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Everything posted by GoPre

  1. I may consider waiting on Fallout 4. Originally had no desire to wait, but found out yesterday the game will probably be released in the fall. Usually when a teaser trailer is released the game isn't released for at least a year. However, the studio making Fallout 4 did just that w/ Skyrim. Released a trailer and had the game shipped out later that year. Ha Wish other gaming companies would do this. Ever since seeing teaser trailers for Battlefront 3 and Uncharted 4, that's all I can think about in the gaming world. Ok, I really enjoy current titles, particularly Bloodborne, but the latest generation of consoles have yet to have system defining game. The reason I'm considering waiting on Fallout 4 is to simply get a special edition that has all downloadable content included. Mentioned it in a previous post, but I'm "old school" and prefer hard copies of a game. Not into digital copies.
  2. Ha Pretty sure his success on the ice = no problems w/ the ladies
  3. "If McDavid goes back to junior, and Eichel turns pro but spends the year in Rochester, then he burns a year off his entry level deal, meaning he'll get to his next contract one year earlier than McDavid, and can potentially get to unrestricted free agency one year earlier than McDavid. That's a personal advantage for Eichel, but a disadvantage for the Sabres organization." Not trying to bash posters on Buffalo News, but this is why I rarely take a look at what they have to say. Giving a major thumbs up to you guys. :thumbsup: And ha Don't know why I quoted everything the guy had to say. I quit reading half way through the first sentence.
  4. The officer has been put on administrative leave. From an article I read the girl he put on the ground is only 15. And who was holding the camera? The officer completely ignored him or her. He beyond crossed the line.
  5. Ha I'm sure you'll be pleased tonight. NBC blows....
  6. Yep, can't wait for E3. Only gripe about this video is they left out Legend of Zelda! Sons of....
  7. :sick:
  8. Ha First thought I had when I saw the photo.
  9. Mouth is watering as I look at it. Great job!
  10. Lol You get a free pass on this one.
  11. Man rule number 53. Do not forget about Shiner. Disappointed d4rk. Shame shame.
  12. Great post. +1 :thumbsup:
  13. Posted, but couldn't figure out how to do the "spoiler." Deleted it for those that haven't had a chance to checkout the thread.
  14. It will most certainly be better than being a team everyone hates because we were so bad....on purpose. And yes, I did support a word that should probably never be mentioned again on this board. Mod-Team, can it be considered as profanity? Looking forward to the great days that lie ahead!
  15. I have already seen what teams are worth at least 3 billion, so I shouldn't say anything yet. I'm liking what has been posted so far! I like the honesty here. You guys are holding to the "rule" of not looking this up. Very impressive.
  16. Alright, rather easy question for hockey addicts on this board. What 3 teams do you think are worth at least 1 billion? Please don't look this up. I'm sure this will be quickly answered and the topic will be closed. Now fire away!
  17. I think I have a "man crush."
  18. Ha I like your analogy. :thumbsup: As for the two going at it, just want to say I value their opinions and enjoy the fact their regulars on this board. Some times things can get a little heated amongst posters on any message board. How does the saying go? If it can happen, it will happen. Trust me, there will be a day I go off on someone for a post I feel crossed the line. Ha Look at the times the posts were made. A few cold ones may have been involved! Alright Ghost and K-9, let's enjoy the Stanley Cup Finals tonight! Continue to post and have a great Saturday!
  19. pastajoe dips his wings in ranch.
  20. I having been hearing that a lot lately. Wait, I just figured out. Guys, Kristian is using me as a smoke screen! He is Larry Quinn! Believe me! Believe me!
  21. Supporting Leino way too long. :wallbash: Can we get a "cartoon" that has one shooting himself in the head?
  22. Heimdall has erotic dreams about X.Benedict having erotic dreams about Deluca.
  23. This is what someone posted in response to a Buffalo News article "Eichel says he is the best player." "Eichel and the Sabres deserve each other. Both immature and dilusional. While both are exceptional players McD's 2.55 ppg is in a universe far beyond Eichel's 1.77. How can anyone expect excellence from this organization?" Have to call bs on that one. Even Dan Marr, central scouting director, has said "it's a fine line" between the two. He did give the edge to McDvid, which is how most people feel, but there is very little difference. My response to the post above was rather "polite." Simply gave him the fact it is difficult to compare the OHL and NCAA. More or less told the guy it's like trying to compare apples and oranges. OHL has more high potential talent, but it's still made up of 'kids.' The NCAA is made up of young men. Players are bigger, faster and stronger. Disadvantage in the NCAA's is the lower amount of high potential talent. Main point is you cannot compare stats to decide who is better. Claiming McDavid is 'in a universe far beyond Eichel' is a debate you cannot win. Simply not true.
  24. Ha I remember that. And I loved Sony's response to it!
  25. Do you have a PS4 or Xbox One? Not sure if NHL 16 will be made for the 360 and PS3 this year. EA tries to make as much $ as possible, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was also released on the 360 and PS4. Many didn't care for it, but I enjoyed NHL 15 on the PS4. Sure, lacked many of the features NHL fans enjoyed in the past, but the gameplay was great. That's what matters most to me. NHL 16 will have most, if not all, of the features back from previous games. Ha EA is getting so detailed they will now have players grow playoff beards! I do have a recommendation for Fallout 4. When it comes out, there are a couple of reasons to not buy it. One, there will probably be a few glitches that will need to be fixed after it's release. Most of the time a simple update can correct that. Two, downloadable content will be offered here and there. If you wait a year or so after Fallout 4's release, a game of the year or special edition will most likely be released. Glitches will be fixed and it will include downloadable content. Just a suggestion. I'll go the route of buying both. I don't like downloading games. Prefer to have a hard copy.
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