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Everything posted by GoPre
Ha Most humorous post I've read today! +1
You beat to it! Thanks for posting this. Arkham Knight is going to be one of those where once you pick up the controller you completely lose track of time. Time for a little Carlton!
Or this one.... https://www.google.com/search?q=funny+hockey+images&biw=320&bih=460&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=8fmCVZmTH4m3ogT91p2AAw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#imgrc=07t5HNz8m4Ls2M%253A%3BNGQ_pAspVCZVzM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ffun-gallery.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2011%252F02%252FFunny-Hockey-Moments.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fforum.bodybuilding.com%252Fshowthread.php%253Ft%253D143936811%3B400%3B400
This is a good point. First time I saw Bergeron on the cover I rolled my eyes. After that I didn't given it any attention. And it has been this way for every NHL game I have bought. Now if the Eichelcorn made the cover.... :wub: ha ha just kidding guys.
Not that it should matter, but Subban finished 2nd in the voting last year. I wouldn't mind seeing him on the cover for NHL 16. I'd recommend Duncan Keith, but Kane and Toews have already been on the cover. EA probably does not want the franchise name switched to "Chicago." ha ha EA should go w/ Subban, Taveres or Seguin.
Haven't played Origins. As good as the other two?
Only problem I have w/ COD is if you're into single player campaigns, don't bother. Yes, there is a campaign for you to beat, but usually it's rather short and not much to be excited about. Multi-player is fun. Just get ready to get your butt kicked by some little brat staying up WAY too late on a school night. Many, not all, kids today have no idea what you're talking about when you mention the street lights are on. Hated hearing that when I was kid! Ha ha
Arkham Knight is almost a must play. Just depends what type of games you like. And yes, I can't wait to play it. However, I'm a game owner that feels I need to beat a game before I get another. I'm going through Bloodborne right now. Game is scary good! Read on a gaming site that 60some % of gamers don't finish most games they buy. % may be higher than that. Read the article a couple of years ago.
And they get to play at "home."
Something Grigs definitely has to consider. Of course there are other leagues players can go to, but I'm not sure if their pay is anywhere near the NHL and KHL's. I'll admit I do not know the average salary in the KHL, so that comment may be pointless. Let me add I wouldn't be jumping up and down if the KHL collapsed. There are KHL players that would never have a chance of playing in the NHL, so they'd lose a job they love and a source of income. But if things are that shaky in the KHL, Grigs may be "stuck" w/ the NHL/AHL.
That's something that has to be on his mind. Now, I'm not saying the guy lacks confidence, but I'm sure he knows he's not guaranteed to be the 1st or 2nd line. He's going to have to show he has it. If not, he'll either be on the 3rd, he may not be happy w/ that, or sent down to the AHL. Grigorenko also has to complete w/ Larson. Why shouldn't he be on the 3rd line? There just may not be room for Grigorenko, which means he'll be spending time in the AHL not playing at the level he wants and making "no cash" in the AHL. Buffalo also has prospects in the system that are on their way up.
My initial response was shock/excitement! Very shortly after that I began to wonder what if this re-make blows? Different people are developing this game. This re-make is not being made for the generation that grew up w/ it. It's for today's youth. Battle system will most likely be different, but man I hope they keep it turn based. You don't see many of those any more. The last well made turn based rpg was Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. It was a PS3 exclusive and it was unbelievable! Sadly, most of today's kids are not interested in turn based rpgs. I'm excited about the re-make. Just hope it's not a disappointment. There's a rumor going around about Zelda Wii U. There's a possibility it will be released on the Wii U and Nintendo NX. The NX will be the next console for Nintendo. There will be no talk of it until 2016. Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess was released on the GameCube and Wii, so this wouldn't be a first for Nintendo. Hope Nintendo holds onto the Wii U as it's main console for at least 2 more years. And speaking of re-makes, it'd be awesome, in my opinion, if Square Enix decided to go the same route w/ Chrono Trigger. It'd be a gamble, but apparently it's the popular thing for movie/video game companies to do right now. Chrono Trigger is one of the top 5 games ever made. Apologize for the lengthy post, but have one more thing to add. Nintendo hasn't had a Metroid game on a console since Metroid Other M 5 years ago. No Zelda and no Mario on the Wii U yet? The system has been out for almost 3 years. I am a proud owner of a Wii U, but disappointed w/ the lack of 1st party games. And that's the major problem. Many, not all, people buy Nintendo consoles for the 1st party games. And when I mention 1st party, I'm making reference to the games I already spoke of. Nintendo has to know this. Very disappointed they are not meeting these expectations. This is why Nintendo is considered as the "other" system to own. Many Nintendo console owners also have a playstation or xbox. Let me stress I am very happy to have a Wii U. I do enjoy the few games made for it, but what I like about it is the fact it is a family system. Enjoy playing it w/ my kids. Just wish Metroid, Mario and Zelda were already on the Wii U....
For people not ready to invest in a PS4 or Xbox One, a PS3 would be a good investment. PS3's are affordable and have a ton of games to play. To be honest, I didn't plan on purchasing a PS4 last Christmas. Just kind of said why not, it's the Holidays! If I didn't have a PS4 right now, I'd probably pick up the re-release just to save a little money. So Bob_sauve, grab a PS3. It's a system I highly recommend. Which system do you have Hoss? Please tell me you're not an xbox fanboy! All kidding aside, I think both systems are great to have. Just depends on what type of games you're interested in.
Did not know that. In all seriousness, thanks for letting me know.
NHL 16 is not being made for the PS3 or 360. If you want NHL 16, you'll need to get a PS4 or Xbox One. You can pick up a PS3 or 360 and enjoy NHL 14 or 15. NHL 15 can still be played online, so it may be one you want to consider. Only drawback is you have nothing to look forward to next year. I highly recommend the PS4, but it's not cheap. Maybe wait for the holidays and get one on sale? Let me add the PS3 and 360 are great systems to have. Just depends on what games you're interested in.
Not going to disagree w/ this. Many share the philosophy of building from the net out. Right now the Sabres are hurting in goaltending, and losing Zadorov, has decent potential, could hurt Buffalo. I'll admit I'm not too familiar w/ what Buffalo has stocked in the system (prospects). Should start checking out the site sabresprospects more often. Unfortunately, if Murray does want O'Reilly he'll have to trade Zadorov or McCabe. Risto is off limits. Sakic has already mentioned they want a young defenseman. Appears as if Grigorenko, even if there wasn't chance of him jumping for the KHL, would not be of any interests to Colorado.
Umm....simply doing it for the fun of it. You need to get a grip. Your sir would have the most "thumbs down" if that was used on Sabrespace. Take a look at a number of your posts and responses by people on this board ever since you joined. You have no sense of respect and take things far too serious. If a person disagrees w/ an opinion you may have, you have this need to go off on them. Many, not all, of your posts have become rather humorous. And I do not mean that in a good way. As I already said, get a grip. Just trying to help you out. What a poster said to you in the "Making SabreSpace more friendly to new posters" thread sums it up perfectly. Post # 2,187
Yep, and of course there are already people saying the Blackhawks should not be considered a dynasty team. Some are saying you need at least 4. I'm calling bs on that one. Not taking anything away from the Islanders and Oilers, but it's a different era. Today there's a salary cap and more teams. In the early 80's, when the Islanders went on their run, there were only 21 teams. Let me stress I am not taking anything away from the Islanders and Oilers. Just stressing the NHL back then and the NHL today are two different eras. This Blackhawks team deserves to be known as a dynasty.
Because as they get old, you get old. Wait, that goes for me too. Crap, withdraw that comment. Yes, Kane has been quiet this series. He'll drop the hammer tonight. Hawks take it 3-2.
Want. This. Game. Post # 2,184
88 right now w/ it feeling like 100. Just ran 5 miles in it. That was a bad idea! :doh: This in Biloxi, MS. Humidity is through the roof! Post #2,183
This is a strong possibility. One has to consider what play me means. As in x amount of minutes in a game. Can't hold other players back because he wants top 6 minutes. I'm not saying go w/ Nolan's idea of having to earn ice time. Players do need minutes to develop, but maybe the Sabres have too many players. A trade may be the route to take. Grigorenko has worked w/ Roy before, and Roy always had positive things to say about him.
Here's where things get complicated and I'm sure someone has already mentioned it. W/ legitimate concerns Grigorenko may jump ship for the KHL, Colorado may pass on an offer involving him. Would you be pleased if Murray traded for a player that has interest in leaving the NHL? I wouldn't it. Has Grigorenko spoken w/ Malkin about all of this? He played for Disco Dan. May have an impact on his decision
EA will be releasing a trailer for NHL 16 today at E3. EA's conference is scheduled to start at 12:30. And here's a gameplay trailer for Fallout 4. If you want to get right to the world you'll explore, skip to 3:45 or so. Game has so much potential, and it's coming out in November! A number of gaming companies will be releasing info on the games they plan to release in 2015 or 2016 this week at a convention known as E3. For a gamer, this is an exciting time of the year. If you guys prefer it, I can post videos/updates as they are released. Unofficial word is out trailers for Zelda Wii U and Metroid U will not be released by Nintendo at E3. This is very disappointing because a teaser trailer for Zelda Wii U was released last year. Many felt the game would be nearing completion by now. Hopes were high it'd be released this fall or early 2016. Not looking like it's going to happen. Post #2,180
Just now having a chance to checkout the game. Crawford standing on his head tonight? Post# 2,179 And Chicago leads it 3 to 2! Happy w/ that.