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Everything posted by GoPre

  1. Senegal is now up 2-0 w/ 27 min to play
  2. (27) Senegal is ahead of (8) Poland late in the 1st half 1-0.
  3. Wow - (15) Mexico just upset (1) Germany 1-0. And what a finish. Germany applied all kinds of pressure, but couldn’t score. What a game.
  4. Have summers off....but Fridays are still the best day of the week!
  5. E3 is in full swing. Bethesda officially announced Elder Scrolls VI is the “next, next” game they are working on. No type of release date was given. Also it was not said what systems it will be available on. Hopefully not as late as the next generation of consoles (ps5, Xbox ?).
  6. New Halloween movie will be coming out in October. Looks good! It's going to be considered as Halloween 2. All sequels are being written off.
  7. Soon enough the Sabres will be in a season ending montage. Soon enough.... :unsure:
  8. GoPre

    NFL 2018-19

    A politics thread would probably improve all other threads. People won’t be as tempted to bring anything political into another thread. Common sense really. Bring back the politics thread. If people want to voice their opinion, they can do it there. If someone doesn’t want to hear others opinions on anything political, they can stay away from it. Would be unfortunate to lose members over something like this. I don’t post often, but I do check this site out numerous times a day. If credible posters leave, a number of surfers like myself will also head out. There would be little reason to stay.
  9. And now it’s a game
  10. Yep - Looks like it will be an online multiplayer. Very disappointed w/ that. But there may be good news. Rumor is Bethesda will also be revealing Fallout 3 Remastered. That’d be very cool. Put many hours into the original Fallout 3.
  11. Bethesda announced a new Fallout will be coming out. No word on what type of game though. Hoping it's not an online game....
  12. Any of you play Elder Scrolls Skyrim? I have the PS4 special edition. Mods can be downloaded. Any that should be downloaded? Any that should be avoided? Thanks in advance!!
  13. Star Wars side stories are delivering. Enjoyed Solo very much.
  14. :thumbsup: Glad to hear that. Going to see it tomorrow. Had high hopes Howard would be able to clean things up.
  15. Latest trailer for Mission Impossible 6 -
  16. Wow the Washington/Pittsburgh game is intense! And now the Caps are moving on. Fun game to watch!
  17. LaFontaine is my fav. Really disliked Torres.
  18. Buffalo Bandits won it all in 92'. That counts, right? :lol:
  19. Awesome game! This is going to be a great series to watch.
  20. If that’s their claim, they should look at a mirror.
  21. Ha Kind of surprised no one else has said anything about Avengers Infinifty War.
  22. Hell has frozen over!!
  23. All I’m going to say about Avengers Infinity War is go see it. Go see it now.
  24. Thank you for posting plays showing his upside. Allen is this years "unlimited potential" prospect. Credible analysts thought he was worthy to be taken 1st overall. And Beane spent a swap of 1st and 2 2nd rounders. Certainly didn't overpay. Buffalo made a respectable trade/pick. They're going for the fences on this one. May as well be for a guy w/ the highest ceiling.
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