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Everything posted by GoPre

  1. Yep, you know you're getting old when you joke about Festivus w/ someone and they have no idea what you're talking about.
  2. Thanks for the info! :thumbsup: I've been a fan of the MGS series since the PS1, so I may flip a coin on this one. Wish they'd put the HD MGS collection on the PS4. Would not hesitate to pick that up.
  3. I enjoyed the Uncharted Trilogy. Have a question though. Have you played Metal Gear Solid V? I need a "side" game. A lot of my gaming time will be w/ The Witcher 3, but when playing rpg's/long adventure games I like to play a short, little thinking involved type game at the same time. So what do you recommend? Uncharted Collection on PS4 or MGS V? And of course this is a question for anyone that have played both.
  4. Being a Dad, I'm tired of Frozen. Song is so relieving.
  5. We are Sabres fans. So....
  6. At least the NHL isn't in the situation the NFL is in. Hockey doesn't have the popularity the NFL has, so the NHL may drift towards the mess the NFL is in, but it'll never reach it. Just get rid of the freakin' coaches challenge. I've said this numerous times. The only NFL I watch is the Buffalo Bills. Used to watch games across the league, but it's not what it used to be. Have lost interests in it all. As for the NHL, I'll watch any game.
  7. Average goalie size is bigger. Pads are bigger. Goal size is the same. It's common sense really. Either make the pads smaller or the net bigger. Can't argue w/ math. By doing one of the two the area of today's goal covered will be equal to the area covered back then. That quickly fixes the goal scoring problem for the NHL.
  8. Believe that was the thought many had last year. Yet, most, including myself, tend to return to the Bills. Why? Why? Why?! :wallbash:
  9. Lack of discipline + countless penalties + little success = Bully. Ryan delivered what he promised.
  10. That's said every year.... :(
  11. Bills suck. Not much to look forward to next season. Another .500 season at best in hopes the right players can be brought in and/or developed. Have no idea why I'm still watching this game....
  12. Question for those that have seen Episode 7. Do you now have less interest in watching Episodes 1 - 3? I'll admit mine has dropped a little. I'm going to continue watching them simply because they are Star Wars. But as 7 - 9 are completed, I can see myself focusing on Episodes 4 - 9.
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