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Everything posted by Radar

  1. Winning might eliminate the need for the position.
  2. No Kessel p!ease.
  3. His attitude is somewhat justified for sure. I'm as unhappy with the team's performance as anyone. I'm not particularly happy with the owners performance either. It with me isn't a personal agenda against a person or persons. I hope the team is successful and if that's under this owner of not I could care less. I think it matters to PA.
  4. Now that's something with no other ties I might consider.
  5. You make a good point but where we may not agree is that being a citizen and a fan are not the same in my eye. One for me is chosen entertainment the other really isn't but I get the point you're trying to make.
  6. You're not going to convince him. Nice try though. About to get my next slap by the mods here but they are here to crap on the team and it's owners. Not the trade or hockey.
  7. You only come here for that? Why a hockey forum? Sorry but that sounds like a pretty pathetic reason for being here. And you think that's fun?
  8. Serious question. Are you a Sabres fan? Just asking because you seem to really hate the organization. I'm not happy but if I had a total disdain for ownership and the organization I would not continue to follow them. I'm not a lover of the Pegulas but if I felt as you do about them and the organization I'd be out of here. Please don't take this personal.
  9. Miss you Flagg
  10. Have to be playoffs at minimum to be satisfied.
  11. What? Twelve for two years? Actually I think 7.5 .- 8.5 for seven years.
  12. Radar

    So #8

    Ted Nolan lived off it😀
  13. John C I agree with you to a large degree. I agreed with the Sabres overhaul of a bloated and inefficient organization. My only misgivings are it's been replaced by a lot of inexperience. That doesn't necessarily mean they will fail but it's still , in my mind , a misgiving. I believe Adams is a pretty sharp guy but I question ownership and it's hiring rationale at this point. Hopefully between Krueger and Adams they can assemble a team rather than just a bunch of individual pieces. I think bolstering our goaltending and upgrading our forwards is an obvious need.
  14. Do you deny what he said is true? I think what he said is true. The media and a large segment of the fan base is exactly what he described . Is there reason for negativity? Sure but that doesn't negate the truth of his comments.
  15. What tv coverage?
  16. I agree. Just in general principle free agency is a very expensive and risky adventure.
  17. Radar

    So #8

    Could be. I would hate to have to give that but quite sure that would be the ask maybe even more.
  18. Are you available? The reason I ask is that I'm not. I wouldn't want to do it. So I'm hesitant to critique someone who has volunteered to do it. Frankly I'm not all that unhappy the way the site is run. Unfortunately we all are effected by issues affecting every area of our lives. It's just a difficult time to keep a balance on things.
  19. As one who received a slap on the wrist (warning) once for a post I see no serious problems. Moving the posts to another forum is not muting a post, if that's what this is about. Would I have deemed it po!itical? No but could see it heading that way. Maybe hasty but not completely unreasonable.
  20. In my advanced years I'm more into having at least one afternoon game.
  21. Sad. Pretty much takes a big toll in my opinion on this site. I think we all need to handle our own convictions in a place that it's productive for what we're trying to accomplish. This isn't the place, in my opinion, this is a place to escape it for awhile. Hope they who have left whoever they are will return.
  22. The team Sabres fans love to hate but would love to have.
  23. You may be right but that's high price for a player many seem to want to get rid of. He could work out for us but I'm not convinced it takes our 8th plus for him..
  24. I honestly feel he's not worth the eighth pick.
  25. I would hope you wouldn't have to give a number eight choice in the deal. That alone in my mind is too much.
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