He should’ve just ran. He had plenty of room.
And LMAO - A replay coming down to a forward pass w/ a camera off angle. Who’d of thunk?!?!
*similar, sort of, to music city..... ?
Bills are penalty happy now.... ?
And I say it every week.... What I hate about the NFL is the over officiating. Glad the latest flag benefited Bills, but you almost can’t get excited about a play until you wait to see if a flag was thrown.
I believe Josh Allen’s career best is 254 passing yards. He’s on pace to beat that right now w/ 146 at the half.
The CBS crew at half time report is LOVING the Bills D’.
Yes, Picard looks very good!! Next Generation was my fav Star Trek. Can’t wait for Picard to start. I will subscribe to CBS All-Access just for that show.
I don’t know anything about this kicker. One that is replaceable w/out much thought? Or a kicker w/ a good track record and deserves a bad game? Tennessee should at least have 3 points.