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Everything posted by Radar

  1. Haven't there been several ex players to get GM positions without experience?
  2. This all can be summed up by saying this purge from Botterill on down was justified. Big worry is going forward are Pegula and company going to be competent enough to build it back.
  3. I think this very well happened. No problem with the moves overall. Still question ownership ability to get this right. Personally I wanted someone with experience but I'm willing to have this play out. Can't get much worst.
  4. I have hopes but I've had hopes crushed too many times to get at all excited. Hey, I was so excited when Pegula bought the team. Finally an owner with deep pockets!!! Turns out he may be the worst owner we've had as far as competence is concerned. I hope Adams is up to the job. I think he's a smart guy. Krueger I think in a greater role hopefully to help a inexperienced GM.
  5. Let's face it Pegulas have to look at results. You can be very lean and get the same results they ha e been getting. I'm not disturbed by the purge at all because it was throwing money at continued bad results. Improvement wasn't happening. What does disturb me is the owners seem to be dart throwers hoping to hit a bulls eye. Too much change with same negative results. Purge a bad system? Great. But I expected more experienced people to be handing the reigns to. Answer ? Reigns still in the hands of the Pegulas. That worries me as I see them the one constant in this futile decade of hockey.
  6. My only hope is that Krueger is now really more involved sort of assistant GM. I'm more troubled by ownership. This could be a copy cat of what they did with the Bills and hopefully works as it did with them. I guess you can't really get much worst than we've been.
  7. Fire them both. May be the most lost owners of a sports franchise they are totally incompetent.
  8. I'm totally on board..........sell the team Terry. Now we're entering a period of penny pinching combined with total incompetence.
  9. Frankly I was for JBott going but not to be replaced by someone with literally no experience. I'd feel better having kept JBott for another year. Hope I'm wrong. Oh, as far as ownership? I've just come over to the PA camp. Pegulas are totally lost. If this works out it won't be because of their expertise.
  10. Sad but I don't even care much anymore.
  11. Unfortunately a lot of that looting is people taking advantage of the situation. It's equally unfortunate that sometimes it seems that peaceful walking protests don't have much effect anymore. Peaceful protest over mass shootings were totally ineffective it seems. Catch twenty two. I do agree that violence ect. Is not acceptable. Boy, do I wish we had the leadership of a MLK. Leadership in our country is lacking. Actually I think the lack of leadership adds greatly to the frustration. In some instances adding to the fire.
  12. Yeah, but don't you think it's been far to long that there has been this injustice in our system and no doubt blacks being abused by police. Don't shoot me for saying this. I'm not black and my son is a police officer.
  13. Talent yes. Determination??????
  14. Is Botterill to blame. Yes but secondarily to the Pegulas . What's that saying about the buck stops here.
  15. Not at all surprised. I think this is a make or break season though.
  16. He's safe for another season I think . I've always believed he would be. I think this team would have to completely transform itself to save him beyond that. A year from now he'll be gone short of a miracle. Next year would have to be a solid playoff team and I don't see it.
  17. Although I was married and living in NY at the time I grew up on Cape Cod and Mr Orr was something to watch. One great talent.
  18. Amazing the teams they assembled with less funding. Now with the deep pockets most thought could take us up have had an opposite effect it seems. Money doesn't mean you don't need good management.
  19. Years ago I attended a church that was Calvinist teaching. I have the Institutes in my library. I then attended nondenominational full gospel (a term I never understood) churches for many years. I'm now back in the Catholic Church. Long story of how that came about. Calvin , in my opinion, went off the tracks particularly in his view of predestination. I can find a preponderance of Scripture to argue against it. Just my opinion of course.
  20. Truthfully my life hasn't changed all that much. Being retired and at home my wife and I do a lot of reading and our usual things. Do miss seeing the kids and grandkids and going to daily Mass though.
  21. As negative as this appears could there be the silver lining that their hiring practices have been bad and failed and they have seen the light? Let's hope so. What is surprising is the difference between the Bills and Sabres outwardly as far as results. My impression has been Terry was more into hockey than football. Frankly, I've lost a lot of interest in Buffalo sports. I find this forum more entertaining than the teams.?
  22. Best wishes and hope you get the position applied for.
  23. Haven't got it. When I do it's going to charity. One of the arguments about "stimulus money" is that it has little economic stimulus as most bank it or pay debts with it.
  24. Unfortunately in our country there seems very little sanity and rational discourse now.
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