common sense! Close to being done w/ this shiit! Let the guys play hockey. And this is for the entire NHL. Not just the Sabres. Coach's challenge is HURTING the game. :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:
  10. Tried it. Didn't even bother to finish. Give me a more traditional beer and I'm good to go. Not in to sweetened "beverages." Everyone has their preferences. Hope you enjoy what you picked up tonight.
  11. X Men is beyond sweet, but today's kids seem to prefer The Avengers. Mine are into Iron Man big time.
  12. I enjoy it. Now, I'm not the type to dress up or do anything crazy. Haven't even wore a shirt w/ whatever movie I'm seeing on it. But I find what a lot of people do at premiers entertaining. And I mean this in a good way. I might actually buy a shirt for this one.
  13. Bought mine the day after Thanksgiving. Got it just in time. Place was sold out the next day.
  14. Beat me to it. Drop him back to the third line. This infatuation DD has for Gionta is simply crazy. Maybe swap Gionta and Larson? Haven't been able to watch the last few games, but can't wait for tonight's game! Hoping Moulson manages to light the lamp. Would also like to see Kane get back on the mini hot streak he had going. The guy is legit. Still have no doubts or concerns for him.
  15. And when you do pick up Bloodbourne, be ready to have problems w/ losing track of time. This is a game you will not be disappointed w/.
  16. Agree the prices are far too high, but I guess it's different for my generation. Began playing games as a young kid w/ the original NES. As new systems were released they were unable to play older games. Man, the cartridges wouldn't even fit. It was cool to see backwards compatibility when the PS2 was released, but not having it is something I'm used to. Sucks having to hook up old systems to play classics, but that's the way it used to be. Not going to complain too much. Let me add I do think it would be great if the PS4 could simply play PS2 games.
  17. I have Shadows of Mordor, Bloodbourne, NHL 16, Madden 16, The Last of Us Remastered and Destiny the Taken King. 1/2 the memory is already taken up. That's one of the reasons I'm hesitant to pick up DLC. Loving the PS4. Glad to see another PS4 owner on the board.
  18. Here's a quick thought. If I hear one plot ruining spoiler, particularly what happens w/ Luke, before I see The Force Awakens, I am going to be super ticked off. Staying away from all articles on Star Wars and keeping my ears plugged. Some guy had better not yell out hey, Luke gets.... This pretty much sums it up.
  19. Here's one for all of the Final Fantasy 7 fans on this board. Latest footage to be released.
  20. You never know. The Sabres are only 5 points back and the team will continue to improve. Buffalo is a bubble playoff team this season. Will admit I do not think they'll make it, but man the Sabres are fun to watch again.
  21. Aside from not knowing where they'll be playing next year, I'd love it if the Bills were in their position. A few young, talented players and a ton a of cap space. Kind of reminds me of some other team a few people in here follow.
  22. That's it? What a poor selection! I'm sure they're going to add to that list, but they could've opened w/ a bang, not a yawn.... Have the first 2 you mentioned. Bloodbourne is bad arss. I bought The Witcher 3 on Black Friday for $25. Waiting until Christmas to play it though. And man, I want Fallout 4. But as many have mentioned, dlc is a big part today's gaming industry. In a year a special edition will be released w/ all dlc included, and it'll be the same price as the one in stores right now. Really considering waiting on it. I rarely play two rpg's at the same time. I like to stay focused on one. That's a reason I'm hesitant on picking up Fallout 4. I may give in though, but as I've said a year from now a hard copy will be released w/ all dlc included. Tough debate for myself. I really want to play it. Don't mind playing a short, action or adventure game along side an rpg. MGS 5 is supposed to be incredible. There's the Uncharted Collection, but have already played them on the PS3. The latest Batman looks great, but reviews are rather low in comparison to MGS 5. What do you guys suggest for short, action type game?
  23. EA has no competition in the hockey market. When 2k stopped making hockey games, EA stopped making serious improvements. Now, I'll admit I pick up the latest edition each year, but right now I have no plans to buy NHL 17. Main reason I bought this years game was for Eichel. NHL is now w/ Madden. It's a title I'll pick up every 3 or 4 years.
  24. I've missed the last few games. I took a look at the stats, but I gotta ask this. Is Evander Kane finally playing the hockey we hoped for? I understand he has been hurt. Also, what is the record for improvement? To be honest, I'd be shocked if a team has ever improved 40 points or so in 1 season. That's what it'll take for Buffalo to make the playoffs.
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